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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by knoebelcamper

  1. knoebelcamper

    Way too slow

    Thanks for the info. It really is discouraging when I read what others are losing and I'm not. I am naturally a depressed person anyway, trying to fight that as well and this doesn't make me feel any better. However, I really am not going to give up. I have come to far to give up this early. It really is a fight though. I am hoping that this fill works a little better. I have myself scheduled for another fill in 4 weeks. I am afraid that if I dont get good fills that before I go to the next fill, my band will stretch out. I am hoping for the best and trying to stay positive. Thanks so much for the encouraging words. I really, really appreciate it.
  2. knoebelcamper

    overfill pouch stretched

    I wish you the best. I just haven't been losing the weight like I feel I should. I have lost a total of 21 lbs., most of which was lost on the liquid diet before surgery. I went for my 3rd fill today and got 1 full cc added, totallying 3.5cc. I really hope this restricts me more. I was hungry way too much; however, lost 3 lbs. in one month. Although I am happy of the 3 lb. weight loss, it needs to me more. I have been seeing on these blogs that people are losing so much weight so quickly and I have been doing all of the right things and I am hardly losing anything at all. It really is discouraging and I dont want to give up. I have to keep going. It truly sounds like you have been put through the ringer though. However, it also sounds like you are going to be taken care of "finally" the proper way. Which means you are on the road to recovery and a better life. I wish you the best!
  3. knoebelcamper

    Wow Factor

    Good story. It gives me hope. I was banded Nov. 5th of 2010 - only 3 months. I have lost a total of 21 lbs, most of which was before surgery on the liquid diet. The going has been tough for me and very, very slow. I got my 3rd fill today with a total of 3.5 cc.s. I really hope I soon get the restriction I need to lose some weight a little quicker. I have even been doing exercises and cooking better. I've noticed a lot of people have been losing so much weight so quickly and I am not. It is so discouraging for me to see that, but I guess I have to keep in mind that everyone is different and I can't give up. I have come too far to do that. Well, it is great that everyone responded like they did. I certainly understand why you want to lose 77 more pounds. They don't understand, but that is ok. You need to do what you have to do no matter what others think. Good Luck! I enjoyed your successful story!
  4. knoebelcamper

    First Fill

    I get at least .5 cc every time I go. Today was my third fill and I got 1 full cc. I was happy because I am hungry too much. I did manage to lose 3 lbs. in 4 weeks which I think is way too little. I was under the impression I would lose a little quicker. I know this is a slow process, but didn't realize it was that slow. I see other people losing mega weight in a short period of time. I guess it's different for everyone and I am the slow one of the bunch. I just hope I get to a restriction where I am not hungry all of the time. I am never worried about an overfill. I am always worried about an underfill and can't wait to go back in 4 weeks. I am to stay on a clear liquid diet for 24 hrs. and a mushy diet the next 24 and then back to normal. I start getting much hungrier and find myself eating mushy things before the 24 hours is up. I really wish I could start losing faster. I have been exercising and learning to cook better, but to no avail. Oh well, I am not giving up. I came too far. Good Luck to you!
  5. knoebelcamper


    I am having problems getting the proper amount of protein in. I don't like the protein powder, nor the drinks that I can buy at the grocery stores. However, I got fat free yogart, 1% milk and strawberries and I will mix some of each together along with some ice and protein powder and see if that helps. I hope it does. I just got my third fill today. I am not losing much weight at all and have been trying so hard to do what I have been told. I hope I soon get to a fill that restricts me and I start losing some weight. It really is a challenge, count the protein, count the calories, count the carbs. One can go crazy trying to get the proper amount of each in a days time. I am going to concentrate however on the protein. My hair has been falling out and I know it is from not getting the proper amount of protein. You came a long way. I hope you buy yourself something really special. Good Luck!
  6. knoebelcamper

    Feeling the Pain ...

    Isn't it odd that everyones doctor prescribes different things for the same surgery that everyone has had. My doctor said I stay on clear liquids for 24 hours after my fills and the next 24 hours mushy foods and then back to normal. Today I had my 3rd fill and I total 3.5 cc. I certainly hope this stops me from being so darn hungry. I lost 3 pounds in 1 month and that is NOT what I thought this would be. I thought it would be more a little faster. At least that 's what is happening to me. Some are losing mega pounds and I dont understand how. I eat good food, not so much, I don't like junk foods, and have even learned to cook better. BUT......I have not lost the weight like I want to. I must admit that I was only to have clear liquids today, but had some noodles slip down while I was eating my chicken broth. It was good and filled me quickly. I hate being on these liquid diets. It just makes me crazy and makes me hungrier. I will try my best to follow the rules though. Best wishes to you and I hope I soon get to a fill that restricts me so I start losing weight better.
  7. knoebelcamper

    Great support on here!

