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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by myrori

  1. myrori

    Diet does no good - Study

    Thank you for that, I am showing my husband this, he thinks at 450 pounds he can cut out a few things and win this battle.
  2. myrori

    Did any of you ever wonder...

    And this shall pass................................ Unless you are eating Milk shakes and candy all day you can NOT not succeed! Just keep in mind that your body has gone through a lot and is in shock, surgery, weight loss. Your body is fighting to hold on to it's norm. Most folks loose a few, stay for a while, lose a couple, stay for a while, maybe in gain a pound here and there(water) and go back down. It is steps, not a cliff dive when it comes to losing.
  3. SF Torani Syrup. SF choco pudding mix, crystal lite, fruit,
  4. I kept reading that it was a possibility, but until now at 8 months I had not thought of anything that changed. Then it hit me, I have been avoiding the Chinese restaurant my husband loves to go to. I just absolutely can not bring myself to go there. There is not one thing on the menu I can think of I would want to eat. I used LOVE sweet and sour, egg rolls and Mushu. Now when I think of those foods I simply go EWWWWWWWWWWWW! Please let me know what others can't stand now!
  5. myrori


    Vsg is NOTHING compared to csections!
  6. :Banane06::Banane07::Banane08::Banane09::Banane10::Banane11::Banane31::Banane30::Banane45::Banane44: No really I can not picture you dancing, not at all:) Congrats!
  7. myrori

    Dietician is confusing me!

    2 thoughts, Is fatsecret or myfitnesspal.com and option.... you type in what you ate and it figures it all out for you? Then she can look at it? My other thought is get a different nut!
  8. myrori


    OH YES! He is 400+ and gaining. The more I eat right and lose, the more he goes out his way to eat crap! I won't even get into our conversations, and I really do refrain. However it is coming to an ultimatum. I am not going to be a widow.
  9. myrori

    Good info! Muscle loss and weight loss

    Helps brain function?? Heck I am tripling my doses! I need a bran to build that muscle! So I just read my costco protien shake and it does not list either ingrediant. I guess it is off to GNC tonight during my savers card days. I hope this comes in a pill, I so done with powders!
  10. myrori


    Ok, this really means you are lucky. Your body did not react with the swelling most of get from surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah YOU! You will feel restriction when you get to solids, believe me! chicken is like the worst. 3 bites and you are done! liquids equal slider foods, slide right through the sleeve. You did not say what you started at? How old you are, these are all factors. Additionally a lot of us gain weight at the hospital due all IV fluids and then your body perceives the trauma and does not want to let go of things just in case this is a full fledged attack and thinks it just may need to fluids and fat for the fight! I only lost 14 pounds at my 2 weeks check up and I was depressed. The doc said because was older (39+8) and because I was a lower start weight and I had taken off 50 on my own my body was going to fight me. Now it has come off oh yeah, but it has been more like loose 3 gain 2 loose 4 gain 2 with many many 6 weeks week stalls! Most of us do not see great drops unless we start really high off on the scale. But the one thing all of us share is that once you loose a good bit it becomes a fight to take it off, the body fights us all the way (weigh). Be pateint and kind to yourself. Apply your new eating choices till they become habit and you will not fail! Just told some one else this on another post but here is goes again, Breath in, Breath out, Move on. The time is always now. Don't sweat the small stuff, you are doing just fine my friend!
  11. Hey,, take what you can get> The only time since NOV I have not weighed myself is when I am on vacation! YES that kills me on vacation:) However I stopped sweating the stalls. They happen and they suck, but rather than killing myself with exercise to break it now I am like hey look how much you have lost, if it never moves again oh well. Now it seems I was just stuck at 165 for 6 weeks and today without much effort ( long story broken foot) I weighed in at 153!!!!!! I do believe that we through ourselves in stalls by exercising way more than the calories we are taking in! The important message here is stalls will happen,,, I have had more than I have lost (or so it seems) but there is NO way to fail the sleeve unless you are doing Mc D milk shakes and sweet tea all day! Breath in, breath out, move on.The time is always now. Don't sweat the small stuff and do happy dances when the good things show!
  12. myrori


    Congrats! you are doing amazing!
  13. Congrats, and OH I get it! I never go on any work out without my music!!!!!! I too went from never wanting to ever work out to craving it. By the end of my walk I so revved up I cut through a field with hill on each side and I am going up and down them on a zig zag to to add to walk and the field provides me a little privacy so I do dance a bit, like no one is watching!
  14. Greek yogurt fixes everything!

  15. My nut always said it may work today, but not tomorrow. On bad days back to protien shakes! Good news by 6 months,, it all goes down:)
  16. myrori

    Protein packed pureed lentil soup

    I was going to say, even a whole cup of soup at 8 months is pushing it! Now I wonder about adding some ground turkey to this to push the protien over the edge????
  17. I use pre mixed shakes for the most part. Premier protien shakes from Costco. When did make them at home I used the Bullet. very easy to clean compared to a blender and takes up much less space and I can drink from the same cup I mix in! Crushes ice and frozen fruit with ease!
  18. OH YEAH,, from the get go of post op I kept an 8 pound weight at work and in the down time ( I do 911 so it is closed off office) I would do various arm lifts I looked up on the internet, I also do bike riding and while riding I pump my arms up and down and I do yoga and total body conditioning. I attribute my real results to yoga and and the lifts at work.
  19. Thanks all! It still amazes me day to day
  20. I had to drink a whole bottle of Magnesium citrate or something like that. I guess it is normally for constipation and you drink like 2 oz, NORMALLY. Well it took forever to kick in and then it really was not that bad. I have avoided getting a colonoscopy because I heard how horrid the prep is.
  21. Oh and if you need to cry and cleanse, DO IT!
  22. First off((((((((((((( virtual huG))))))))))))))) Second thing for you, accept this is normal and move on. You are tired and all the aches and pains and changes are wearing on you. This too shall pass, Breath in , Breath out, Move on. Keep your mind off of it, burp and pass gas when you can. This will get better!
  23. My Migraines that I used to end up in the ER over about every 6 months when the meds did not work and imitrex helped with in between those visits helped with have vastly improved! I could never pin down in my diet where I was going wrong, but obliviously my limited diet post off paid off! The residual migraines post op are hormone related and they are leveling off!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
