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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knoebelcamper

  1. knoebelcamper

    So mixed up and no where to turn

    Ok, I've posted on here before that I had lower lumbar surgery 12 years ago. I had 2 cages inserted and bone fused from my hip. The surgery helped uplift my discs off of one another. They were collasped and I have permanent nerve damage. The surgery did absolutely nothing for the pain. I have been taking oxycontin. I take 10mg in morning and 10mg before bed. It is truly the ONLY way I can function. It still doesn't take away all of the pain; however, it does alliviate the severity of it. I cannot function without this! Oh and yes, I've tried everything else, but to no avail. The oxycodon liquid I was taking every 4 hours or when needed. It helped with my surgery pain, but left my back still in horrible pain until I had difficulty walking, sitting or lying down. The liquid made me so sleepy about 1/2 hour later that I could not function either. I know the timed released is not good, but no professional has anything else I can do. I've called the surgeon's office, the pharmacy and my medical doctor. I also have trouble getting bad tasting stuff down. I just can't eat or drink anything more that tastes awlful. My wonderful medical doctor called me and told me that I came a long way and that I should be very proud of myself for taking the steps to a better life. She doesn't know much about banding, nor does she know what to do about my oxycontin. She has been in contact with the surgeon's office. Anyway, she said that I needed to take myself to a calm place and tell myself that I need to be proud of everything I have done. She knows me so well and she also knows I am not a chronic complainer and I'm one for doing whatever it takes to get better and following whatever doctor's orders are. I just feel lost that no one has given me another way out of my timed released pill if it does damage, like creates ulcers and could even cause internal bleeding. I want to enjoy this time so much, but I have this hanging over my head. I've talked to everyone about the meds.
  2. knoebelcamper

    Finally did it!

    My back and shoulder hurt the most as far as the gas pain was concerned. I am pretty much rid of the gas pain; however, it does resurface a bit every now and then. It really does help to walk and move around. Best wishes to you.
  3. knoebelcamper


    WOW!!! What a wonderful story. It brought tears to my eyes. You have gone though so much and you've made it. You give me hope and have inspired me. I have other issues as well, but I'm working on them too and hopefully will be health and happy all in one sentence. It was good to read this before I go to bed tonight. You will be in my prayers tonight and I will pray for me too!
  4. knoebelcamper

    So mixed up and no where to turn

    Thank you so much! I truly appreciate you for your kind words! I really need to focus on the positive and just pray that nothing bad happens.
  5. knoebelcamper

    had my surgery today

    I had a lot of pain too so I will certainly wish you a speedy recovery. I was banded 11/5/2010, just a few days ago and I feel pretty good. Most of the pain now is just soreness. Most of the gas is gone; however, there is some still in me, but it isn't like it had been. Best wishes to you!
  6. knoebelcamper


    Thanks so much. I should have checked my blood pressure long before this. Thanks so much for the info. It reminded me that I should check it often the next few days. Mine wasn't low. It was 157 over 79. So, it is a little high. I have been worried about the protein and not getting the proper amount; however, I read a recipie on here and I love it and drank it for dinner this evening. I take no sugar Carnation Instant, add half a frozen banana (mine wasn't frozen, I just added 1/4 banana) and added some ice. Put it all in the blender and it was so good. I almost cried from happiness that I found something that no only stayed down, but tasted good too.
  7. knoebelcamper


    How long does it take for the light-headedness to go away? I do know I am not getting all of the protein I need because I am getting sick on the protein drinks, but I don't stop trying. This may be one of the reasons, but is there anything else I can do?
  8. knoebelcamper

