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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by myrori

  1. myrori

    Whats the worst

    i would like to prelude my answer with one statement: Getting the sleeve is the only thing in entire 47 years that I was absolutely sure of and never have I wanted anything more in life! With that said, my determination made any inconvenience or discomfort totally worth it! The worst that happened to me? I would say day 2 after they took away my pain pump I had an esouphogeal spasm. It took about 20 minutes to get the nurses to call the Doctor and get an answer and he put me on IV diluaded shots which took care of the spasm. By the next morning the spasm was gone but I felt like someone had used my diaphram as a punching bag. The gas pain everyone talks about was more of an annoyance to me than real pain. I glady accepted discomforts and my liquid diet as part of the process of FINALLY getting healthy! All pain and any nausea where quickly addressed with great meds in the hospital!
  2. i was going to keep things quiet before my surgery and as the date got closer i decided it was just too much like lying for me and consumed too much energy. I decided to be proud for taking charge of my life and just told anyone who would notice my post op diet! I have nothing but support!
  3. myrori

    Diarrhea for 2 weeks +

    Do you use whey Protein drinks? Those drinks in addition to 1200 mg of Calcium daily usually stop me right up!
  4. We sound like skin twins!
  5. Ok, I have resigned myself to the loose skin thing. I am praying that this skin thing resolves somewhat, I know it will never be perfect. My arms are looking better, but my stomach has that wrinkled blah jiggly crap going on, I know I will get a tummy tuck. NOW for the shocker part ( to me that is) Suddenly, even though the scale is not moving much right now my thighs have taken on the same apperance of my stomch, I mean like boom! All of the sudden! I am also noticing the fat pads gone recently from the butt and in the areas around my ribs and inner elbow area. I figure my body is redistributing things since the scale is not moving much. So for those of you who are maintaining,, does this skin thing seem to happen like that and then get better? I am working out and toning in hopes it will get better.
  6. myrori

    Is this normal?

    I can't believe there are doctors out there that DONT send you home with PPI"s automatically!
  7. Has decided my arms don't look that bad and I WILL be wearing Sleevless this summer! I deserve this!

  8. myrori

    in tears right now

    Prayers for a passing virus!
  9. myrori

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    I took the pill 5 days post op, gained 5 pounds and stalled there for a MONTH!
  10. myrori

    Ride like the wind

    A couple of weeks ago I we had a nice day and I went to the bike store by the trail to rent a bike just to see if my old arse could still keep one up right. I went out and rode for 2 hours! I LOVED IT! So I bought a bike right on the spot! Now everyday it is semi decent out I hit the trails! At least 2 hours at a time! Of course I did not stop at the bike, there was a bike rack, a helment, bike clothes, shoes................................ I sit at work on nice days and just long to be out riding my bike.
  11. myrori

    Ride like the wind

    That is so nice, thank you! I am going for the 30 mile course since I have only been riding 2 months. I am really blown away you are donating,, you made my day! My Tourdecure!
  12. WoW! Why is it men can take off the weight so fast??? 100 pounds in under 5 months. JUST NOT FAIR!
  13. myrori

    SF syrup - samples?

    World Market sells small 5 oz bottles of Torani syrup. You might also hit some coffee places or gas stations that sell coffee as a lot of them are putting our these sryups for the customers,, great way to get a sample or two
  14. Bumping this as I am really courious!
  15. Breakfast: Protein shake 30 grams protien 2 carbs Snack: Greek Yogurt/ plain 7 carbs 15 grams protien lunch 3 turkey meatballs with spaghetti sauce 2 carbs, 18 protien Snack: cheese stick or hand full of cashews. dinner: Usually chicken and salad.
  16. myrori

    Hair Loss

    I am 7 months out and I have just really noticed my temples are really bare all of the sudden. I had been using Nioxium all along. My hair lady suggestd Roaine or the likes now. I am not sure about that. I have been really creative with my bangs to hide the missing hair HOWEVER I would not EVER want to stay fat to keep my hair. I am so much happier and healtheir now! Worse comes to worse I will get a wig or some weavs put in!
  17. myrori


    At the 4 month mark my Daughter said to me, " Mom it is time for some new bras" So she was in charge. We went to layne bryat and she got me these bras to try that are padded with a bump in the bottom of the inside up. At first I did not like them, but when I look down now ( with shirt on) I feel like a I have a rack again:)
  18. myrori

    Ride like the wind

    Hills do suck! But I am getting better at them! My first event is next week!
  19. myrori

    Ride like the wind

    Sorry I did not see this post earlier. I got the Raliegh Venture. I have a hard time posting pics here so if you google it you will be able to see it. Not a sport bike, a comfort bike but I love it all the same. My knee will not let ride the down forward position. I have not had a problem using water bottles on the ride, I did not have the straw/sippy cup restriction. I had a rack put on and I keep some frozen drinks in the bag and one in the water bottle holder. I am signed up for my first event next Saturday! Tourdecure for diabetes!
  20. myrori

    Major bad TOM

    Ok this is the first time since surgery that I am having a period that I would call "real". However it is beyond heavy! It started out of the blue yesterday with NO PMS warnings what so ever! It started out heavy and has gotten worse. Like someone turned on a faucet! Here comes the TMI part, I am soaking through a tampon into a pad about every hour, had a gusher at work that required a clothing change. When is too much too much and should I go to urgent care for this? I have no cramps, just the faucet flow. I am thinking my hormones are whacked. Any suggestions on slowing it down? PS,,, I am 47.
  21. myrori

    Giving Up

    YOU CAN DO THIS! It is a means to an end. A SKINNY END!
  22. Need some help, see post in the ladies room please!

  23. myrori

    New Addiction?

    OH my new addiction is so EXCERCISE! I feel wrong without it, I crave it even! I have taking up bike riding, yoga, walking, aqua size and step! Who am I!
  24. Well first off, it takes some time to get that hormone gerhlin out of you system. Are you taking an acid reducer? Sometime the brain can mistake the rumblings of acid stomach with hunger. If you are 3 days post, fluids should should help you quell real hunger, really examine where you are feeling hunger from, your stomach or your head. I promise once you start seen the weight come off you will have NO regrets! HANG in there ,, we are here for you!
  25. myrori


    You look FANTABULOUS Dear!

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