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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Dixie122978

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/29/1978

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  1. Happy 34th Birthday Dixie122978!

  2. Dixie122978

    Mississippi Surgeons

    I drove two and half hours to be banded by dr byars. He is the greatest!!
  3. Happy 33rd Birthday Dixie122978!

  4. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Dixie122978!

  5. 78.6 lbs gone YAY!!!! Feel great and I know it's only it's only gonna get better

  6. 41.2 lbs gone...hey thats a small child...lol

  7. has lost 39.4 lbs now ya'll!!! I'm loving my band!!

  8. Dixie122978

    Super glue

    it will come off...just give it time....fyi i had an allergic reaction to the glue they used on me i stayed in hospital four days...sucked big time because after the got the reaction under control i started having esophageal spasms and nausea and dry heaving..lol..sorry....just letting you know it could be worse....
  9. hates being single during holidays!! but at least i have lost 35.5 lbs!!

  10. is so thankful for my lap band just wish i was at my sweet spot already!!

  11. congrats on your success!!

  12. Omg 42lbs congratulations that is wonderful
  13. i wish i could see too lol...that would be all the encouragement i need..lol
  14. I was thinking about getting a different one but don't have funds right now just paid out of pocket for this surgery. And yes I absolutely hate mine but can't sleep without it totally sux I really hope it goes away when I lose more weight
  15. Actually it is from the cpap I have the mask that covers up the nose and mouth I had problems with it before but it wasn't to bad I could just burp and I was ok. Now after banding its like the air gets stuck. But I will try what u suggested and maybe it will help thanx

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