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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by knoebelcamper

  1. I saw you replied back to me regarding my leg pain question, but I can't find your reply. It states you have replied, but when I go on to view, it doesn't give me your reply. Darn it. This is so damn frustrating. Sorry! Really Sorry!

  2. I get my first fill dec. 13th too. I was told that before the fills, I am not restricted; therefore, I can eat pretty much of what I want. It isn't until the fills that one stops eating everything in site and starts losing weight. I can't wait for that. I am excited. Good Luck with your fill.

  3. Thanks so much. I enjoyed talking with you today.

  4. I went to my doctor today about my leg pain and she said the pain is coming from exercising and I thought I had 4.5 cc's and I only have 2.5 cc's. I could have sworn my surgeon said he filled me 2.5 cc's the second time, but he meant he only added 1/2 cc and it totaled 2.5. I guess that might be a reason why I still feel hungry. This has been such a stuggle and I want it so much ...

  5. I can't seem to be happy. Even little things are going wrong. I think I hurt myself because the left side hurts so bad. I have trouble bending over and I am one month past surgery. I should not feel that much pain. I called the nurse and I am waiting for a reply. Another thing, when I blog, I can't find my blogs afterwards to find out if anyone responded. I feel stupid and very angry. I am just wondering if I did the right thing. My first fill is Dec. 13th, but now I am hurti...

  6. Feeling pretty down. I took a step backwards. I got upset and got all tense and have so much pain now. I have a sore throat and it is not from the tube that went inside. It is a full-fledged sore throat. I am waiting to call the surgeon's nurse to find out what to do. I don't want it turning into broncitis ot pnemonia. Cant get professional questions answered by doctors. Sorry, I can't finish. I am regretting this so much only because I don't have a good surgeon/team support.

  7. I went to my medical doctor and she said that the pain might be from doing exercises. She said that I am past the blood clot worry so I need not think about it being blood clots. I have always had trouble with my legs and I guess as I get older, it does't get any better. I just hope that when I start losing some weight, all my pain will go away, or atleast subside a bunch!

  8. Oh by the way. I thought I was filled 2.5 the second time and from the first time it would have totaled 4.5 cc's and I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing any weight considering I was doing all of the right things. Well, when I went to see my medical doctor she said I did not have 2.5 cc's added the second time. I had only 1/2 cc's with a total of 2.5 cc's. I feel better now.

  9. Hello Dadkins8, Have you heard anyone having severe leg pains at night that kept them awake and that they even have to get out of bed because of the pain? I remember back when I got my surgery and came back in a week later, the surgeon asked me if my legs hurt and back then they didn't. However, now they do and it has become a major problem. Just wondering if it had to do with the surgery.

  10. Hello Marw. I have a question. Have you any idea if severe leg pain could be coming from the lapband surgery? I have had severe leg pain that has kept me awake and even had to get out of bed due to the pain. I remember a week after surgery the surgeon asked me if my legs hurt and back then they didnt. Have you heard of this before? Thanks.

  11. I have noticed a great deal of hair loss after I shower. I mean a handfull sometimes. I guess I am not getting the correct amount of protein in. I certainly try. I have noticed some people say that it goes away - do they mean after they have had enough of protein or even if they don't get the right amount of protein it goes away in time? I go for my 4th fill today.

  12. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who is having trouble with this site. I haven't gotten on it for over a month because I can't find the replies to my questions from other bandsters. I just repllied to 2 other bandsters and can't find my blogs to them at all. I am so upset because I feel so lost when I can't get back to the people I need to.

  13. Why is it so important to stay on liquids after a fill? I am starving.

  14. Hi danalazcano, How have you been? My band date is this Friday. Very excited, little scary, can't wait!

  15. Hi KDe628, I am counting down to my surgery date. Only 2 days to go. I am stressed out about tomorrow when I have to drink the castor oil to flush my system out. I am afraid as soon as it touches my tongue, I will vomit. I have not met one person on this site who has had to drink this stuff. I am glad to have you as a friend. I am still discovering how to use this site. There is so much to it and I am not too good at this.

  16. Hello, Hope you day went well. 2 more days till surgery. I am dredding tomorrow when I have to drink the castor oil to flush my system out. I haven't found one person on this site who had to do that. Oh well, I am afraid, excited, stressed all at the same time. I just want to be able to eat food soon. Even after surgery, I can't have any for a couple of weeks. I am so hungry. Well, take care. I am still getting use to the site and I have been discovering more about the site all of the time. I am not too good at this.

  17. You have given me hope. I saw your reply to one bandster that had 2.5 fills, same as me, and did not lose anything. And your reply was that at 2.5 it is really not a fill. Anyway, you have given me hope this will work, because I feel like crying all of the time because this is not working for me. Thanks.

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