    Liquid Diet Questions - Please Help

    I know exactly how you feel. I didnt have too much trouble before surgery, I'm having more trouble after surgery as far as wanting to taste food instead of just liquids. I did break down though. I am not to have mushie foods until next week, but I put a little tuna, 1/4 tsp of light mayo and one hardboiled egg in blender and mushed it up. I ate 2 tsp. of my tuna mix. I can't tell you anything differently than what your doctor told you, but what I can tell you is I think this whole thing is a learning process where we find out who we really are and then we form ourselves into that new person with some imaginative ways to do what we think is best for us. So many doctors are telling so many different people so many different things, that it can become overwhelming as to exactly what to do. Some can have and some can't and the ones that can't wonder why the ones who can, can! lol I am doing very well right now. I only have soreness pain and that isn't bad. I have chronic back pain from a surgery 12 years ago that didn't work. My back hurts mostly, but I feel good. I am dizzy, but I know that is coming from me not getting enough of protein. If I am going to cheat however, I am going to cheat with the proper nutritional foods. Hope all goes well and your doctor gave you some ideas. I am not good at using this site. Someone can reply back to me and I can't seem to find then again. I would really like to know what your doctor said. Best wishes and know that the liquid is only temporary.
  9. knoebelcamper

    I have to go back to work tomorrow....

    It's been 6 days for me as well. I am sick of soupless soup.lol I am sick of the protein mixes. I am having trouble getting them down. I try my best though. A week from now I am to go on to mushie foods and I broke down today and mushed up tuna and light mayo and 1 eggin the blender and ate 2 spoonfuls of it slowly. I am dizzy and tired, but hey, it is a major surgery and it takes a while for the body to heal. I am not eating foods that are not nutrious if I cheat, which is only because I am not getting the proper protein. I've ordered gummy bear vitamins and I got some calcium caramel chews that contain vitamin D as well. I got up from a nap and I had dreamed that I ate a lot of food and gained back a lot of weight. It was a horrible dream - (napmare)! lol I have lost 18 lbs since I have started the liquid diet. I lost the most recent 2 or 3, since I came home from the surgery. However, I know I am not getting in the proper protein. I am going to keep trying though. I do feel good. I can finally get out of bed all by myself. The pain is mostly soreness now. Much of the gas has left; however, I still feel some every now and then. I haven't taken any additional pain meds for the past 2 days. My husband went to get me some liquid Tylenol and the pharmacy told him they had to pull it off the shelf because something was wrong with it. Oh, well, I was just concerned about headaches. I didn't have one for a while, so I guess I wont think about it. I hope your day at work went well. When I go to reply back to people from my email informing me I got a lapband message, I sign on and then I can't find the person who replied to me. So, please bear with me until I figure this out. I find it a little confusing, but that's just me. Hope all is well with you!
  10. knoebelcamper

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    I must go to a certain pharmacy due to my husband's insurance. We can't just go anywhere we want. I have been in contact with the pharmacy, surgeon, and medical doctor. I take an antidepressant and can no longer take that due to the size. I had spoke to the oppropriate people before surgery and still no one could give me an answer. My doctor said that the surgeon's office told her they took care of it and no one suggested how I was to take the antidepressant. Therefore, the reason I am trying to take care of it myself. My doctor is trying to help as much as she can.
  11. knoebelcamper

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    If I wouldn't have severe chronic back pain from surgery 12 years ago, I wouldn't be having trouble with the timed-released pill. I did talk with the pharmacy, the surgeon, and my medical doctor. I'm litterally tired, depressed and sick of too many people telling me too many different things. My medical doctor is the greatest and has tried to get answers. No good so far. So, I do what works for me. I can only hope all goes well since I feel like I am on my own. I do know, without my medical doctor and the way she supports me and truly cares, I would probably go crazy.
  12. knoebelcamper

    Back in for Surgery after 4 months with the Band...

    Oh my! My prayers go out to you my Dear! I will be thinking about you and praying so hard for you. God be with you!!!
  13. I don't get spasms, but I do get what feels like gas pain. I've had so much of gas pain, it's not too bad. I pretty much know when I'm full. I really don't eat until, I'm full. I measure a very small portion and eat slowly and then quit and about 10 minutes later, I'm full. I do get full quickly though.
  14. I too am getting sick of protein shakes. I went to the GNC store and I found some no sugar Isopure high protein shakes. I thought this might be good since it was a drink verses a thick shake. Well, it tastes as bad, if not worse than the protein shakes. I too get so sick of the sweetness. However, I can have creamy soups now. I hardly eat anything at all though. I do know when I am full. I was curious about that, but when Im done, Im done.
  15. Feeling pretty down. I took a step backwards. I got upset and got all tense and have so much pain now. I have a sore throat and it is not from the tube that went inside. It is a full-fledged sore throat. I am waiting to call the surgeon's nurse to find out what to do. I don't want it turning into broncitis ot pnemonia. Cant get professional questions answered by doctors. Sorry, I can't finish. I am regretting this so much only because I don't have a good surgeon/team support.

