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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knoebelcamper

  1. knoebelcamper

    Tomorrow is the day!!!

    Well, tomorrow is the day. I am afraid of the pain. I've had other surgeries and I guess the pain doesn't last too long. I am so glad this will soon be over and I can start my new life. I really pray that all goes well and there are no problems. Hope everyone is doing ok. Let me know if you want.:cursing:
  2. knoebelcamper

    Tomorrow is the day!!!

    Not feeling too bad. Of course pain in abdomen. I am so thankful to the Dear Lord above that I didnn't get sick. I feel like I could actually eat. I misread the instructions, I can actually start eating cream soup, cottage cheese, apple sauce in only 1 to 3 days depending how I feel. I don't have to stay on a clear liquid diet for a week. YIPPIE!!!!! I will be eatin some soup for either lunch or dinner tomorrow. Only can have small portions, but that's fabulous!!!!! I had second thoughts about this surgrey, but I have absolutely no regrets now. I feel happy. I can't wait till the soreness goes away though.
  3. Don't beat yourself up. Let it go and now eat some good food that will fill you up. I think everyone does this every now and then, so just get back on track and don't worry. Feeling bad won't get you anywhere, but getting on track will. This may happen again, but don't let it happen too often. Exercise more when you eat this kind of food :frown: Best wishes to you!
  4. Today is the 4th; one day after your surgery. I hope all went well for you. Tomorrow is my surgery. I am not looking forward to the pain. I hope you don't have much pain and are resting well. Let me know when you can. You are probably out of it a little. Take care and I wish you well! :frown:
  5. knoebelcamper


    I too am concerned about the same thing. However, I am going to try it. My surgery is tomorrow and I am excited. I too want to get those bad thoughts out of my mind that I might not lose the weight. It is a challenge and a new way of life. I need to get recipes that are nutritious. Both my husband and I are overweight. However, he can lose the weight easy compared to me. He also has diabetes and we both need to start eating healthy. I think that being concerned is normal for what we are going through. Hearing stories of the people who can't lose the weight. I am going to try and focus on the people who did lose the weight; one of which is a good friend of mine who is losing weight. I am going to pray that I lose the weight. That's all I can do. I am going to pray that I can learn to cook differently as well. That is important. Best wishes to you!
  6. knoebelcamper

    Making the Choice

    I am going for my surgery tomorrow and I too worry about not losing the weight. However, There are many people that have been successful. Nothing like this is a sure thing. It is a chance and a choice you have to take and pray or hope for the best. I had a friend who had it done and she is losing the weight she wants. She is very happy. Unfortunatelly, there is no way anyone can tell if you are going to lose the weight or not. But you won't know unless you try. I am going to take the chance and go through with it and pray that I lose the weight I want and need. I am doing this for other health reasons as well. I have sleep apnea and high blood pressure and it was getting worse. I needed to do something and I just pray that this is the "right" something. Best wishes to you. It is a very hard decision. My thoughts will be with you.
  7. knoebelcamper

    Lap-Band Questions

    Well, tomorrow is the day. I am a little afraid. I am excited too. I drank that horrible castor oil and nothing much happened yet. I am going to call the doctor and ask if something is suppose to happen by now. I am so glad this is soon here. It truly is a long journey. I know it is a lifetime journey, but just to get to the point in which I can start eating real foods again (health foods), I am so excited. I don't really enjoy sweets, so it won't be too difficult for me as far as they go. I love fresh fruit, which is out of season now. However, I am so hungry now just for some food. I feel like I will never drink liquids again. I am totally, totally sick of them!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. knoebelcamper

    Lap-Band Questions

    My surgery date is Friday, November 5th. On Monday, Oct. 25th I start my liquid diet. I can eat veggies too. I was just wondering if anyone has various breakfast, lunch, and dinner options. I'm not sure how to start.
  9. Hello, Hope you day went well. 2 more days till surgery. I am dredding tomorrow when I have to drink the castor oil to flush my system out. I haven't found one person on this site who had to do that. Oh well, I am afraid, excited, stressed all at the same time. I just want to be able to eat food soon. Even after surgery, I can't have any for a couple of weeks. I am so hungry. Well, take care. I am still getting use to the site and I have been discovering more about the site all of the time. I am not too good at this.

