Do Lap Banders, really need BREAKFAST?

The Wikipedia definition of BREAKFAST states:
Breakfast (literally meaning "breaking the fast" of the night) is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before
undertaking the day's work.
Do individuals with a Lap Band need breakfast? I don’t believe so.
I often see clients reporting getting food stuck in the morning. As they literally try to force food through the lap band.
Why? They have been told it is the most important meal of the day to get the metabolism going.
So they persist and change if toast or fruit get stuck, to a liquid meal such as a fruit smoothie or a weight loss meal replacement.
In addition, they often report they are not even feeling hungry. So why consume these calories.
My solution / recommendation.
Forget breakfast. Stop forcing calories through the lap band when you are not feeling hungry.
It is more common that the lap band feels tighter in the morning. Hence the greater pressure on the receptor sites, this suppresses one’s hunger. It can sometimes take
1 to 3 hours on waking to become interested in food as the pressure lessens on the receptor sites.
This is when I recommend we have our first meal of the day, not breakfast!!!
Consider removing breakfast, lunch and dinner from your weight loss journey vocabulary. Replace these to the first, second and third meal of the day instead,
consumed at times that suit your lifestyle.
I will go back to work on Aug 16 after my band date of Aug 6. I wake up very early (0415) and I will drink a Protein Shake until lunch time, follow up with a small serving of nonfat greek yogurt and some crystal light until dinner time. Then another Protein shake and SF popsicle later or SF Jello.< /p>
I am the same. Sip my one cup of coffee while I make the drive to work. I don't eat anything until I feel physical hunger. Just because I am up doesn't mean I should eat. But I do have the luxury of being able to eat at my desk. Not everyone can do that. Some people might not have the chance to eat again until their lunch break.
But, I think the point is, you don't have to eat at the traditional meal times. I certainly don't. I eat when I feel physical hunger.
I agree with everyone, my doctors information states to eat only when hungry so if first thing in the morning you are not, don't eat. I too usually eat about 3 hours after I awake but depending on my schedule I might eat earlier.
i am way tight in the morning but drink a Protein shake because i need the Protein and it tastes good and it will fill me up. i think each person is different with different lives, so what works for me may not work for someone else..
to me, if i am hungry (and its not head hunger), i eat.
I agree with everyone. I have to wait till 2 hours after I'm up, that is when I get hungry. If I'm not hungry I don't eat. By evening I get all my calories in, that's for sure!
I love breakfast,its my favorite part of the day...Now since I am banded I can't do breakfast 'right away' because the first thing I do when getting up is drink tons of Water so my belly is completely full. As I sit here and type this I am waiting for 12 noon to roll around so I can eat.I usually give myself a half hour after I drink water to eat anything. No, I will not skip it because I only eat 2-4 ounces per meal and need my nutrients to stay healthy avoiding becoming sick, thus avioiding in the future to be tempted by unhealthy foods by 'skipping' meals.
If i dont eat breakfast (i get up at 5.30 and run 6kms), its after 1pm before i get a break to eat, so i really have to. Truth is anyway, im hungry willing and able to eat. If i eat at recess time (11), then i dont want lunch, but then im hungry after school at four and way prone to the lure of biscuits and coffee. The whole cycle just gets out of whack if i dont get the right sort of calories in for breakfast.
I think we're all different.
Surely breakfast is breakfast no matter what time you eat it.
I agree even though there are all kinds of studies out there saying we are wrong! And don't forget we aren't supposed to eat after 7pm at night or watch TV while eating. Who wants to sit at the dinner table and stare at their plate for 30 minutes??
Since the band, I eat my first meal mid-morning. As a result, I eat later in the evening which has helped me with my night time snacking! (My nutritionist suggested that one!) I do eat my biggest meal of the day during Meal #2. I also sit in my living room, in my Lazy-Boy with my meal and my laptop while slowly taking small bites, chewing my food to a pulp like consistency and waiting a few minutes before taking the next bite. In between I'm checking my e-mail, Facebook, news and the lapband forums.
I guess the moral of the story is to do what makes sense and works for you and forget about all the rules!
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Your website link doesn't work unless you remove the https.
Thank you,I have checked and I have foud it to work ok, without it the program asks me to fix the link. Within my Bio, the https:// present or not did not help to make the link live
It's a constant learniing curve to me
Thanks again
Surely breakfast is breakfast no matter what time you eat it.
I do like to change the labelling to help stop people forcing food through the band too early in the day. What ever helps people get the results and unerstand the band.
Hope you don't mind but I've been using your URL and the video on your site as an aide to new and wannabe bandsters?
Guess I am one of the lucky bandsters who has never had a morning eating issue. However, I often exercise first thing in the morning so it's typically Water for the first 40 to 90 minutes anyway. And I do eat Breakfast at my desk on the days that I cycle to work. A bowl of porridge is delicious after a cold (it's still winter here!) bike ride for 90 minutes followed by a lovely hot shower!
suzbuni 32
I usually just have coffee or tea early6 or 7am. . Then eat about 9-10am. So that make sense.
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