  16. knoebelcamper

    What Am I doing?!?

    I too was only an 18/20, but I have sleep apnea, high blood pressure, I had lower lumbar surgery 12 years ago and Im on a narcotic and I am depressed. Because of the chronic pain in my back, I have a difficult time exercising. I tried for almost a year and only lost 17 pounds and got so frustrated. I would rather have fresh fruit over a candy bar any day. If I ever over ate anything, it was fruit. I also love vegetables. I was slowly creeping up in size. I weighed 208. There is one thing you will need if you decide the surgery and that is a GOOD SUPPORT GROUP AND A GOOD SUPPORTIVE SURGEON AND HIS TEAM! I don't have that and I am having a lot of trouble. No one from the surgeon's office can seem to give me a real answser about my pills. My medical doctor even called them. I have trouble taking anything that tastes awlful because I throw it back up. I now have a terrible sore throat. I am questioning if I did the right thing as well. I am not sure I should have done this. I did it for lowering my blood pressure, getting off the cpap machine for sleep apnea, getting off the narcotic and losing weight and being more healthier. I feel awlful and I feel I have no where to turn. I have one friend that has been a tremendous help and without her, I would have crawled in a hole. I can only pray i get some professional advice as to exactly what to do. I also called my pharmacy - due to my husband's work, his insurance says we have to go to a certain pharmacy - I called them about my pills and they said that maybe some of the pills can be liquified, but never gave me a number to call. I thought them and my doctors are supposed to help in this matter.
  17. knoebelcamper

    Uncrushable Pills...What do you do ?

    I have the same problem and even the doctor or the nurses can't give me an answer. I was banded this past Friday. I was so frustrated because I am not getting the answers I NEED. So, I have been taking my timed released pill, my thyroid, my blood pressure and I suffer with restless leg syndrome and I've been taking that too. So far, it has been successful; however, when I start getting the fills, Im not sure if I will be able to continue and then what am I going to do? My medical doctor has been trying to get answers as well, but really hasn't gotten a firm answer. They don't seem to realize that some pills are not crushable nor do they come in liquid form. "AND" if they do, they taste so bad that I can't get them down anyway. I now have a very bad sore throat and Im not sure what to do. Some people have said they had a great surgeon - I can only wish I would have had the same. If I find out anything to your question, I will let you know.
  18. knoebelcamper

    not feeling like a ninja

    I feel the pain as well. I have been moving around quite a bit to try and get rid of the gas pain. I have it mostly right now in my left shoulder and it burns like fire. I was having a lot of pain yesterday and was also concerned about constipation. Twelve years ago I had back surgery and to this day still have chronic back pain. I also suffer from spinal stenosis. Now this pain. When I had my back surgery the surgeon prescribed a highly constipating narcotic and didn't really tell me how badly constipating it was and never even prescribed anything to keep my bowels moving. I got impacted bowels and am petrifid of that happening again. Therefore, now since I have been banded 3 days ago, I am so concerned about making a bowel movement. The back surgery caused chronic back pain and I am on oxycontin and have to be very careful with my bowels. I only take one 10mg pill in morning and one in evening. So, my husband called my surgeon and told him that I was having a lot of pain and was concerned about constipation. This is what the surgeon told my husband, "She shouldn't be having any pain, I did it laproscopically and isn't she on a ton of drugs anyway?" "She doesn't need anything for constipation because she isn't eating anything now anyway." I felt like an elephant was dumped on me. From what he told my husband, I was physically sick and crying much of that day from telling my husband I should have no pain. Everyone that has been banded had pain and even the nurses in the hospital told me to keep ahead of the pain and don't be afraid to take the pain meds as prescribed. Yet the surgeon said I shouldn't have any pain because he did it laproscopic. I am depressed and lost my happiness and excitement from getting the band and how it will change my life. I probably wouldn't feel so bad, but I have to go back to this jerk and I shake when I think of it. Not that I am glad that you have pain, it's just nice to know that I am not lying about my pain and everyone else is having the same as me.
  19. knoebelcamper

    What is the point of this blog?????

