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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knoebelcamper

  1. knoebelcamper

    Small victory in Ellenland...

    From a 26 to a 22 - THAT'S GREAT! It is very much huge accomplishment. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  2. knoebelcamper


    Something that might help you as well and something that I thought I would NEVER do, is look for as many new healthy recipies as you can and make. And then make one, if not every day, every other day. It can be fun too. I have been doing that because I get bored with the same food and then I start eating everything else in sight. I also suffer with a lot of other pain which makes me crazy and feel like all I want to do is eat. I had back surgery 13 years ago and suffer with chronic back pain, suffer with spinal stenosis, and restless leg symdrom. I also have been having bad pain in my legs. That is why I am online right now at 2:30 am. because I had so much pain in my legs I couldn't sleep. I get depressed over the pain that all I want to do is eat. My doctor and I felt that losing the extra weight would help with the pain. I lost 18 pounds and so far, have not found any pain reduction. I am tired because of so much pain. I muddle through though and try my best to keep going. I must say though, there are times when I just want to give up and just eat and eat and eat. I also feel like I should have lost more weight. I was banded on Nov. 5th of 2010. and filled twice so far. I am having trouble getting the proper amount of protein in and I know that is very important. It is true, keep finding other things to do when the hunger urge strikes. I have a WII and my husband got me "Dance 2" and WII Fit. They are fun. I started making my own cards and I do sew. I cleaned out my basement. It took me 4 days, but I did it and it kept me from eating so it was worth it and my basement is clean. YIPPIE!! Do you knit? Try that too. It keeps the hands busy. Knit while you watch TV, then you have your hands on the needles and your mind on the TV. NOT FOOD! I am finding the best thing is finding new recipies. I am an old fashioned cook and like I said, I never thought I would be cooking like I am now. Well, best wishes to you. No one said this was going to be easy. BUT they did say it would be worth it.
  3. knoebelcamper

    Day 4 Pre-Op Diet

    I too want to resort back to the "Old Me", and sometimes I do. However, I don't beat myself up because of it. I just don't do it every day anymore. I love food and I am feeling depressed because I now have to cook differently to make sure I have enough variety of food so I won't get bored. AND...getting enough of protein in a day is a big challenge to me. I know I am not getting enough because I am tired alot. Some days I have all the energy in the world and then other days, I want to sleep. Might be because I am depressed. I feel like I should be losing more weight and I'm not. I only had 2 fills so far. I really have been doing good, but this evening I didn't want to stop eating. I'm not giving up though. This is a challenge for all of us. Best wishes to you for a successful journey!
  4. knoebelcamper

    The Introduction

    I think my most difficult problem to overcome is "NOT" drinking with meals. I am having so much trouble as well. I do sip some water every now and then. Especially, if I am eating something spicy. I don't drink, but I do sip. I make sure I take a long water or low fat milk if I am out at a resturant, because afterwards if we go somewhere else, I have something to drink 1/2 hour later. That seems to work. I was told by my doctor that I was ONLY permitted to eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and I was not to have snacks in between meals. Well, that is unreal. I usually eat fruit or nuts. I am having trouble too with this. This is not easy. If I am hungry, I try to find things to do besides eat. Sometimes that can be very difficult. Like now. I want to eat something, but I usually don't eat dinner until 6 pm and so I thought I'd go on this site and pass some time away waiting until when I can eat. I think it takes practice to find ways to do other things besides eat. I started this whole thing in October of 2010 and was banded Novl 5 and only lost 18 lbs. I feel like I should have lost more. I've only had 2 fills. I am doing pretty much of what I am supposed to be doing, but no major weight loss yet. This is sometimes so slow I get so upset and bored. I truly want to stick with it though. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and sometimes when I want to eat, I put that in and dance to that instead. It is fun. I also sew and if I want to eat, try to do one of the above first. Like I said, I think it takes practice to keep away from the food and do something else first. Good luck and I so do relate!!!!!
  5. knoebelcamper

