What Does "Morbid Obesity" Really Mean?
Anyone who’s known me for more than 10 or 15 minutes knows that I love to laugh. I even laugh about my obesity, when otherwise I might cry. But obesity is not a laughing matter.
Obesity is serious. Dead serious. As serious, in fact, as a heart attack. And that’s why we all need to take it seriously. We need to keep the Grim Reaper in mind even as we journey to a new life free of excess weight.
Yesterday I showed a friend (who never knew the obese Jean) a photo of me taken 95 pounds ago. She said, “Wow. Talk about reinventing yourself!”
Bariatric surgery, and the weight it helped me lose, didn’t just help me reinvent myself. It saved my life, and I’ve heard many other people say the same, using the exact same words: “It saved my life.” So it puzzles me to see other people acting as if weight loss is a hobby rather than a career, a hobby they’ll discard once they arrive at their goal weight and go on to something fun and easy, like a party or a vacation. They’re not stupid people, so why don’t they recognize the gravity of their situation and the life-changing importance of weight loss surgery? Do they not know what “morbid obesity” really means?
I know what it means to me. I know that it’s a matter of life and death, but I freely admit that sometimes I want to forget it altogether. I’m a new woman, enjoying a new life, making up for lost time. I’m tired of worrying about food and eating and the numbers on my bathroom scale. I don’t want to think about the Grim Reaper any more, but I can’t afford to forget him, because he follows me everywhere. That’s because weight loss surgery doesn’t cure obesity. All it does is treat it. It merely helps us manage the chronic disease of obesity. That management is a lifetime job.
We all know what obesity is – it’s the excess weight that drove us to bariatric surgery in the first place. We know how miserable obesity makes us look and feel, but none of us can afford to ignore the morbid part, because that’s the part that drives us to the grave. It’s the part that increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other potentially fatal conditions. Morbid obesity may not be listed as the cause of death on your death certificate, but it’s the cause that’s lurking around the corner. Your friends and family aren’t going to pay much attention to that, because all they’ll care about is that you’re gone long before they ever dreamed they’d have to say goodbye to you.
Wearing plus-size or big-and-tall clothing while we watch our kids enjoy carnival rides that we’re too fat to fit on is lousy today, but morbid is lousy forever. Even if you have no or mild co-morbidities (conditions caused or aggravated by obesity) today, chances are you’ll develop them in a day or a year or in 10 years. Morbid obesity is morbid because it’s been proven to shorten our lives. Even if you can overcome the heartache and shame of being excluded from life’s joys, you can’t overcome death. That’s forever. And I can’t ignore Forever. Can you?
So this is your wake-up call. Obesity can be fatal. It’s serious. Dead serious. It’s time to buckle down and do something about it…right this minute, before the Grim Reaper gets an inch closer…Hey! Get moving, now. Here he comes!
Ken S. 162
Hi, great article.
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