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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 23&LQQKIN2bThin

  1. My doctor went into an urgent care office so I needed a new PCP I started my first month today. He seemed almost irritated that I was needing him just to sign off once a month. I showed him my paperwork and he said that was fine but we would only actually see me every other month, the other months a nurse would take my numbers. Is that ok? Do i just need his signature or what? I am kinda confused:huh2:, i thought the dr would know what to do?? What has your experience been? What did you go over every month?
  2. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    No Support from Husband

    You said you were getting ready to go to a seminar. i would offer if he wants to come. I have found a lot of people say that the men were against it until they finally found out what it really was all about. If he doesn't don't push but just know that you will have to work at it just as you have to work at a marriage before band. . . just another screw thrown in. Also as you lose weight my (required for my band)therapist said that I should be very open minded to therapy if we come upon issues because she said while losing the weight a lot of new things will come up from childhood, re-defining yourself and ect. If you are religious I recommend a book called Love and respect by Eggesrich. It is based from the words of the bible and explains sooo simply how we are different and basically how to do things so that you get what you want as well as him. I am so much more relaxed in my marriage and enjoy our differences now. Good Luck!!
  3. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Is there any insurance that covers

    Lots in insurance companies cover it BUT the problem is the company that you work for has an elective packet. they can choose. So it isn't based on insurance, it is if the company has elected it as a benefit. Good Luck.
  4. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Hey...another new one :)

    Welcome!! They had a survey on here somewhere and actually most people would gain weight on purpose to hit the 40 bmi. I was surprised but i am way over that so I haven't had that issue. You definitely need a different doctor!! Mine have never been anything less than supportive. He did want me to try on my own again just because I am young and I failed so he has given me the go ahead.. . They should never say anything rude! :thumbup:
  5. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    I am so going to miss...

    Maybe you could try egg beaters. . . I personally love them especially the southwest. Easy to make in the morning.
  6. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Vegas-April 2008

    From the album: Before Photos

  7. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Before Photos

    These are all pics of me from 2008-2010 I will be banded 4-2011
  8. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Vegas-April 2008

    From the album: Before Photos

  9. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Chris and I in Vegas- April 2008

    From the album: Before Photos

  10. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Me in vegas n honey moon- April 2008

    From the album: Before Photos

  11. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Me in Michigan- August 2009

    From the album: Before Photos

  12. I am going through KU and wondered if anyone else had any experience with them?? negative or positive?
  13. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Ok WOW, CigNo cont'd

    Kansas University only uses lap band and they are a center for distinction. The new lap band has sections so it is like little pillows on the inside that grips better and less chance of slippage.
  14. Okay I am still 6 months out from surgery but saw the nutritionist and psychologist already. The psychologist was easy but said that since I knew what changes needed to be made when I became banded I should start practicing them now. I know I can diet and lose weight especially going to weigh in at the drs the first 3-4 months I will lose then gain it back slowly. My question is should I make all those drastic changes and start losing weight or if I lose a certain amount will insurance say, "hey she is fine on her own." I know %100 I can't do it on my own as a forever solution. I need a little help, I need the band to lose and keep it off. (Btw I weigh 360 and am 5'7'')
  15. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    advice from psych. . should i??

    Ok, Thanks!! I wasn't sure if it would make a difference in the outcome. Thanks! Guess i am off to buy some new work out dvds
  16. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Seminar Questions

    They pretty much spell out the basics. I didn't ask anything but I definitely ask questions here. I find this place much easier to get answers because they have been through it!
  17. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Psych eval

    I am back and with I think good results!! They psychologist was a young woman and it was basically her going over all the questions that were already on paper. She told me since I knew what I needed to change after surgery to start practicing now to get used to making meals separate from hubby in the beginning, start walking, measuring food and so on. . I guess now I just need my two support group meetings, finish my 6 months, and consult by surgeon. :frown:
  18. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Psych eval

    :frown: I have my Psych appointment tomorrow bright and early I will report back here during the children's nap time!! Wish me luck!!
  19. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Newbie (california) with lots of ????

    My insurance does everything through a center of distinction. I went there for a seminar and found everything I needed. Good Luck
  20. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Letter of Medical Necessity

    Would love to get a copy also!! Thanks guys!! Masters_nichole@yahoo.com
  21. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    So hard to get the protein!

    I am assuming you are on the pureed foods?? My nutritionist suggested some tuna, little mayo and whatever you prefer, relish, or whatever then blend it smooth. Also try a different Protein drink because the ones i have tried weren't. Maybe try SF carnation I heard those were the best. Good Luck!!
  22. I have my psych evaluation this coming friday and after looking through all the questions I am really nervous. I marked a few about sleeping through the night because I don't and I know this may be TMI but it isn't because I cant sleep I just always wake up at least twice to pee. . . Do i need to note this on the quiz?? I just don't wanna go white out my answers and be obvious lol. I don't want to do a sleep study to find out i pee alot :thumbup:
  23. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Psych eval/sleeping

    Thanks! I am just worried something I say or do will be misunderstood it seems like a 1 hr appointment and some BROAD questions are not enough to know me. I am just a nervous wreck about this appointment. . . everything else is simple.
  24. I am a very far 6 months out pre op BUT I have sen a lot of people here who have had band erosion or their reasons to have the band removed and then be re-banded? Did insurance cover the re-banding? How did the process go? Whatever info you can share would be great i am just trying to be as educated about the entire thing as possible. Thanks!!:thumbup:
  25. 23&LQQKIN2bThin

    Re-Banding Question. . .

    Okay, sounds like I shouldn't even worry at all . . THANKS!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
