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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Yes, I hardly ever get anything stuck anymore. I am more careful though. I am a little afraid of what's going to happen with a new fill. I will find out Wed! I just hope it makes a huge difference in my weight loss!
  2. Oregondaisy

    My Doc Refuses To Give Fill

    I don't have a choice of doctors anyway. I live in the middle of nowhere, and people come from hundreds of miles away to go to my dr. He really is a good dr. I am sure I will get a fill this time, because I have lost zero this past month. I am going to tell him I am starving all the time, because I do get full fast, but I am hungry like an hour later.
  3. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Check the newspaper and see what's going on. There are usually things listed to do that sound like fun, with no eating involved. I wish I lived in a bigger area and had more available to me.
  4. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    There are a lot of things to do with dates that don't involve eating. You live in a big city where you have way more available to you. Do you like live theater? What about comedy clubs. I love going to comedy shows. Then, there are always movies. (no popcorn, lol) although pop corn seems to go down like I have no band.
  5. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I am excited to get another fill. I am where Chrispy was. I get full fast but I get hungry fast too. With the right fill, eyespy, if you make a certain amount of food, you won't be able to eat all of it. That's the whole thing with the band. You're supposed to get full on a small amount of food. You can't eat more. You can get a dialated pouch. If that happens, you have to go back on a liquid diet. I can tell if I over eat. My shoulder hurts! It's the weirdest thing. They say the band presses on the diaphram and it hurts in the shoulder. I have been warned that if that happens, I risk dialating my pouch. I am excited that I am going to meet the guy I have been talking with on the phone the past few days. We talked last night until 2am. We seem to have a lot in common. I am kind of worried though, because of the picture issue.I really couldn't tell what he looked like from that web cam. I have talked to men on the phone before, and then when I met them, there was zero chemistry. I don't expect to find a man that is gorgeous, but nerdy men don't appeal to me at all. That's the way it was with the guy who is still my friend that I met from yahoo personals. We talked on the phone for a few days, but when I met him, I was pretty disappointed. I went out with him several times, thinking about what it would be like to kiss him. The thought made me literally ill. I never thought that thing about chemistry was true, but it really is. Chrispy, how is it going with new man? Last we heard, you went out, but didn't get a good night kiss. Have you talked to him or seen him again?
  6. I am getting another fill on Wed. I haven't had anything get stuck in awhile and I get hungry really fast. I am curious how much I will end up with. I have 2.0 right now, and last time he tried to move me to 2.5 but I couldn't swallow the water he gave me, so he took the .5 out and I have been at 2.0 for a couple of months now. I have only lost 5 lbs in the last 2 months.
  7. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    She couldn't eat her dinner. She said that she tried to eat her lunch and only ate a couple of bites. She says she has heartburn all the time too. That's supposed to be one of the signs. Carlene, from other threads, had to have her band emptied for a month and let her stomach rest. She was having heartburn all the time.
  8. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    eyespy, a lot of it is pure dieting. You can't eat sweets and expect to lose. That's my biggest downfall. Ice cream goes down probably better than anything else. The things that don't work well with the band are french fries, rice, pasta and bread. They get stuck and it's painful. They say if you're a volume eater, the band is a good choice. The portions become so much smaller once you are banded. Some people aren't losing well for the same reasons they couldn't lose before banding. I am not losing well, but it's not from lack of trying. I eat small portions, and exercise. I think part of the problem is that my body was already used to a lot of exercise. I am getting another fill next week, and I am hoping that will help me lose again. I always seem to drop 5 lbs right after a fill. I hope I will keep losing this time. These plateaus are maddening! Chrispy! I have been talking on the phone with someone about 20 miles from here. I did post that picture on the fish website and he messaged me last night. We chatted on the computer for awhile and talked for long periods of time on the phone last night and today. He seems very nice. I can't tell what he looks like though. On his picture, he is standing in a shadow and you can't see his face. So he put his web cam on , and it was so fuzzy, I still could barely see what he looks like. It's been really fun though, having someone act like they are interested in me!!
  9. Oregondaisy

    Anyone in Oregon??

