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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wlcjprice

  1. I just got banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. This week I am able to have soft solids. So I tried. The first day (Sunday), I had half a chicken breast and about a 1/2 cup of pasta salad. I felt like I should not have been able to have that much and I also felt fine. The next day (Monday) I had yogurt, protein shake and, I had a cup of pasta salad at lunch and wound up with stomach pain and nausea. The next day (Tuesday) the same thing - stomach pain and more nausea. So Wednesday, during the day, I went back to just yogurt and applesauce, figuring maybe I need to give my stomach a rest. In the evening, at commercial breaks, I took a bite of chicken breast. The size of it was the size of the palm of my hand. I still struggled with nausea. Yesterday (Thursday) I stuck to yogurt, applesauce, protein shake and again in the evening about 4 spoonfuls of the pasta salad - each spoonful during a commercial break. Still struggling with nausea. Is this what is suppose to happen? I have not had any hunger pains since before the surgery almost 3 weeks ago. I have also only lost 1 pound since the surgery. So I am wondering if I am on the right track. I feel like I am able to eat more than I should. I have not vomited at all. I am having alot of nausea.
  2. Hi, I'm new here today. I was banded October 4th (2 1/2 weeks ago). Still learning, but very excited to reach my goal some day and hopefully soon. It took 4 years for my doctor to hear me and he finally gave me the go ahead back in February. I'm 45. Have 3 grand kids and another on the way. My family has been very supportive of me doing this. I'm hoping that being here I can learn from others as I go through this journey and beyond.

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