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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JaGo

  1. I'm from Chicago and had my surgery at Mercy Hospital. I believe they do take Medicaid. Try contacting their Lapband Clinic on 2600 S. Michigan (312) 567-2263. Sometimes it takes them a while to answer the phone or get back to you, but keep trying.
  2. JaGo

    HUNGRY after 1st fill

    I had my first 2.5cc fill (10c band) on Jan 13 and yes, being on the liquids made me hungrier than ever too, but it is settling down a bit more. I am making sure that I get my Protein in first, then a good amount of veggies second. After about 20-30 minutes, I drink Water and the full feeling arrives and lasts a few hours. I'm still learning this way and some days are trial and error. I find myself going back to my original instructions from the nutritionist about what to eat and how much, and it helps. Protein is the first priority. Be patient with yourself and get past the liquid phase and hopefully, you'll be on the road to a fuller feeling soon. Just make sure you're eating and doing the right things. I'm always being told not to be so hard on myself. Check back in a couple of days and let us know how things are going with you, okay? We're in this together.
  3. JaGo

    pain in chest after eating

    In answer to your question, there were no instructions prior to the fill. Since it was an early morning appt, I just took it upon myself to not eat until afterwards; not knowing what to expect. Than afterwards, just slowing sipped hot broth for 2 days. I'm still trying to determine if the fill made a difference, I think it may have, but not quite sure. I am trying to eat properly and allow the fill to work. Did you notice any difference after any of your fills? This was my first, and I understand that it may take a few fills before it get's "just right."
  4. JaGo

    pain in chest after eating

    I had my first fill of 2.5cc in a 10c band on Jan 13. My instructions were to be on CLEAR liquid broth for 2 days and then on the evening of the second day go with a protein shake. I sipped my liquids slow so that I wouldn't have that pain. Had eggs the next morning and was fine. The thing is (at all times) we should eat slowly or that can happen. Overeating can definitely cause that pain as well because the food needs to go down slowly and it can't if it's being stuffed.
  5. JaGo

    Are you open about your band?

    I initially started out being quiet about it because I wanted it to be a personal quest and didn't want to be scrunitized or folks watching to see if I'm eating what they think are the proper things. I also didn't want a lot of questions, especially on the job. I'm friendly with folks, but my personal business is just that...personal. However, the news got out on the job, mixed with untruths so I explained the band in an email. My son works for another part of our organization and he took off work to be with me the day of surgery. When he told his boss why he wanted off, his boss mentioned to my boss that I was in the hospital, which made her worry that I had a stroke or something. After asking several of my coworkers if they knew I was in the hospital, I felt the need to set the record straight as to why. I even invited their questions. I told my children and sisters only a week before surgery. If I had it all to do over, I still wouldn't have share it at work. I guess I'm just a very private person. 2 weeks ago, I had a bad case of the flu, and found out later that some folks were speculating that I was sick due to the band - incidents like this validate my reasons for not wanting people to know because they jump to conclusions. Though people mean well, I now have a coworker making suggestions to me of what she thinks I should be keeping a record of. This is precisely why I wanted it to be private. I don't regret the band, I only regret folks knowing about it. If these folks were real supporters it would be different. I am very proud of my decision and 2 close friends that are supporting me!
  6. Does anyone know of a good support group in Chicago? One of the selling points that helped me with my final decision to have the surgery was the promise of ongoing support which is very important to me. I went to my first meeting on Tuesday, Jan 4, and was so disappointed. First of all, only one other person showed up, and secondly, it was boring and unengaging. I made sure that I participated in the conversations to help liven things up, but it didn't get better.
  7. Hi Joan, This may be just the motivation I need! Here's my info: Name: JaGo Age: 59 Weight on January 3rd: 242 (was 240, but gained 2lbs) Goal weight for January 31st: 237 Exercise goal for January: Treadmill / walking at least 3 times weekly x 30 minutes Dietary goals for January: Watch sodium content in foods,continue low carbs. Increase Water intake Personal goals for January: Attend in-person support group; talk with psychologist Date Banded: November 22, 2010 Total weight loss since Banding: 10lbs Looking forward to the challenge! JaGo
  8. Hey all, I've kinda lost track of the Nov 22, 2010 bandsters and feel a little lost (especially since they changed the forum format). I've been out of touch on the forum for a number of reasons and haven't been back here for several weeks. I was banded on Nov 22 and did everything right, until about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago, then came the holidays. I also feel like I have no restriction and have NEVER detoured from this path until now. I am disappointed in myself and working on re-movtivation. I go back to the doctor on Jan 13 and am concerned about a couple of things. Sometimes when I eat, the area around my port get's very sore, which baffles me, then it goes away, but not completely. Could it be because of eating the wrong things? Also, I may need a fill since I feel very lttle restrictions, if any. Today I went grocery shopping and bought healthy foods and will begin again. How are other Nov 22 bandsters doing? JaGo
  9. JaGo

