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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Cblancha9 I doubt seriously if your band has slipped this early in the game. Slippage comes from repeated vomiting. The pain you are feeling is more than likely gas pain. They fill your body up with gas to do the surgery. Walking is the best way to get it moving. That and a heating pad will make you better.
  2. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Bummed, the best advice I can give you is to stay on the liquid diet as long as your doctor tells you to. It's very important for the band to heal on your stomach while it's NOT digesting food. I lost the most weight while I was on the liquid diet. I lost 22 lbs in 4 weeks. Sometimes I think I should go back on liquids!
  3. I was told the reason we are tighter in the morning is because of sleeping. In the morning, we are more dehydrated and the band has been laying flat all night. The fluid in our bodies plays a big part in the tightness and loseness of the band. That's why ladies feel a difference during that time of the month.
  4. That's pretty normal for someone that's newly banded. Try to stick with mainly protein and you won't be as hungry. Try to stay away from carbs. Digesting carbs causes hunger. You won't be as hungry when you get a good fill.
  5. Oregondaisy

    WHAT FOODS GETS STUCK or give you problems?

    Dumping is completely different than pbing. My daughter has the RNY (bypass) When she eats anything with sugar in it and sometimes things that have fat in them , she gets very sick. It dumps too much insulin into their systems and they get sweaty, light headed , dizzy, nauseous, and usually diarrehea People can ususally eat bread until they get a tight fill. When I had 2.0 in my band, I was able to eat a small hamburger with a bun. Now that I have 2.5 in there, I am having so much trouble eating, that I haven't even tried bread. I don't want to cause myself problems. So far, nothing has given me any trouble because I take tiny little bites, and chew until it's liquid. I had a quarter of an apple today, that got stuck for a little bit, but not bad. I didn't throw it up or have any slime. When something is stuck, it feels like a pain where your band is until it moves out of the band into the stomach. People with the bypass still pb too. by the way. They have dumping and pbing and sliming just like bansters. We just don't have the dumping syndrome.
  6. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    bummed, I haven't tried eating a lean cusine since I had my 3rd fill. I would imagine that I would be able to eat most of the meat, and a little bit of the veggies. I go to the gym and use all the cardio equipment. I am sure that I would lose nothing at all if I didn't exercise. That's just me though. I have a very slow metabolism. It stinks!
  7. Oregondaisy

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Marimaru, Your picture looks so cute! You have lost so much weight from that first picture! Photogirl, It takes several fills but then you won't be hungry. I was very discouraged until I got my 3rd fill which is 2.5 in the 4cc band. There are days I just don't feel like eating dinner so I just have a protein shake. I am not nearly as hungry as I was before this 3rd fill. I was getting really discouraged. A lot of people that can't exercise do water aerobics. Is that a possibilty for you?
  8. Oregondaisy

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Jc I am so glad you feel welcome here. We love having you here, that's for sure! I am trying to figure out which thread you felt unwelcome in. I have actually never seen you post anywhere else. I mainly post in the slow losers thread, and the over 50's thread. Then I check new posts and decide if I have anything to say. I get really tired of reading the ones that were just banded that don't want to follow their doctor's rules and eat before they are supposed to. Chrispy, I think that the new guy you have seen 3 times is going to end up being a nice relationship. I really hope so! You should really feel good about yourself that so many people are paying attention! Indigo Girl, I want details on that date!! How did you meet him, and how did it go?! I have been enjoying plenty of fish. I have been getting a lot of messages with other single women. That's okay with me. I need to get to know more single people. I am going to have lunch with one of them tomorrow. They are planning a get together the first weekend in August for Oregon Plent of fish singles that want to go. It really sounds like fun. Well that's all that's new with me!
  9. Do a search on the top. I think it's called how is weight loss for people over 50. I wish I knew how to do a link but I am very computer iliterate.
  10. Oregondaisy

    WHAT FOODS GETS STUCK or give you problems?

    Pb stands for productive burp. Basically, it's just a polite way of saying puking. Sometimes it is like a burp, but food comes with it. Sometimes, it's regular heaving like you have the stomach flu or something.
  11. Oregondaisy

    Exercise frequency

    I started exercising way before I got my band, in my last attempt to lose weight. I found I can't live without it. I go to the gym and switch my cardio around depending on what I feel like doing. Sometimes it's 20 min on the eliptical, 20 min on the stair stepper and 20 min on the treadmill alternating between power walking and jogging. Sometimes I just do 45 min on the eliptical changing the resistance up and down. I read in the body for life book to do one min. intervals each at a different resistance. Sometimes I do a class that uses weights and aerobicss. I also do a weight routine with all the different weight machines. I haven't figured out yet how to use the free weights. My gym is horrible as far as having trainers available. I do all of this 6 days per week. It hasn't seemed to help my weight loss at all. I have a really sucky metabolism.My resting metobolic test proved to my dr. that I have an extremely low metabolism. Even since my last fill where my portions have been dramatically reduced, I haven't lost anything lately. Usually I will go a month and then drop a few. I can only imagine where I would be though, without exercise.
  12. Oregondaisy


