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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knoebelcamper

  1. knoebelcamper

    Bad but Good

    Today is my 5th day on the liquid diet. However, I am so hungry I could cry. I've lost 10 pounds though and am very happy about that. However, today was a bad day because I wanted food so much. I am also getting indigestion every day and it sometimes keeps awake at night. I had trouble with the protein mix and I emailed the nurse that had given me all of the instructions to inform her that I was having trouble. She told me to use skim milk instead of water and said if that didn't work to contact her back. I've been waiting 2 days and she hasn't replied so I went to Walmart to get Atkins protein drink and it went down so much better. I have had indigestion though for the past 3 days. I am also very, very hungry. :thumbup:
  2. knoebelcamper

    Bad but Good

    I too had trouble with the protein powder I was given. About my 3rd day I informed the nurse that I could no longer drink it because I was gagging. I can't stand sweet stuff. I am not a candy, donut, cakes or cookies lover that much so I knew if this stuff was sweet, I would have problem. She told me to mix it with skim milk instead of water so I did. She told me to contact her back if it didn't help. It didn't help so I contacted her back and I got no reply back. That was 3 days ago. So, I went on this site to ask people what they drank and someone suggested Atkins protein drink. I got it and it isn't bad. At least it isn't thick. I can drink it down easily. I lost 10 pounds and it is only my 6th day. They have me on it for 12 days instead of 14. What is so frustrating, so many people drank so many different things for the same exact surgery. You'd think it would be the same for everyone. Let me know how you are doing. I know what it is like to have trouble. I truly hope you do well.
  3. knoebelcamper

    Here I go...

    I get banded this friday. I am on my 6th day of the diet. I've lost 10 pounds so far. I join you in "our" journey.
  4. knoebelcamper

    Protein mix

    Oh yea dwright, I too am frustrated about doing this to control my urge for eating, but I sometimes think it is genetics and getting older doesn't help either. I have major back problems. I had back surgery 12 years ago and it didn't really help. I have chronic pain and this excess weight isn't helping. I recently had to get on a CPAP machine because I have sleep apnea. My health has gone down hill so much in the past year and I am only 54 years old. Remember though, this is not the easy way out. It is very hard. What we have to go through will be a new way of life and this is only a tool that will help us get to the point of good health. Dont feel too bad about the control. Just think of it as getting better and having a better life. It doesn't matter how you get a better life, just so you get one. Best wishes. Keep in touch!!!
  5. knoebelcamper

    Protein mix

    I would like to thank all of the people who responded to my problem from the protein mix that I cannot drink due to the fact it is too sweet. You gave me a couple of ideas that I am going to use. I was so depressed and frustrated because I want so much to stay on this diet, but I just can't drink the mix. However, because of you, I have hope again and I am back to being happy. Thanks so much band friends! My surgery is Nov. 5th. I am getting excited again. :thumbup:
  6. knoebelcamper

    Protein mix

    Best Wishes to you too. I couldn't stand the thickness or the taste of my mix. I asked the nurse what to do and she said to use skim milk instead of water, so I did. However it still made me sick and I was gagging and only my 3rd day of the diet. She told me to tell her if that didn't work and I did and it is now the 6th day and she hasn't responded back. So, I went on this blog thing and asked other people what they did and I found the Atkins to be very thin and kind of yummy. What gets me is so many people are drinking so many different things for the exact same surgery; therefore, I didn't think the Atkins would hurt me. I did lose 10 pounds so far so that can't be bad. I am disappointed that the nurse never got back to me. It's not like I could wait for her. Anyway, I figured it out for myself and I am excited once again. I am very hungry though and can't wait till my surgery this Friday. Best wishes to you!!!!
  7. knoebelcamper

    What a week!

    WOW! What a fantastic story. Good to hear you are much better and it was nothing wrong witht the band. My friend said she had some trouble with the gas as well and said it was painful. My surgery is this Friday and I am very excited. I can't wait to be able to eat food too. It will be a long time though. I sure hope it goes fast. This liquid diet is getting me a bit down, but I have lost 10 pounds so far. Best wishes to you!!!!!!!!
  8. knoebelcamper

    Will I be one of the people...

    I too am worried I will be the one who will not lose the weight. Right now I am in to my 6th day of the liquid diet before surgery and I am so hungry. I did lose 10 pounds, but my stomach growls all of the time. I had trouble on the protein mix and didnt really get any help from the nurse I was contacting, so I cried and got depressed. I also thought that I was going through this for a reason and I must find a way to help myself. So from some of the banders I got various options for a protein drink. Yesterday and today I have been drinking Atkins. It is high in fat. I went to Giant and Walmart to find Carnation Instant protein drink with no sugar and made with skim milk, but they don't have it. I can't seem to find it anywhere. It is low in fat. I feel overwhelmed and I didn't even have the surgery yet. I still don't want to give up though. I have to get the mind set that this is NOT easy and I still have to try hard to get to where I want to be. I don't really have a good support group of people, so I am going through this alone. Anyone who finds out that I am having lapband surgery and tells me that I am taking the easy way out, I'd like to slap. They have no idea. My prayers go out to all of us who struggle each and every day. God Bless us all!!!!!
  9. knoebelcamper

    protein mix

    Today is my third day at the diet. I am having difficulty drinking the protein mix I was given. I hope my doctor will put me on something else. I feel so down today. I want to stick with this so very much, but I am litterally sick from the protein mix. I never could stand sweet foods very much anyway and this mix is so sickly sweet.
  10. knoebelcamper

    protein mix

    Thanks for the info about the Adkin Advantage shakes. I really appreciate it. It gives me hope. A couple people have used different drinks and I thought I could only use what the nurse told me to.
  11. knoebelcamper

    protein mix

    My surgery date is Friday, November, 5th.
  12. knoebelcamper

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Good Luck. I hope all goes well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My date is Friday, November 5th. I too am tired of being over weight.
  13. knoebelcamper

    stressed and discouraged

    I am just on my 3rd day of the liquid diet and I feel pretty down today myself. I am having trouble with the protein mix being way too sweet for me. So sweet that I physically get sick. I wanted to cry, but it is not enough to stop me from sticking with it. You should be very proud of yourself for how far you have come. If you can make it this far, you can go the distance. I think it is normal to feel the way you feel. Don't beat yourself up. What you did was great. Congratulations - you will make it. Try focusing on something fun. Don't worry - go to your doctor and explain to him/her how you feel. Maybe you do need a fill and then you will feel much better. Good Luck!
  14. knoebelcamper

    protein mix

    WOW! That sounds great! Thank you so very much. I will contact the nurse that is working with me and ask her if that will do. Thanks so much! Today was a bad day because I couldn't get the protein powder down. It is just too sweet for me. You have made me so happy!
  15. knoebelcamper

    protein mix

    Is or did anyone have any trouble drinking the protein mix? I am having a difficult time because it is extremely sweet for me. I never liked cakes, cookies, candy, etc. because they were too sweet and I am having so much trouble with this. The nurse did tell me I could use skim milk instead of water to mix with it, but it is still too sweet. Anyone do anything different?
  16. knoebelcamper

    HELP...How to tell...????

    I am not banded yet. My date is Friday, Nov. 5th coming up soon, but when I start losing weight and people ask me, I will tell the truth. I too had someone tell me it is the easy way out and I just ignored them. They are either jealous or not a good friend. I really don't care what people think. You will have some that are very supportive and others that can't handle your success. It is not your problem however, it is theirs. Rejoice in the fact you have come so far and how happy you are and nothing else matters.

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