    New Journey

    Recovery time is about 2 weeks, but I've known people to go back to work after just one week. I am laid off right now, but if I would have been working, I probably would have gone back in 1 week. My surgeon's instructions were 2 weeks though. He did tell me that if I had to bend a lot, then I need a full 2 weeks, because bending is difficult and he didn't want my band to slip. Once my surgeon gave me the go-a-head, I started walking and now I spend most of my exercise on my WII. My husband bought me "Dance 2" and that is so much fun. I also have WII FIT and that is fun as well. I hope you are a good candidate for the surgery. It is a slow process, at least it has been for me. My surgeon said I was not to worry though and that it takes time. Gastric Bypass people lose weight much quicker, but with the band, it takes longer to lose the weight just for the fact of how many fills will it take for it to work and keep one full. I just had my second fill. My first fill was 2 cc's and my second was 2.5 cc's. I feel fuller now and that is great, but I am still looking forward to my third fill. He asked me if I wanted to come back in 4, 6 or 8 weeks. I said 4. I am a little impatient. This has been a long process and it is not the easy way out. Well, Best Wishes to you.
  6. knoebelcamper

    Tomorrow is the big day

    Best wishes. I looked at the clock and it is 8:50 am. I am sure you are going through the procedures getting you ready for your surgery. I know I was excited too. I was banded Nov.5th. I've lost 18 pounds from beginning. I had my second fill this past Monday. I think I am feeling a bit fuller after I eat and that is great. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and that is fun and I do it every day. Well, I saw your post and thought I'd reply to tell you that I am thinking about you and how excited you must be feeling at the hospital right now! Hope all goes well!
  7. knoebelcamper

    Sooooo slow

    This whole food thing is a "head" thing. I crave things I don't really like either. I am not an icecream person, but I crave it sometimes. I think that because I can't graze all day, I want to even more. However, I just had my 2nd fill and I am staying full a little longer. I think I will need a couple more for it to do what I need it to do. My surgeon says I am not to worry and that this takes time. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for the WII and it is a lot of fun. I have been doing that every day except for the weekends, unless we don't run around the whole weekend. I enjoy it very much. I just hope it doesn't get boring. I also have WII fit which I haven't used since before my surgery. I must get that out again so I have a variety of things to do. I only lost 18 pounds and that includes the pre stuff before surgery. I was very upset that I didnt lose more. However, during the holidays, I didn't gain either so I am going to focus on that positive. We all have negative days, so don't feel bad.
  8. knoebelcamper

    Been away

    Vitimin D is good for your hair.
  9. knoebelcamper

    Time for a fitness challenge!

    Sounds like you are very energetic. I suffer with chronic back pain and spinal stenosis, so the pain exhausts me. However, you mentioned the WII. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and I have been using it every day since. It is so much fun and if there is ever a chance where I go to a dance, I might be able to use my skills I learned on the WII. I also have the WII you did too. I use to do that and I must get back to it. There are some things on there that I do like. I like the hoola hoop. I like the running too, but I have bad knees too, with hopes of losing a lot of weight so they won't be so tender. I have lost only 18 pounds so far. I was banded Nov 5. I just got my second fill yesterday of 2.5 cc's. My first fill was 2 cc's. I was starved when I got home and I am to stick to a liquid diet for 24 hours and then a mushy diet for the next 24 hours. I cheated a little. I just am too hungry. However, I don't cheat that I over eat anything. Just something to make me a lttle full. I am not sure why we have to do the liquid diet after a fill. I forgot. Anyway, Sounds like you are doing so good. Congratulations and I hope I can keep up the energy level as well!
  10. knoebelcamper

    It happened over night!