    Hey you stole my name!! I don't have any trouble with salad. I usually make mine with spinach leaves though. I can't eat very much of it, since my fill. I gave up iceberg lettuce years ago, but I have never had any trouble with any type of salad greens. I use Walmart's fat free Italian dressing and it's only 10 calories for 2 Tablespoons. It's pretty good.
  13. Oregondaisy

    Thread Killers

    I have been wondering if this thread is going to die. We have had a lot of people lately asking why they can't eat solids so many days post op. I always think about this thred when I read that. Good luck with your cake, Edie!
  14. Oregondaisy

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Not every doctor requires a preop diet, especially if you have a lower BMI. I didn't have to do one at all. I was 212 on my surgery day, and I am 5'2" too. I ate everything I could think of right before surgery. It was the 4 weeks on liquids after surgery that was really hard. Most people think it's for weight loss but it's not. It's to heal the band on your stomach. The stomach needs to not be digesting food while it's healing. People think "oh that went down just fine so it must be okay" but that's not the case. I was told that if it didn't heal right in the beginning, I would be risking problems years from now, and I was too afraid of that.
  15. You haven't been banded that long. Give it time. Join us in the over 50 thread. Some people have a harder time losing in their 50's than some of the younger people. Are you exercising?
  16. Oregondaisy

    Well, I did it.

    Now I have to go over there and read what happened. Will the whole thing be deleted now that you deleted your account? Did you post with the same name? I hardly ever go there because I hate the format. The only reason I ever go there is because the girl that was banded the same day I was by my doctor goes there. I have to click on my friend's list (which I only have 3) to read her blog.
  17. Oregondaisy

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Congratulations Janet! Boy they are really making you get a lot of tests. I had to have the psych eval and an EKG but nothing else. I have known the shrink I went to for years. She counseled my kids when their dad died. We basically just bsed for an hour and said I would have no problem. I hope you breeze through all the tests and are in bandland on the 17th!! Denise
  18. Oregondaisy

    anyone here over 50?

    Join us in the over 50 thread!
  19. Oregondaisy

    Hair Loss??

    I take Biotin and all the supplements they told me to be sure to take to avoid hair loss. I was told it would happen between 4-5 months and that's exactly when it started. I have really thick hair too, but it still bothers me. I hope it stops soon. I have been careful about my Protein up until now when it's been a lot harder to eat. Since my 3rd fill, it's much more difficult to get that protein in. I do drink a protein shake every day. I am going to order some of the Ungury unflavored protein to put in my food. I really do think it's the anesthesia.
  20. I have left shoulder pain off an on. It's there right after a fill. Sometimes it's there in the morning and gone by afternoon. I have heard with some bansters, it's chronic. If you are getting it after eating, I have heard you are stuffing your pouch too full. That's something to be careful of. I heard that from some very experienced bandsters.
  21. Oregondaisy

    Not losing...

    Welcome to bandland. food getting stuck means you are not chewing enough. You need to take tiny little bites, and chew until it's liquid. I had to wait to get my third fill until I learned to chew enough. Having food get stuck is painful! As far as not losing, if you stick to mainly Protein, and don't eat the carbs, that should help. I lost a lot during my first 4 weeks while I was on the liquid diet, but since then it's been slow going. I have a very slow metabolism, but most people start to lose as they have more fills.
  22. Oregondaisy

    if anyone can relate please help me....

    Make sure you stay unfilled. Look for the pictures of what a slipped band looks like from a post that Dr. Curry or is it Currie posted. That picture was enough to make me stay on liquids after a pb.
  23. Oregondaisy

    How is recovery?

    I never had any gas pain. I never had any pain at all. I had my surgery on a fri. and mon. was a holiday. I went back to work on tues. Everyone is different, but I can tell you I had 2 C sections, and you can't even compare the two. There was so much pain from my incision with a C section, and I wouldn't have even known I had surgery with the band, other than I had the little marks on my tummy.
  24. Oregondaisy

    Question About Travelling for Surgery

    If you are in Southern Oregon, you are where I am. Dr. Tersigni in Coos Bay charges $10,000.00 That's almost as cheap as Mexico, and he is a fabulous dr. Where do you live?
  25. Oregondaisy

    Definition of *sweet spot* from seasoned banders

    I have only had my band 6 months, but I can tell you my last fill has made a huge difference. I get full really fast. I don't get hungry for hours. I don't have room for anything I am not supposed to have. If I wanted to eat something off limits right now, I would have to not eat my Protein. I don't want to do that because my hair has started falling out. I heard that hair loss is from lack of protein, and possible other reasons. I guess what I am trying to say is right now I don't have any room for any empty calories.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