    I don't know how quickly he is getting people in these days, ms 925 .He makes you get a pshc eval. He has a lady on staff now that can do those. I have no idea what she charges. I went to someone I had been to before and she only charged me $75. If you have anyone local that you prefer, I would go to them. This lady comes to our support groups and nobody likes her. She has a very monotone voice and if I had anything I needed to get off my chest, she would be the last person I would tell it to her. She is not a warm fuzzy kind of person in my opinion. I would ck prices around where you live, and find out what she charges, to base your decision. I guess pretty much all WLS make people get those. He also makes you get some blood work. Again, if you have your regular doctor order what he wants, you might be able to get insurance to pay for it. I had to get an EKG, but that was done at his clinic and I think it was around $100. You might be able to get your insurance to pay for that too, if your regular doctor orders it. I had to work around my work schedule, so I first saw him in Oct. and wanted to have the surgery during Christmas break. So it worked out being 2 months from when I saw him first until I had surgery. I am sure you can schedule it right then with one of the nurses when you are finished with your first apointment. Feel free to ask me anything else I haven't answered. You will like everybody there. They are all great!
  10. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Okay, I took everyone's advice and put up a profile on plenty of fish. com I sent messages out to several men. I wonder if any of them will answer. Chrispy, I hope you don't mind. Our profiles sound the same for some reason. I am afraid I may have borrowed more than I planned from your profile. But I thought since we live at opposite ends of the US and I am not looking for anyone in their 30's , you would be flattered that I found your profile so great. eyespy, I need to look at yours again. I had Chrispy's saved in a word document. I can't help it. I can never think of anything to write.:biggrin1::biggrin1:
  11. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    It's been coming off slowly for me too. I started at 212 and I am at 180 now, 5 months later. The first 22 lbs I lost within the first 4 weeks while I was on the liquid diet. I am getting another fill on Wed. and I am really hoping that it's going to help and I will start losing again.
  12. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Why did you break up with him, Chrispy? I can't remember. Joan, I guess I am just not read to put up a profile yet. Plus every time I do searches, the men I am interested in live very far away. I would really hate to move and leave my kids. I was just thinking about that a little while ago. I was thinking about whether or not I would be willing to drive 2 hours one way if I found somone online where most of the guys seem to be. I think I would, but I don't think I would want to move. That means a long distance relationship. I don't think very many guys would want to move here either. I want to wait until I get more weight off. I will feel so much better about myself. I am getting a fill on Wed. and I hope the weight starts dropping again.
  13. Oregondaisy

    the girl pictured here at lapbandtalk.com

    mandy, how did you get rid of her? I am tired of looking at her!
  14. Oregondaisy

    Thread Killers

    Good grief! That's the ugliest, strangest thing I have ever seen! What is it anyway?
  15. Oregondaisy

    I can still eat???

    Susie, do you take any kind of HRT? Robin, his nurse, seems to think that's what is slowing down my weight loss. I do everything I am told to do and I exercise regularly. I am just hoping this next fill is going to help me start losing. I have only lost 10 lbs since I was off the liquid diet.
  16. Oregondaisy

    what I wish I had known/done presurgery

    I am sure everyone is different. I never had any gas pain. I never had any pain of any kind. I was out walking 3 dogs the day after surgery. When I came home from day surgery after getting banded, I was on lapband talk. I never used my pain medication. I don't know if it's because I had been exercising regularly and doing a lot of crunches or why I never had pain. The pain from a C section is about 1,000x more pain than I had. I had surgery on a fri and mon was a holiday and I went back to work on tues. I am sorry so many of you had so much pain!
  17. Oregondaisy

    I can still eat???

    That's so fabulous! I haven't lost anywhere close to that. How is it possible that you were banded a month before me and have lost 60 more lbs. He says it's because I am in my 50's and I started with a lower bmi. I would be so happy if I could lose 30 more lbs. !!
  18. Oregondaisy

    I live in squalor

    I am single and I use paper plates. There is no way I am going to mess up a bunch of dishes and I have a dishwasher. The only time I use it now is if I have someone over for dinner. That's pretty rare though. I love paper plates!
  19. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I know exactly what you mean, Kristen. I think dating is the best way to get your mind on something and someone else. I am glad you had fun!
  20. Oregondaisy

    December Bandsters

    Thanks Jaqui! I am getting a fill next week. I really hope this one is the one that makes me start to lose. I had dinner with a band friend last night. She's been banded for 4 years and I could tell she is too tight. I think people that want to be really tight are just asking for trouble.
  21. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Wow Janet! That's hard to believe that even with insurance, you still have to pay 9K. I paid 10K without insurance coverage. I bet you do have sleep apnea. that's considered one of the reasons to have the band and have it be medically necessary.
  22. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    karla, I see you have had quite a few fills. Maybe that's what will jump start my weight loss. I am so disappointed that I have only lost 30 lbs. But I have been afraid to get another fill. I am getting one next week though. I am very sure if I got the extra weight off, I would feel so much better about myself!
  23. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    eyespy, That is HORRIBLE! I would have told him to Mind His Own Business and stop butting into other people's conversations! I can't even believe that. I think your profile is very cute. It's very upbeat. Chripsy, Maybe he's just a genuine nice guy. How refreshing! Was that a hint that he wants you to ask him out? Maybe you should do that! Find something that's not too expensive and call him or email or whatever you do, and say hey I thought this sounded like fun. Do you want to go with me? I don't think he would have asked you out the 2nd time if he wasn't interested. Joan, I wish you could get your band sooner! Why is that we let men depress us. I am so guilty of the same thing. I have this underlying feeling deep down that I will never be happy without a man in my life. I may never have one, so I need to change my thinking!!!!!!!
  24. Oregondaisy

    Soy Crisps

    I love the BBQ flavored ones. The problem is wanting to eat the whole bag. They are right next to the rice cakes at Walmart.
  25. Oregondaisy

    Lap Band Cost/Area

    Dr. Tersingni in Coos Bay Oregon charges 10,000. How much would she save? The surgery comes with 3 fills.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