    Onederland for me

    Cangel, I was excited to hear that you are under the 200 mark!! I can't tell you how many years it's been for me that I was under 200lbs. 199lbs sounds so much smaller than 200lbs!! I too look forward to the day when I am out of plus sizes. Pre-surgery, I was wearing 22/24. I haven't REALLY done any clothes shopping yet, so I don't know if I've gone down any yet. I still look the same to myself except my face looks smaller. When I feel my waist, I can tell the difference - it feels smaller, but these big old hips need a lot of work!! I periodically walk the treamill and took a walk outdoors the other day and was amazed at the stamina that I didn't have before. After walking only a block, I would get such pain in my legs and lower back (spinal arthritis). The more I walk, the better it will get. So far, that is my ony form of excercise - but it's the best form of exercise!! Meet you on the other side of 200lbs!!
  10. Hey DRP, It's good to know that we're in this thing together!! Your post was an encouragement. I know that we've taken these very drastic measures because we were looking for better results. The results will come as we stay focused and on track. I needed your comments - thanks again!! JaGo
  11. Quite a bit of conversations seem to center around getting that first fill as if it's a first "fix." I am perplexed by that. It seems that some think it's suppose to be an automatic part of the process, but in my prep, I was given the understanding that though fills may be necessary, that should be determined once we have done our part with diet and exercise and not as an automatic "right" to have one. I see that some doctors automatically schedule a first fill at one's post-op appt, but what I don't understand is how do they know you need a fill until you have healed? You may not need one. I think that fills are being over-rated and issued before you get to know your own body and how you feel after you've healed and done your part. Just because we feel hungry doesn't automatically mean we need a fill. Hunger by itself is not the gage to determine if we need a fill or not. I thought it was determined by a number of factors such as if we're eating properly and exercising. Then, if we are still really hungry, a determination is made for a fill, not just getting fills as a routine procedure. I think we would run the risk of getting too many fills too soon, then when we really need more down the road, we have already reached our capacity. Community, what do you think about this?
  12. Elcee and others, Oh please don’t think that I was trying to make anyone feel inadequate or judged. I am so sorry if that’s the way I came across and I do apologize! I’m still trying to understand “fills” and have read a lot of conflicting information on the forum and just wanted to get to the bottom of it with accuracy. I have read some posts that talk about wanting a fill and its only been a couple of days post-op. That concerned me because I am a recent post-op and I thought our first responsibility was to allow ourselves to heal. That process has been a daily adventure for me to do all the right things. Reading here how others have positively come through it has helped me. It bothered me to think that I should be thinking about a fill NOW. I’m still trying to just get through today on pureed foods. The long and short, I just wanted to know what the community thought about the idea of some people who are fixated on wanting fills prematurely or even knowing that they have not followed instructions properly. Is all forgiven?? J
  13. JaGo

    Never Got Onboard

    Wow Kassie_360!! Look at all the loving support you got as a response to your post!!! There is nothing much more I could add. As long as you keep reaching out there is hope. It may also be good to reach out to your doctor's office. Do they provide support or is there a support group associated with your hospital? If not, look online at Lapband.com for the nearest support group to you. Keep coming back here too - we're all in this together!!
  14. I hear you Bunny106, and this is why I posed the question, because there are so many descrepancies that come from the varying doctors. Information I was given dictated that fills are not to keep you from feeling hungry, but to assist you with that feeling of satiety (full sensation) and that the band was not created to do the work for us, but to be used as a tool to help us. I've been told (professionally) that we still must exercise discipline - the band won't do it for us. I just don't want to have a false view of what fills are for and then rely on that information that the fills will do the work that I should be doing. Yes, we may not have been disciplined in the past and felt like we couldn't - thus the decision for banding, but at some point it seems we must take some responsible and be willing to put in the necessary work ourselves to help the band work with us not for us. Not preaching, but just wanting to understand that this is not a cure-all without our input...or is it? Community?
  15. In preparation for my weight loss, I purchased a scale about 2 weeks before surgery. I researched several and came up with the Eat Smart Precision Digital Bathroom Scale Model #ESBS-01. I was skeptical at first because it's made of glass, but to my amazement, it works great. It must be kept on a hard floor and not carpeting, and whenever you move it, it will recalibrate itself for accuracy. It cost about $29.00 from www.amazon.com with free delivery. It lights up too - I love it!! Just so you know, as with any scale it may be a couple of pounds different when you weigh-in elsewhere, like the doctor's office.
  16. Sorry that you had trouble post-op, but be patient with yourself, you've just had a major transformation and healing is the priority above anything else, including getting a fill. How do you know that you will automatically NEED a fill? You may not, everyone is different so we can't go by the next person's experience. As we follow our post-op instructions we should all do well. Fills are suppose to be determined after we have done our part (without cheating) and are still feeling hungry. Give yourself a fighting chance!! If we get too many fills too soon, then later down the road when we really need them, we would have exhausted our supply, then what...? Don't worry about overeating or anything else right now, just focus on HEALING. Be good to yourself, relax, and know that you are in good supportive company. This site has helped me tremendously and we can be there for you too!!
  17. I went in for my first post-op visit yesterday, 12/3 and got a clean bill of health. I spoke with the nutritiionist about my liquid diet and how I was ready to gnaw my arm off. She said that since I was doing so well I could graduate to pureed foods! That wasn't due for another week, so I was glad to hear that. Even with the pureed foods, I was very hesitant to eat - not wanting to cause any unnecessary harm to my stomach. I ate some tomato bisque - it was delicious!! Because it tasted so good (it was rich) I thought I'd get an upset stomach. Stomach churned for about 5 seconds, and then it stopped. I guess it was reacting to the change. I really love coming to this site because you get so much insight from others (in a caring manner) and you also learn a lot about the do's and don'ts. You all have been wonderfully supportive to folks like me!! I've also hear much conversation about getting (wanting, needing, gotta have) fills, I inquired about it at my visit, and it was explained very well to me that fills are not encouraged unless you are outside of the "green zone." If you get too many fills too soon, then much later or when your weight loss slows down and you really need the fills, you are nearly at your capacity, then what? That made a lot of sense to me. I will not be rushing my fills, especially knowing that right now, I'm still healing and should get through that process first. If I am doing all the right things (wise food choices, excercising, drinking plenty of water), and still feel hungry, then it's probably time for a fill. A fill is not a "cure-all" but a necessity only after you have done your part. Looking forward to the day when the weight loss will be due to good food choices rather than from the liquid diet. Now that I'm being weaned off the liquids, I suppose the test starts NOW!!
  18. Yes, I wish someone would explain to me as well what these terms are: "PBing" and" Slimed."
  19. JaGo


