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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Oregondaisy

  1. Oregondaisy

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    Can someone fill me in on what happened here? I didn't sign in for a long time when I broke my back and eventually had surgery. I came back and the whole site is different, and not necessarily better. I heard a lot of the vets left and I don't know why. There were a lot of us who liked to keep in touch. Now I have no way to reach any of my online friends. I really miss Cowgirl Jane. Can anyone explain what the heck happened to everyone? I Know it's difficult when a lot of the forums have all the wls surgeries mixed together. RNY, Band and sleeve don't have much in common other than we are thinner.
  2. Oregondaisy

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    Yes, I need to start working out. I need to strengthen my core. So, I have to start doing exercises at home. I know how to exercise, I just preferred to do it at the gym. It doesn't make sense for me to join the gym again when there's so many of the machines I can't use. My back surgery caused me to lose my appetite for a long time so I did lose my regain and that's a really good thing!
  3. Oregondaisy

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    I am okay. I will never be the same. There is a big hole in my spine where the infection that was caused by the crumbled discs. I had to give myself IV antibiotics for 8 weeks and I am now on oral antibiotics for 6 months. I hate them. It's painful to walk, let alone work out. I loved working out and doing my exercises with weights. I am a lot flabbier than I was cause I lost a lot of muscle.
  4. Oregondaisy

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    I've been gone because in October I fell and broke my back. It took me til January to go to the doctor and my then he said I was in critical condition and they took me by ambulance to the best hospital in the state, 200 miles away. I wasn't on my computer for months.
  5. Oregondaisy

    Back for support - nearly 7 years sleeved!

    I have been hungrier than usual. I never had hunger pangs since surgery but I do get them now. I never know what to eat. Nothings sounds good. I haven't had a protein shake since I got home from the hospital but I think I'm going to try to do a few days of mainly shakes. I am starting to gain again. I can't exercise at all. I see the surgeon this week. I can't wait to see the xrays. I want to know what's going on. I had a hole in my back because when I fell I broke L3 and it was just in crumbled up pieces so they had to take it out. Hang in there. I know exactly what it feels like to not have your clothes fit.
  6. Oregondaisy

    Back for support - nearly 7 years sleeved!

    Coops it's so common to regain about that much after 5 years post op. I had gained 15 lbs but I had emergency back surgery and i was in the hospital and a rehab center for a long time. The food was awful and I lost 20 lbs. There were days I didn't eat anything at all.
  7. Oregondaisy


    I didn't have big boobs to begin with. I was a B cup . Now an A cup is too big for me. I have no boobs. I am completely flat.
  8. Oregondaisy

    Feeling Your Sleeve 7 Years Later

    In a couple of weeks, I will be 8 years out. I can't feel my sleeve. I still get full really fast. If I eat meat, I am full for hours.
  9. My biggest dilemma is that I have to take medicine in the morning. I don't want to eat until around 11 am because I like to have a late night snack of 100 calorie pack of cocoa dusted almonds. I've been putting off taking my medicine but the one I can't put off is an anti biotic. I guess I can share this ,lol. I have to take an antibiotic before have sex or I will get a UTI.I have to take it with food. I guess half of a Greek Yogurt would be 50 calories. I need to look up string cheese and baby bell light. How about you? Is the 5:2 plan working with your life? I also don't like working out with my trainer on an empty stomach. Will this not work if you have 11 hours in between instead of 12? There must be some reason you have to have 12 hours off.
  10. Oregondaisy

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Yes the fusion was back surgery. My spine is really messed up. I had epidual shots in my back about a week ago which were 2500.00. My daughter paid it out of pocket and I have to pay her back. The shots made one thing better and the rest it made much worse. . I'm in a lot of pain and yesterday I went to the ER because I could not take another minute of it. Chimera I am so glad to see you posting! I check all the time so please don't stop posting. You're lucky to have found a good bariatric surgeon who can fix your sleeve. I have awful acid reflux but WLS is not covered on my ins so I have to pay anything having to do with it out of pocket.
  11. Oregondaisy

    No longer answering these questions:

    I read some article that said banana have all sorts of nutrients and Fiber so I started putting half of a frozen banana in my chocolate Protein shake.. I have a hard time with it because I've always thought they had too many carbs and nothing else to show for it.
  12. I did the 5:2 diet fasting only on Mon. and Thurs. but I find I just don't have the willpower to fast all day and all evening. I am trying to get the re- gain off but nothing helps. I am still battling but it's much harder now. In the beginning, if I messed up, I could get it off really easily. That all changed at about 3 years. I gained a few lbs. from going to a family reunion and I was really good for weeks and it did not help.The 3 or 4 lbs just stayed there. Then I went somewhere else, and it happened again. I gained 3 lbs cause I don't have a lot of willpower plus I still have not lost the 4 lbs. from before. I have to really watch what I eat and it doesn't help at all that I have severe back problems and can barely walk let alone go work out like I did for 10 years.
  13. Oregondaisy

    Can men and women stay friends?

