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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?

    I've got the chat window open if anyone wants to talk!
  2. There are people who like to spend time on the computer live chatting, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. I begged Alex to put the chat button where people could see it and maybe we could get chat going again. We used to have a green button down on the right corner where you could see if people were in chat, sort of what they have on facebook or facebook messenger. The server is different now, which I assume is the reason the chat is completely different. You never know if anyone is in there. i thought we could pick a day . I'd go with Monday. People are always trying to get back on track after the weekend. We have to remember time changes. I can usually look early on Mondays, like 5 pm which would be 8 pm on the east coast. I am not usually fond of day time chatting, but I could work with it. We don't even have to talk about weight loss, sleeve or anything in particular. We could just shoot the breeze like "how was your day?" type stuff. I know there are people who used to chat in yahoo chat rooms, or aol chat rooms, so maybe there are others like me that like to chat with their online friends. What do you think?
  3. Oregondaisy


    Doesn't anyone want to talk to me?
  4. Oregondaisy


  5. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?

    I'm going to put the chat window up tomorrow probably around 4 pacific. I will put a note out that I'm in the chat room. Hopefully , it won't get covered up quickly. A lot of people click on new posts.
  6. I'm back on the wagon again. I had a couple of months where I was just trying to accept my new weight. Saturday night I wanted to go out. I couldn't find anything to fit me! Every top I tried on was tight across the stomach area. I have a huge muffin top that hangs over my jeans. It's bad enough that none of my pants fit and I had to go buy new pants. I am not about to replace all the clothes in my closet with bigger sizes. I am going to stay on track. I did well on the 5:2 and I will probably follow some of the rules which is not to eat anything after dinner. That diet stopped my grazing and I lost 20 lbs pretty easily, until I fell off the wagon and started eating anything I wanted.
  7. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Not me! I ended up breaking up with Mike. He has these panic attacks that cause him to completely shut down. He had one at my daughter's house and went and sat in the car until she came home. We were watching the kids and she was having surgery. He had another one at Walmart. We made our shopping list and he never mentioned a word about Walmart causing anxiety for him. We got to walmart and he would not go in. He sat in the McDonalds which is in the front of walmart and waited while I got my prescription. Then I had to drive him home. I knew he couldn't be around my house while my kids from Portland were staying with me. It was just too hectic for him, so he went home. After my kids left, we had a long talk (on the phone) and I told him we aren't a good match. I am very social and he is a hermit. All his physical problems and refusal to go to the doctor were just too much for me. I have hardly eaten anything the past few days. I am really trying to lose weight now. i went to the doctor and had a cat scan and the doctor told me my fusion is not taking. I am supposed to grow bone where it's fused and I'm not. I'm supposed to get a shot tomorrow. I'm very upset that my fusion is doing so poorly.
  8. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?

    okay it looks like we have quite a few people who want to chat now. I will open up the chat window Tuesday at 5pm pacific time. that would be 8 pm East coast time. I'm happy. I used to love chatting with other WLS people, but for some reason, the chat button got hidden and people didn't even know it existed.
  9. Oregondaisy

    Does VSG typically increase heartburn

    I am 7 years out from my sleeve surgery and I have just now started to have unbearable heartburn. It's really painful. I take Gavascon liquid quite frequently, tums as well. I take Nexium right now, but I've found if I switch between nexium and Protonix, it seems to work better. I was taking Protoinix and it quit working. then I switched to Nexium which worked for awhile. It stopped working so I went back to Protonix. Again it worked for awhile, and now I am back on Nexium. I don't know what I'll do if it gets worse bc I don't have the money to pay for a revision to bypass. My ins. would not cover it.
  10. Oregondaisy

    How to make protein taste better ?

    in the food forum, there are recipes to make Protein drinks better. There are also websites where you can order samples so you don't have to buy a lot of something you don't like.
  11. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I like Mike a lot. We had a great past few days. I stayed at his house so we could take the boat out. Boating was really fun. One day we took it to a lake where we had the whole lake to ourselves, since all the kids have gone back to school. One of the things that bothers me is he needs to see a doctor and he refuses to get set up to see one. He hasn't been to a doctor for years but has been hospitalized 3 times for pancreatitis. Each time, he was in the hospital for several weeks. He has blood sugar problems which cause a variety of other problems. Cathy Cuba sounds amazing. I would love to go where the Water and weather was warm. My weight drives me crazy. I can't seem to lose anything. I saw a dr. last week for my annual check up, and she told me Gabapentin causes weight gain. I've been trying to find this out for months. I think it's what's keeping me from being able to lose. I really would not be able to sleep without it.
  12. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Glad you're back Cathy. I hope you had a fabulous time. I am going to Mike's house to go boating. We are going to take the boat from one coastal town to the next, have lunch then boat back to where the truck is parked . It should be fun. I really like this guy but I don't know how long I'll be able to tolerate the things that bother me about him. I know nobody's perfect and he does treat me like a princess. There are just some things that make me not want to give myself much to this relationship. I'll see if he manages to correct some of the things I pointed out to him. I'm bummed that i gained a lb and 1/2 just from eating food. I did Protein Shakes until I lost what I gained in chicago, and yesterday I didn't eat anything off track and gained 1 1/2 lbs. I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to lose at all since I can't exercise the way my back has been hurting. Kim, did you and hubby every take anymore motorcycle rides? I am so glad you're posting here again! Hope everyone is doing great !
  13. Oregondaisy