    Congratulations! I can't wait for that day either! I have not lost to much weight yet. I was banded Nov. 12th and went through the pre stuff in October. To date, I lost only 18 pounds. I was only filled twice so far. My first fill was 2 cc's and my second was just yesterday and that was 2.5 ccs. When I went home, I was starving. I cheated a little and ate 1/4 cup of macaroni and cheese. Something that would slide down easily. I can't remember why I have to stay on a liquid diet for 24 hours and the a mushy diet for 24 more hours. Everything stayed down. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for my WII and it is fun. I do look forward to that every day and I hope I dont get bored with it. I dont have a treadmill so the Dance is fun and mabe if I remember the exact steps and go to a dance somewhere, I can show my skills. No one has seen my loss of 18 pounds so far and it was a little sad, but I am not giving up. I went on this website and found a bunch of healthy high protein meals that was great. I was getting so down about what to eat. It was becoming boring and I was resorting back to making fattening meals. However, once I saw all of the recipies, I printed them out and have light at the end of my tunnel. Congrats to you and all of us on this amazing, difficult, but worthwhile journey!
  11. knoebelcamper

    Im back!

    I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers as well. So many of us have struggles that seem so difficult to cope with. However, we manage to do so somehow. Life is really difficult, but there isn't much we can do but try to think positive and force ourselves to do the right things. I am hungry too much and I struggle with chronic back pain, spinal stenosis and restless leg syndrome. I am exhausted most of the time due to the severe pain. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for the WII. It is fun and I enjoy it and even look forward to doing it every day. I hope I dont lose the desire. Not sure if you have a WII or not, but if so, this Dance game is a lot of fun and you and your daughter can do it together. I have to focus on eating protein first. I was told that protein is the most important food because it gets and keeps you full. I am having trouble finding enough varieties of how I can eat protein for 3 meals a day, 365 days, without getting bored of eating the same thing over and over again. Well, prayers are with you. God Bless!
  12. knoebelcamper

    Feel like a major failure.

    It isn't easy. I too am having trouble. BUT, even on my down days, I am going to try and force myself to think postive. I am trying to find different ways of eating and different things to eat. The most important thing to remember is to eat PROTEIN FIRST!!! That will get you and keep you full. I have asked different bandsters what they eat. Dont give up before you research other ways of how and what you can eat to keep you full. Good Luck!
  13. Why is it so important to stay on liquids after a fill? I am starving.

  14. I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who is having trouble with this site. I haven't gotten on it for over a month because I can't find the replies to my questions from other bandsters. I just repllied to 2 other bandsters and can't find my blogs to them at all. I am so upset because I feel so lost when I can't get back to the people I need to.

  15. knoebelcamper

    Questioning myself

    May I ask you what types of food do you eat? I know lapbanders must eat protein first, but I don't know how to keep protein that it doesn't get boring. My surgeon said I was only permitted to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner and no snacks or anything in between meals. I have to get used to eating only at specified times instead of all day long. I am not a junk food junkie. I love fruit and veggies, but I was told that protein is the most important thing and I need some recipies to advance to so I dont get bored eating the same things over and over again. That is when I start eating too much, if I am not satisified. Thank you. I hope I can get back on to find you and your response. I havent been on the site because I find it difficult to use. It used to be easy. I can't even find my own blogs. Maybe I am just not too smart when it comes to this, but I do know when I first went on this back in Nov. 5th and it was fairly easy and now I am having trouble finding when someone replies back to me. Anyway, if you have any recipies that you eat, I would very much appreciate it. I have only lost 18 pounds since I started this whole thing back in October. I am into close to 3 months and I feel like I should have lost more weight.
  16. knoebelcamper

    So here it is....