    I am only into 3 days being banded, so I am still sore everywhere. I wish I could help you. I think we all will have the same concern as you. It is painful, but right now for me, it's painful everywhere. People have been saying things about the specific band they had inserted. I have no idea what kind of band I have, nor do I know how the port has been attached. I guess I should know. I feel a little dumb that I don't. From friends having this done, they have said it takes months for everything to heal properly. I wish you well and if you get this taken care of, please post back again and let us know. Best wishes to you.
  20. knoebelcamper

    baby after PCOS is here now its time to get in gear!

    Congratulations Big Time! God Bless you and your blessed little angel!
  21. knoebelcamper

    Should I be upset?

    I was banded yesterday and today I was having a lot of pain. I was assuming it was gas. However, I am extremely afraid I will get constipated. I had back surgery 12 years ago and I have been on a narcotic for as long. Well the surgeon that operated on my back never told me the narcotic he prescribed was constipating after I came home from the hospital and I got impacted bowels. I am so afraid this will happen again. So, just for safety and to feel secure, my husband called my surgeon who did the band surgery and asked him about the pain and was there anything that I might be able to take for constipation? I know there wouldn't be too many bowel movements due to the fact I am on a liquid diet, but I wanted to be prepared. My husband told him I was having pain. This was the surgeon's reply, "She shouldn't have any pain because I did it laproscopically." I take one narcotic in the morning and one in the evening before bed, a total of 10 mg's per day. The surgeon said to my husband "Isn't she on a ton of narcotics already?" "She shouldn't be having any pain." Well I have chronic pain in my back and I have noticed that other people are having some pain from the band surgery as well. Mine isn't excruciating or anything like that; however, it does hurt plus the back pain and I was just concerned about getting impacted bowels. Should I be upset at what he said. His bedside manner sucks! Please excuse me if I mispelled words. I don't feel like looking them up. Thanks. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  22. knoebelcamper

    Should I be upset?

    Thanks for understanding. I have been so upset ever since he told my husand that. I just can't seem to forget about what he said. It made me feel so alone and be my own guide. Now I have an acutal sore throat and I don't want to call him about it. It is not the typical scratchy throat one gets from the tube that is inserted. It's a real sore throat. I don't want it to get worse, but I have no idea what to do now. I have spinal stenosis, chronic back pain from back surgery that was done 12 years ago, and this pain. Now I am getting a sore throat. Yet, from this surgery, according to the surgeon, I am not suppose to be in pain. One of the main reasons for the surgery is to eliminate the weight so it alleviates the pain from the stenosis and the chronic back pain. I am actually sick over this.
  23. knoebelcamper

    Unabashed Love of the Band

    You are lookin great! You are so right "bandster hell" and I sure as heck can't wait till the bandster hell pain goes away for ever!!!!!!
  24. knoebelcamper

    Should I be upset?

    Thank you so much. Since I've never done this before, I don't know what to do and what is right for me. I guess I am my own guide from here on out since the professionals don't give a darn. I just can't beleive what he said. When I started, they said they would be a good support group, but they really want you to get answers elsewhere. Once the surgery is over, I'm pretty much on my own. He got his money and to hell with me. I haven't cried about anything yet, but when my husband told me what he said, I started crying. If I can't count on the surgeon (a freaken professional) who can I count on. I guess myself. Only, Im not the professional. Thanks so much for your input, it made me feel better.
  25. Thanks so much. I enjoyed talking with you today.

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