    Did you ever see the movie "When Harry Met Sally" In the beginning of the movie he says men and women can't stay friends, because they will always end up in bed. I have this guy friend who wants to be more than friends. I just see nothing but red flags with him as far as relationship material. As far as a friend goes, I value his friendship and hate to lose it. He told me the other night that by us staying friends, I am just teasing him. I asked him if wanted to stop hanging out, and he said no. I've gotten to the point now though that I've realized I can't be alone because he will always start with the touchy-feely stuff and start asking me why I won't at least '"give us a try" Things are fine if we are out with a group of friends. We have friends in common. To complicate things, he is my go to person for problems (which come up often) with my rental or my house. He will fix things on my rental much cheaper than anyone. The other handymen or contractors will charge almost triple what he will charge me. Right now there's a problem with the roof, and I really can't afford anyone else. I don't understand how things changed for him. He's always come to me for dating advice in the past before he talks things over when he's having a problem with the person he's seeing. I want to keep this friendship but it's getting harder all the time.
  14. Oregondaisy

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    I agree with Cowgirl Jane. I wasted a bunch of time on this guy and he was very nice and treated me like a queen. Then all of his weirdness came out. He wouldn't shop in any store other than costco. It was a phobia of his. Then I learned about a bunch more phobias which were all completely nuts, and I had to end it. I wasted my entire summer, thinking they were one time issues, until finally realized he wasn't "different." He was crazy.
  15. I couldn't have possibly had an easier time of it. I never took any pain meds. I spent most of my days walking around the hospital, outside Mexicali. I never felt afraid of the people around the hospital. They were all very friendly. Some asked my name and remembered it to say "Hi" the next time they saw me. These were Mexicali residents, not people employed at the hospital . I was worried like you, that things were too easy. I could drink every single thing they brought me, without trouble. Once you move to solids, it will be a different story. Just don't take that last bite when you feel full. It's very painful.
  16. Oregondaisy

    PPI questions

    yes you do need them because acid DOES mimic hunger pangs. I would try Zantac first before a PPI. Zantac is acid reducer. PPIs are acid blockers. It turns out we need some acid. Read up on PPIs, They are not good for you. .They ruin your bones. I have a lot of problems because of taking them for years.. They are very hard to get off of. The acid becomes very painful.
  17. I was just wondering where you live in Southern Oregon. I live in southern Oregon , too. We have a great bariatric team here, but I went to Mexicali 7 years ago. The price was 3,000 cheaper, plus I liked that I would be in the hospital for 3 days. I didn't need to be, but I thought I'd rather be safe than sorry. I went alone. I had no trouble being alone. I flew to the San Diego airport and they took care of the rest .I LOVED being in Mexico. Every day I went for a nice long walk outside . The weather was gorgeous and freezing cold at home.
  18. Oregondaisy

    No longer answering these questions:

    PM me. I'm happy to answer anything I can. I don't think there is anyone on this board who has been posting longer than me. I was here the day it started.
  19. Oregondaisy

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    my incontinence got way better after surgery. It was gone for 9 years but it's starting to come back if I cough or sneeze. I'll be 64 on the 25th of this month.
  20. Oregondaisy

    No longer answering these questions:

    I'm 7 years post sleeve . You can always send me a PM. I tend to stay away from the general sleeve discussion and now read rants and raves, the lounge, the powder room etc because of the same reason. I can't read the same question that I've been reading for 7 years.
  21. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to chat?

    Look up above where it says New Content. Right next to it, it says chat. click on that. You would have to tell me what day and time you want to talk. there used to be a list in the right corner of who was online and if they were open to chat, kinda like fb messenger.
  22. Oregondaisy

    Does anyone want to chat?

    Hi everyone! I am opening up the chat window in hopes that somebody wants to talk. We can talk about our surgeries, our relationships, or anything you feel like talking about. It's doesn't have to be all about Weight Loss. We can talk openly about anything!
  23. Oregondaisy


    Hi everyone! I am opening up the chat window in hopes that somebody wants to talk. We can talk about our surgeries, our relationships, or anything you feel like talking about. It's doesn't have to be all about Weight Loss. We can talk openly about anything!
  24. Oregondaisy


  25. Oregondaisy


    I don't have any questions. I have been sleeved for 7 years

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