    Me too! I dont have a lot of support either. Actually, I guess when it comes down to it, I don't have any support. No one calls and asks me how I am doing. No one understands and has the time for me. All my husband does is says, you are not aloud to eat that anymore. Oh, but yes I can, just not so much. He has no idea. I feel alone. I haven't lost much weight yet and had 2 fills totalling 2.5 cc. All the weight I lost so far was before surgery on the nasty liquid diet. I've lost nothing since, but I have not gained either. I've even started doing exercises, still nothing. No drop in dress size even a tiny bit. I guess I will have to get more fills. I was banded Nov. 5th. I don't want to be so down, but I just need someone to stick by me. I know I can't do it myself.
  8. I really dont have any response to your problem. I would however like to ask you a question. At what fill did you start noticing that you were losing weight without trouble? I am only at 2.5 cc's and I am still eating like a pig. I feel so lost. I know ou are at 8.90 cc and you seem to be losing without any trouble at all. I want to get to that point so much. I hope you solve your problem though because you seem like such a success. Best wishes to you!
  9. knoebelcamper

    The nerves are setting in now...

    Being a chronic worrier myself, I too felt like you did. BUT....save your worrying for consentrating on how you are going to change your life and know in your heart that you will be better off and enjoy life much better. And you WILL be happier! It is a fight for all of us and we all have to stick with it. I know I have my demons and I have to fight them. I continue praying for myself and all of the other bandsters as well. I know we all have a difficult road a head of us, but I also know that we will be so grateful and fulfilled in joy, comfort, and happiness when we reach our goal. Best wishes to you. You WILL make it my dear! Don't worry. It truly is a waste. Waiting for your surgery, research different recipies, research how to cook differently, research good snacks to replace the bad snacks, pick up a new hobby. Best Wishes for continued success! Signed, a bandster much like yourself.
  10. knoebelcamper

    2 week Pre OP Diet!!!

    No secrets to losing weight. Just stick to the liquid diet and you will shed some pounds. Everyone is different and some lose mega pounds and some don't. Keep busy and congratulations on your lifelong journey. I was banded Nov. 5th and haven't lost much weight. Most of my weight I lost before surgery on the liquid diet. I've had 2 fills with a total of 2.5 cc's, but I have been told that for some, that is nothing and for me, it will take a few more fills before I feel a difference. I am hungry more than what I should be, but I eat healthy foods and try and stay away from the junk. I am going to beat this by staying on it. I suffer with chronic back pain, thyroid problems, spinal stenosis, and restless leg syndrome. So, I have a lot to conquer as well as the weight loss. As far as the exercise, I can only do it when my back pain isn't severe, which I do force myself a little anyway. I have to be careful not to hurt my back more. Although I do not have to lose a lot of weight, I do have to lose at least 80 more pounds. The main reason for this surgery is to lose weight so I can get off my blood pressure meds, so my back pain subsides and so I feel better all around. I know for myself, I have a big fight on my hands, but I am not giving up. I have to do this. I have grandchildren that I need to play with, to go places with, to just have a lot of fun with and I just can't fail. Best wishes to you my dear! All bandsters are in it for life!
  11. knoebelcamper

    My surgery is on Feb 16th!!!!!!!!!

    Best wishes to you. I've been banded since Nov. 5th. I haven't lost much weight, but everyone is different and I expect to after I get a couple more fills. I am dancing to my WII Dance 2 and I am liking it very much. Anyway, take care and Best Wishes to you!
  12. knoebelcamper

    Finding Time

    I truly understand trying to find time to exercise. Right now, I am laid off. I lost my job and although that is very sad, I am taking this time to heal and exercise. I actually said to my doctor the other day, I am kind of glad I have off because I don't think I could have found the time to exercise. If I were working, I'd have my job, cooking, cleaning, laundry. It isn't easy finding the time especially when you've done all that work. However, right now I am taking the time to heal my mind and body and exercise. Best wishes to you in finding the time to exercise. I am going to try my best to always stick with it.
  13. knoebelcamper

    The Eve of the BAND or 1 LAP TO GO!!

