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E. Patchen Dellinger

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Status Updates posted by E. Patchen Dellinger

  1. Happy Birthday Wendy7466!

  2. Happy Birthday Nic2Boys!

  3. Happy Birthday Lanako!

  4. Happy Birthday yepper51!

  5. Happy Birthday kelley53!

  6. Happy Birthday n2bluegrass!

  7. Happy Birthday kiwirn!

  8. Happy Birthday AnnaB6!

  9. Happy Birthday wangpangtang!

  10. Happy Birthday ashkii!

  11. Happy Birthday missyherber!

  12. Happy Birthday seedjar!

  13. Happy Birthday mac-123!

  14. Happy Birthday Haizel!

  15. Happy Birthday Photogmommy!

  16. Happy Birthday jgotto!

  17. Happy Birthday Elle1982!

  18. Happy Birthday Traxxgirl!

  19. Happy Birthday curvee!

  20. Happy Birthday rebahorn!

  21. Happy Birthday Destinie17!

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