    Psych evaluation. Fail

    I think if you're getting counseling and taking anti depressants, you should get approved. Just don't tell the person doing the physc eval that whenever you're depressed, you go to dairy queen, or eat a pizza. Tell them you're learning to deal with stress by exercising more. Exercise really helps with stress. Those endorphins that are released when you exercise make you feel really good.
  14. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I'm having a lot of trouble with arthritis too. I have it really bad in my food and my cortisone shot is just now starting to wear off. It lasted months. I almost forgot how painful it is. Taking PPIs is really bad for the bones but my acid reflux would not be tolerable without them. I am going to try taking zantac an acid reducer instead of an acid blocker and see how bad my acid is because those don't hurt the bones the way PPIs do. I know the problems in my back are caused by arthritis and my fingers look terrible. There are big bumps on all my knuckles. Mike and I are getting along great!
  15. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    So good to hear from you Kim! I am in the same boat as far as trying to keep the weight off and even lose the weight I've gained. It's hard. There is food everywhere and I have no willpower. Please don't disappear. Even if you only have time to write a few lines, let us know how it's going. We're in this together. I can't handle the newbies worried about stalls or gaining 5 lbs. now where is Sheryl?
  16. I'm 7 years out and my sleeve works just fine. I've not gained my weight back but I make careful choices. If you expect the sleeve to do all the work ( and it might, the first year) you will gain weight back. The sleeve restricts portions. It does not stop us from putting candy, cake, pie, ice cream, cake, french fries, chips, etc into out mouths.
  17. Oregondaisy

    How to Change your Mind....

    You lost your weight really quickly. Your mind has not had a chance to catch up with the fact that you are not fat anymore. Just be nice to yourself. I'm sure you need new clothes. Have fun trying on all sorts of stuff in your size in a bunch of stores. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you deserve to have a healthy body and you've worked hard to get it. Stay away from negative people.Anyone that brings you down, needs to slowly be removed from your life. it does help to have affirmations up in your house or to carry in your purse. Put whatever you want on them. "I am a kind and loving person and I deserve to be happy"
  18. Oregondaisy

    Things that make me fart.

    Beano really does not work. Neither do the gas strips or pills. They will get rid of cramps when you have gas trapped in your belly , but you'll still fart plenty.
  19. Oregondaisy

    Years out.... anyone else?

    You should have some blood work done. You could be deficient in something and one sign of blood sugar being wonkers is thirst. How long has it been since you've had your Calcium, vit D, vit b12 and Iron levels checked?
  20. I am dating someone new and I told him pretty early on. We were eating together often and if I didn't tell him, he would have thought I didn't like his cooking. He's fine with it. He's got extra skin himself cause he lost a lot of weight when he retired and wasn't sitting all day.
  21. Oregondaisy

    Changes after hair loss

    I've always had really thick straight hair all of my life. When had band surgery, I lost half my hair. It kept falling out so I checked and I was anemic. Anemia can also cause hair loss. so I started taking Iron and then 2 1/2 years later, had the sleeve, and again, I lost half my hair. This time, it did grow back curly. I love it. It's still much thinner than it's every been and there are new hairs growing in all the time, so I have a lot of frizz. I've learned which products help the curl stay in and which one I need to tame the firzzies down. I love it when it's curly and has a lot of body but it's still way thinner than it's ever been in my life. I still take a multi Vitamin and Biotin and iron, and I hope it gets thicker again over time.
  22. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to chat?

    I've been having trouble coming up with a day when I know consistently that I'll be home each week. In the past, I've put up a post in the general sleeve discussion that I have the chat widow open. Feel free if I'm not around to just put a post saying you'd like to chat, either in the lounge or general sleeve discussion. There used to be a door bell sound so you knew if someone clicked on the chat button to come in and chat .
  23. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to chat?

    Does anyone what to chat? The chat button is under patients above. If you click on patients, a drop down menu comes down and you have the chat button. We had quite a bit of activity in there yesterday! Come in and say Hi!
  24. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?

    I've been having trouble coming up with a day when I know consistently that I'll be home each week. In the past, I've put up a post in the general sleeve discussion that I have the chat widow open. Feel free if I'm not around to just put a post saying you'd like to chat, either in the lounge or general sleeve discussion. There used to be a door bell sound so you knew if someone clicked on the chat button.
  25. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    I haven't been posting much because I finally met someone I really like. His name is Mike and he's 10 years younger than me. He sent me a message from POF and I would have never contacted him because of the age difference. We've been spending most of our time together. We get a long really well and he cracks me up laughing all the time. How are things with your beau Sheryl? I am going to have to get one of those instant pots. I am probably going to be doing a lot more cooking now that I have someone to cook for. I wonder what happened to Kim!!

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