    Best wishes to you! It really isn't too bad. I too never thought the day would come and like you said, "All of a sudden it's here." Again, best w ishes!
  14. knoebelcamper


    Me too! I just read one bandster that said if you only have 2.5 cc's, that it is really not a fill at all. Therefore, I am going to try and stay positive and pray there is hope for me yet. I am discouraged, angry, hungry and crying a lot because I am no losing any weight either. Althought I am all of those things, plus being depressed as well, I am not going to give up yet. Maybe we need more fills before this starts working. I go for my 3rd fill next week. I hope this starts working soon. Best wishes to you!
  15. You have given me hope. I saw your reply to one bandster that had 2.5 fills, same as me, and did not lose anything. And your reply was that at 2.5 it is really not a fill. Anyway, you have given me hope this will work, because I feel like crying all of the time because this is not working for me. Thanks.

  16. knoebelcamper

    When will this weight just start falling???

    I too have only been filled with 2.5 cc and am not losing any weight. I am discouraged and feeling very depressed considering I have read a lot of banders have lost mega pounds just after their second fill. Heck, even right after their surgery they have lost pounds. I have lost 18 pounds totaled, but all but 2 of those pounds were before the surgery on the crappy liquid diet I had to be on. I am doing all the right things. I have even researched and gotten healthy recipies to cook and started exercising. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING! My portions are very small too. Then there are those that say you are not eating enough. Well, I dont understand........Lets get surgery so you won't eat much, then people say, "You are not eating enough". I am going crazy! I am so damn depressed because I am not losing anything! Sorry to be a downer! I hope there is still hope for me because I am not giving up YET!
  17. Oh by the way. I thought I was filled 2.5 the second time and from the first time it would have totaled 4.5 cc's and I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing any weight considering I was doing all of the right things. Well, when I went to see my medical doctor she said I did not have 2.5 cc's added the second time. I had only 1/2 cc's with a total of 2.5 cc's. I feel better now.

  18. I went to my medical doctor and she said that the pain might be from doing exercises. She said that I am past the blood clot worry so I need not think about it being blood clots. I have always had trouble with my legs and I guess as I get older, it does't get any better. I just hope that when I start losing some weight, all my pain will go away, or atleast subside a bunch!

  19. knoebelcamper

    Feeling frustrated

    I was banded November 5, 2010. I only lost 2 pounds after surgery, after my second fill. I lost most of the weight which was 16 pounds on the liquid diet BEFORE surgery. I am eating the correct food and not a lot of it. I am getting frustrated and think this isn't going to work for me. I am so tired of being good and not getting any results. I have even started exercising and I am still not getting anywhere. I just want to cry because I am doing all of the right things. It has been 2-1/2 months since surgery and only lost 2 pounds. Why wouldn't I want to give up especially when I see a lot of others that have lost 50 or more pounds. I want a damn donut and I dont even like them. I dont like cakes, cookies or icecream. I LOVE veggies and fruit. Why the hell am I not losing!!!!
  20. knoebelcamper


    I haven't experienced any problems yet. I've only been filled twice totaling 2.5 cc's. I am still hungry and can't wait to get my third fill, but I am nervous too after hearing your story. I truly hope you get things worked out. The problem I have is that I am not losing any weight. I've lost 18 pounds, but 16 of that was before surgery, so I am very discouraged. Well, I wish you the best.
  21. I went to my doctor today about my leg pain and she said the pain is coming from exercising and I thought I had 4.5 cc's and I only have 2.5 cc's. I could have sworn my surgeon said he filled me 2.5 cc's the second time, but he meant he only added 1/2 cc and it totaled 2.5. I guess that might be a reason why I still feel hungry. This has been such a stuggle and I want it so much ...

  22. knoebelcamper

    Feeling frustrated

    Thanks! I want this to work so much! I have so many health issues, which was the main reason for this surgery. It really is discouraging and I feel so lonely and lost. Thanks for your kind words.
  23. I saw you replied back to me regarding my leg pain question, but I can't find your reply. It states you have replied, but when I go on to view, it doesn't give me your reply. Darn it. This is so damn frustrating. Sorry! Really Sorry!

  24. Hello Marw. I have a question. Have you any idea if severe leg pain could be coming from the lapband surgery? I have had severe leg pain that has kept me awake and even had to get out of bed due to the pain. I remember a week after surgery the surgeon asked me if my legs hurt and back then they didnt. Have you heard of this before? Thanks.

  25. Hello Dadkins8, Have you heard anyone having severe leg pains at night that kept them awake and that they even have to get out of bed because of the pain? I remember back when I got my surgery and came back in a week later, the surgeon asked me if my legs hurt and back then they didn't. However, now they do and it has become a major problem. Just wondering if it had to do with the surgery.

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