    Haven't been on this site for a while. I just had my second fill. I am hungry all of the time. My husband bought me "Dance 2" for the WII. It is fun, but I am laid off right now and I know if I get a job, I won't do it as much as I am now. I suffer with chronic back pain, spinal stenosis and restless leg syndrom. All of which will subside when I lose some weight. From when I started this, I have lost 18 pounds. I did not gain over the Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays and that is my possitive thing I will focus on. It is very easy to focus on the "NOT" losing any weight, but I was told by my doctor that this takes time. I have been cooking more nutritious meals, but keep forgetting that I need to eat more protein so I get and stay full. How many times can you make chicken, fish, or tuna or salmon before it gets boring? I did manage to make some very good meals for my husband and me. Some were good and some weren't. I must not forget to focus on protein first when I eat. I noticed that many people are having trouble. I too am having trouble not eating. Just today, my surgeon told me that I should be eating ONLY breakfast, lunch, and dinner. NO SNACKS, and NO EATING BETWEEN MEALS. He wants me to get use to eating only at those times and not all day long. I understand, but it is so very hard to do. After a fill, I am not to eat anything but clear liquids for 24 hours. I cheated this evening and ate 1/4 cup of macroni and cheese so I had something to fill me up. I am still hungry. I sometimes want to cry because I am so hungry, but I am going to try and think positive about this and focus on the outcome of getting smaller and feeling better. I want to be able to keep up with my grandkids. I want to be a fun Grandma. Well, to all of those who are suffering with the same thing as me, I hope the best for you and pray somehow you and I will find the will power to NOT eat all day long.
  17. knoebelcamper


    What should I expect for my first fill?
  18. knoebelcamper

    One really needs to follow the rules...

    I hope Im not sounding dumb, but what are butter buds? This sounds so yummy!
  19. knoebelcamper


    I agree. I guess it is difficult, but being heavy is difficult too and I'm so tired of being heavy. I can't wait to be able to tie my shoes without huffing and puffing because my stomach is in the way, My first fill is tomorrow. Good luck with yours.
  20. knoebelcamper

    3rd Fill/No Fill

    I get my first fill tomorrow. I am excited. Until now I have not lost any weight since I was banded Nov. 5, 2010. However, I didn't gain any either. I am excited to start losing some major weight. I have been having pain in my lower left side close to my leg. I got a CT scan and it didn't show anything. I don't know what to do. At this time, I am so tired of worrying and I want to think positive so much. I am going to ignore it and pray it will go away and enjoy my fill tomororw.
  21. I get my first fill dec. 13th too. I was told that before the fills, I am not restricted; therefore, I can eat pretty much of what I want. It isn't until the fills that one stops eating everything in site and starts losing weight. I can't wait for that. I am excited. Good Luck with your fill.

  22. knoebelcamper


    thanks. I kind of though that, I wasn't sure if I could drink before I got my fill or not. I am not too computer savy so sometimes I can't find out how to get back to read some of the answers.
  23. I can't seem to be happy. Even little things are going wrong. I think I hurt myself because the left side hurts so bad. I have trouble bending over and I am one month past surgery. I should not feel that much pain. I called the nurse and I am waiting for a reply. Another thing, when I blog, I can't find my blogs afterwards to find out if anyone responded. I feel stupid and very angry. I am just wondering if I did the right thing. My first fill is Dec. 13th, but now I am hurti...

  24. knoebelcamper


    I haven't posted much for a while. I feel like I am alone and why bother. I've read some of your problems and I wonder if this was a good choice. I hate liquid medicine and if I get a headache that is all I can take. I get so sick in my stomach from it. I am depressed I guess. No one in my family understands how I feel and I am not too sure they really care. If I have pain and am grouchy, my husband says mean things, when all I need is a kind word or a hug. It is kind of like, "Ok, you should be better and I am not going to waste my time on you anymore because I say you should be better, and this is cramping my style and I no longer want to deal with it?" Right now I am getting sick. I have a sore throat which hurts so bad and I am still sore. I also have trouble with this site. I must be stupid because I can't find my blogs. It seems as though they changed the site since I was on last and now I can't find anything. I used to be able to go to "MY BLOG" but I can't find it at the top anymore.
  25. knoebelcamper

    question on soreness

    Did anyone's band ever slip, and if so, what did the pain feel like? I was doing fine and it has been almost 1 month since I've been banded, but I am having so much pain in my left side. Like a constant pinch. Is this normal?

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