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Viewing Topic: Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!
Viewing Topic: Throwing Up Chewble Vitamins!
Viewing Topic: Got approved to have vsg surgery but I want the gastric bypass now! Can I switch.. my surgery date is March 11, 2020 help
Viewing Topic: January 2022 Surgery Buddies
Viewing Forum: Food and Nutrition
Viewing Topic: Nine days post-op and Gaining Weight HELP!
Viewing Topic: What's the story behind your profile name?
Viewing Topic: Help!!!!
Viewing Topic: Dr aceves mushies question
Viewing Topic: March Exercise Challenge
Viewing Topic: Breast Reduction - Will I be happy?
Viewing Topic: MD, VA or DC Doctor Recommendation
Viewing Topic: When can we eat rice
Viewing Topic: Tired of hearing I don't need surgery!
Viewing Topic: Scheduled for May? What Day?
Viewing Topic: Regained weight support
Viewing Topic: Frustr8?
Viewing Profile: lisa0617
Viewing Topic: HELP!!! Someone please reassure me!!!
Viewing Topic: One Month Anniversary Check In
Viewing Topic: New & Needing Post-Op Diet Advice
Viewing Topic: Veggie advice/tips/recipies
Viewing Topic: What if Aunt Flo goes to the hospital with you? (girlie question - boys beware)
Viewing Topic: Butterfinger Protein Shake