  10. Hi KDe628, I am counting down to my surgery date. Only 2 days to go. I am stressed out about tomorrow when I have to drink the castor oil to flush my system out. I am afraid as soon as it touches my tongue, I will vomit. I have not met one person on this site who has had to drink this stuff. I am glad to have you as a friend. I am still discovering how to use this site. There is so much to it and I am not too good at this.

  11. knoebelcamper

    Just starting and already know its going to be a long process.

    Before you know it your surgery date will be here. Mine is this Friday and I thought it would never get here. It is a long journey, but a great one and worth the wait!
  12. knoebelcamper

    November bandsters unite!!

    Yes, I'm 54, April I will be 55. My health overall started drastically going down hill in the past year. I have sleep apnea and have to wear a cpap machine to breath. My knees hurt all of the time, which they never did before and I lost my job which caused my health to spiral downhill even worse. My doctor suggested band surgery and I have beautiful grandchildren that I want to grow up with, so I started my journey immediately. My surgery date is this Friday. Only 3 days to go. I am excited and I can't wait till I can eat some tasteful food again. I'm so hungry for food. I'm on a liquid diet right now. I could have a few veggies and certain fruit.
  13. knoebelcamper

    after surgery

    Thanks to all who replied back about the soft food. Lots of good ideas.
  14. knoebelcamper

    after surgery

    After surgery, I would like to know what soft food people started eating first. I know some ate baby food, but I am trying to get lots of ideas.
  15. Hi danalazcano, How have you been? My band date is this Friday. Very excited, little scary, can't wait!

  16. knoebelcamper

    RE: Any December Lap Band Surgery People?

    My surgery is this Friday. I am not a December bander, but I just wanted to say best wishes to you. I am very excited to start my new life as I'm sure you are too. I just can't believe the first time my doctor suggested this months ago and now I am 3 days from the actual sugery. Dec. 1st is right around the corner. Hope all goes well!
  17. knoebelcamper


    Great! Keep up the good work! My surgery date is this Friday. I've lost 12 pounds. I can't wait till surgery.
  18. knoebelcamper

    Next step

    I was there too. My surgery date is this Friday. I am so anxious and so much want to get this all over with so I can start my new life. I have lost 12 pounds so far. I can't wait. I'm sure you are very excited. Don't worry, the time will be here before you know it. Best wishes to you.
  19. knoebelcamper

    No happy

    What are the circumstances if you don't go to the doctors? What will happen if it gets worse. And yes, you should be very proud of your size? You came a long way and a little set back will not hurt you. Best wishes!
  20. knoebelcamper

    Getting closer

    Yes, getting closer to my surgery date which is this Friday. I am getting nervous too. It is scary, but I am getting excited I'm back on track with my liquid diet. I was pretty down because I am so hungry, but I must remember this is only temporary. I hope I have no problems with surgery.
  21. knoebelcamper

    Lap-Band Questions

    I lost 12 pounds so far. YIPPIE!!!
  22. knoebelcamper

    Lap-Band Questions

    Did anyone have to drink castor oil the day before their surgery? I am afraid I won't get it down. As soon as it touches my tongue, I'm afraid I will throw up.
  23. knoebelcamper

    3 Days Post-op

    Did any of you (day before surgery) have to drink castor oil? I am not sure I will be able to do that. My taste buds are so sensitive and I am afraid that as soon as it hits my tongue, it will be back up again. It won't mix with anything because it is oil.
  24. knoebelcamper

    3 Days Post-op

    You are the only one so far that has said you had to get a UGI test and drink foul liquid. Does everyone have to do this? Also, did anyone (day before surgery) have to drink castor oil. I am not sure I will get it past my tongue before it comes back up. Why is everyones instructions so different for the same surgery?
  25. knoebelcamper


    Earlier I said I didnt have much of a support group. I must say that I do have a good friend who has been helping me very much. I have to give her a great big THANK YOU for doing so. I feel bad about bothering just her. My sister-in-law has agreed to help too. People who haven't gone though this have no idea just how much support one needs. To Patty - Hats off to you!!!! I have bad days and good days and I must try and focus on the positive and the fantastic outcome of what WILL be. Right now, I am not feeling to bad as I was earlier this morning. However, that doesn't mean I will feel the same tonight. I am very thankful that I have lost 10 pounds and that is what I should focus on. I too have saw blogs where people didn't lose the weight, but I am going to try and not worry about that now. This FRIDAY is it!!!! I am very excited.

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