    Hey, Fellow Chicagoan (well, pert-near)! Sounds like you've had a tough road and been through a lot. Looks like you're all set for Monday!! Thank God!! Keep us posted as to the outcome and your experience with recovery. May God bless you much! JaGo
  20. I'm scheduled to return on Monday. I haven't been out of the house since surgery and having been guarding my stomach against bumping into things like the sink. I'm sure I'll probably be okay, but I'm just tired and don't really want to go. For the past few days I have been working on a presentation at home that I have to give in staff meeting on Monday. The next few weeks are very busy at work and I'm not looking forward to it. Hopefully once I actually get there I'll feel better about it.
  21. I have been experiencing activity it seems in my esophagus area which makes my chest hurt. It makes me wonder if the liquids are having a hard time going down. It's seems impossible to get more than 32oz of water down a day and I'm really trying hard to increase the numbers but I'm just too full.

  22. Well, I was home alone for the holiday. I planned it that way so I wouldn't have to concern myself with even smelling foods. To my surprise, I fell into a depression. I have been experiencing all the things you have. I have only been on the shakes, broth, Jello, and Protein powder with a cup of 1% milk - that's it! I'm not really hungry but consume something for the sake of nourishment. I feel better knowing that what I'm experiencing is normal and you all here are going through almost the same things. I will be glad when we get passed this. I live with my sister and together we take care of our mother who has severe dementia. My mother was invited out for Thanksgiving, but brought a huge plate back. As I was preparing the leftovers for her today, it really made the thought of the shakes and broth more repulsive for me. I just had a cup of broth and I am so full. I know I need to get in a shake for the protein, but I'm too full right now. I appreciate everyone's comments and encouragement, knowing that we go through this together and it's nothing strange. Keeping my eye on the prize!! JaGo
  23. Actually day 4 post-op from 11/22; I feel like so much is going on on the inside that I'm very cautious about consuming what I should. The gas is there, the periodic chest pain, which feels more like pain in the esophogus. When I walk, I have to hold my stomach because it feels so bloated and hurts. The shakes and broth have become very unappetizing and I have to force myself to get it down. For some reason, it's difficult to get in the proper amounts of Water. I had a depression spell yesterday, which really surprised me. I really haven't been hungry though I felt my stomach growling yesterday, but I make myself drink for the nourishment. I have to keep telling myself that this is merely the healing phase and to be patient and that I will feel better soon.
  24. I'm feeling good as well 2 days after surgery. I haven't really felt hungry but know that I need nourishment. So far, I've only had broth. I know that Protein is the priority, but I haven't had any yet. Until tomorrow, I can't use skim milk to mix the protein; however, once this broth has settled. I will use 24gms of protein into 8oz of Water, and then again at dinner. I do have bloatedness and am taking Gas-X and will be patient for it to go away. I, like some of you, have moments where I feel like "what have I just done?" I think it's all about getting past these early post-op days and not judging the future on how we feel now. Right now, it's all about healing and nothing else. Let's be kind and patient with our bodies, we've come a long way to get to this point and a long way investing in our healthy futures. Yes, right now there is so much to remember - I have been keeping my post-op instructions in the bed with me so that I don't make any mistakes. My most difficuty is the soreness and ackiness in the procedure area (I had the single incision). So when I walk, I must hold my stomach for relief. Though I'm very sore, I am not taking any pain meds. I had one dose of liquid Tylenol last night, but that's all. I don't even know if it worked. I will be thankful on Thanksgiving because I'm grateful for this opportunity to get healthy. And honestly, I haven't thought much about the holiday because I've been focused on the Lapband. I refuse to think about any festive foods I'll be missing; why toture myself? However, I am looking forward to the next steps of mushy foods - I am SO DONE WITH SHAKES!!

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