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LAP-BAND Patients
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About anewlife10

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    Expert Member

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  1. 1 years has passed since you registered at SleevePlicationTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary patriceaa2007!

  2. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary patriceaa2007!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary anewlife10!

  4. anewlife10


    Yay!!! Congratulations!
  5. There are a few things I cant eat anymore: Bread Rice Pasta Shrimp White meat chicken hard boiled eggs (i have no idea why, but i get sick everytime I try) Tortillas
  6. funny... i just did a post about this last week. noises are just a part of it. if its not my stomach its coming from my chest & throat. It gets annoying and embarrassing at times!
  7. anewlife10


    I didnt drink at all for the 1st 6 months after surgery... now I drink from time to time. I usually stick with Vodka & Cranberry when I am out. If I am at home I will have a Skinny Girl Margarita or Sangria or a Jose Cuervo Light Margarita, not too many calories or carbs in them... unless you drink alot of course . I would steer clear of anything carbonated though... so beer is out for me.
  8. anewlife10

    swallowed a golf ball

    I always have a hard time with chicken... especially white meat, so I very seldom eat chicken anymore because its not worth the discomfort to me. If I do eat it, I take bites so small...about the size of a pea and chew it like there is no tomorrow.
  9. What has your doctor said your diet should be at 3 weeks post op? I have noticed that all the doctors seem to have different plans & theories. My doctor wanted me to work in foods with substance at day 7...by 3 weeks post op I was pretty much eating regular food. just had to watch my calories, carbs & make sure I was getting enough protein. Cooked veggies are easier to tolerate than raw ones, still that way to this day. However before my first fill I pretty much was able to eat the same as I did pre-op... so back then I was able to tolerate bread. Now bread is something I stay clear from because it always gets stuck.
  10. anewlife10

    Lap-Band Sucks

    I think its a personal decision. Like the poster previously, I felt more comfortable with the band because if there were complications it can be removed. I love my band and feel its the best decision I have ever made
  11. Thank you for reaching out! And yes, I did have a great weekend and will certainly reach out when/if I need advice! Thanks! =D

  12. anewlife10

    Help I'm blocked !

    It's a horrible feeling! I still have that happen from time to time. It is so hard to always take such small bites and chew, chew...and chew! I also have a horrible time with chicken. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad! Hopefully it will go away sooner than later. Walking around seems to be the only thing that helps me... it usually will come up before it will pass through, at least in most of my cases.
  13. It's completely normal. Your swelling from surgery is most likely going down. I was the same way.. I felt no differently really until my 2nd fill, by my 3rd fill I finally felt the restriction.
  14. anewlife10

    I can't see it...

    I agree with your reasoning that the weight didnt come on overnight... that might be why its slower for us to grasp our new look. I have been coming out of my box and wearing clothes I would never dream of wearing before... its scary at times! Slowly I am seeing that I am on the 'smaller side' of the scale for the first time in my life. It's a big thing to see & grasp.
  15. anewlife10

    Feeling Sad...

    Don't get discouraged! I know its easier said than done... but trust me, I was where you are so I know the feeling. There were times I was thinking, I should have just stayed on a diet and I would have the same results or thought I should have gone with gastric bypass instead... but trust me, all those thoughts are out the window now. The weight really did come off and my whole life changed. It's not a magic pill and there are times where I would gain a couple of lbs, but then they would come off plus some. I have lost over 100 lbs in a year and am 11 lbs below the target weight my dr gave me and 1 lb below my personal goal. In time, I am sure you will be happy with your results.. there will peaks and valleys, but in the end I think you will be happy with your decision. Hang in there!

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