Dear Lap-Band: A Fond Farewell

Love at First Sight
I was enthusiastic about the promise of the lap-band from the moment I first heard about you. Could you be the tool that could end my struggles with weight? Could it be possible that there could be an end to my unhealthy relationship with food? Could I say goodbye to the liquid diets, the low-carb diets, the fat-free diets, and all the other fad diets I had tried?
You had worked for my friend; could you work magic for me, too? I dared to hope. I got surgery in July of 2003.
Honeymoon and Beyond
Surgery went as expected, and you lived up to your promise. I lost weight – nearly 100 lbs. – and hit a healthy BMI. I felt better than I ever had. Sure, you made me work hard for every pound, but each victory was so sweet that there was no question that I would not follow your guidance.
In so many ways, the honeymoon period did not seem to end. Life has gotten better and better as I have gained confidence that I can maintain goal weight and prevent regain. Not once did I look back with regret.
A Helping Hand for a New Lease on Life
With the lap-band, I was able to gain control of myself and my life. I enjoy life’s events for themselves, and not for the food that comes with or after them. I am able to keep up with my children, who are my greatest joys. I have energy and confidence.
You have made my relationship with food better, and that is liberating. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I give in to my cravings and become satisfied with only a reasonable amount of the food I craved. There have been bumps along the way, but you have been my dependable gauge and silent cheerleader throughout.
My Life and My Livelihood
Along with my health, you also gave me my career. Out of necessity, I started as soon as I came home from the hospital after surgery because I needed the help of other patients. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that impromptu discussion forum would become my career.
To LapBandTalk, I added other boards for the other weight loss surgery types, and they eventually became BariatricPal to recognize that we are all in this together. I am now honored and grateful to be able to call my life’s work my true passion – helping people through weight loss surgery. Nearly 15 years after I started a discussion board to help myself, BariatricPal now includes the forums, the store with protein products and bariatric vitamins, and even a full-service program for weight loss surgery in Mexico – at BariatricPal’s own hospital. I have gotten to meet and work with all kinds of wonderful patients, surgeons, and others in the weight loss surgery community.
Time to Part Ways
It is on a bittersweet note that I bid you, my lap-band, farewell. I have no real choice; multiple medical professionals agree that the safest decision is for us to part ways. I have been struggling with acid reflux (GERD) for a few years, and symptoms are getting worse, especially after my Lap-Band slipped. I also have been diagnosed with pre-Barrett’s esophagus and severe erosive gastritis, most likely caused by my lap-band. I will get my lap-band removed and opt for gastric bypass to help me maintain my goal weight.
The lap-band may not last forever, as it was meant to. I know the I will succeed with the Gastric Bypass because I already have the skills I need to eat right. Of course, I am a little worried. How could I not be, after having been so successful with you as my partner for 15 years?
But as is necessary with anything in life, I will do my best. I will take what I have gained from you, my lap-band, and carry it forward. Thank you, and farewell.
7 hours ago, Cindysmom (Ilene) said:Omg, I am shocked to read this, in a way, it sounded like how I feel. Because of a slippage, I too will have my band removed.
This is not about me, it’s about you Alex. I hope that the mini gastric bypass works out for you. I hope the removal of the band will be easy.
People do not know this but in the first book you wrote about the Lapband, I was Ilene From Ny. Having that experience to share my feelings and then seeing it in print was the most amazing thing in my life. I just want to say thank you!
I cant wait to read about how you are doing with your new friend. I am not sure which pal that I will change to.
Happy holidays Alex, enjoy everything in your life! You deserve only the best.
With Love, Ilene Falley-Harrell aka Cindys Mom!
Hey Ilene! I'm sorry you're also having complications. It's been a great journey so far. No regrets! Good to hear from you and please keep us updated on your progress and future plans.
I also have pre-Barrett's and that freaked me out enough to go with bypass instead of the sleeve. Great thing is there have been studies that show reversal of esophagus damage after bypass surgery. Good luck!
WOW!! Alex Brecher, I did not know that you had the Lap Band. My hubby had his for 13 years before it malfunctioned. He so wanted to have the RNY. But there was to much scar tissue and it had eroded into his liver. So after it was all said he finally got the Sleeve done in Mexico. BTW we sure wished he would have gone with your DR's. But he thought the old addage phrase worked better by spending the extra $$ he would get better care. NOT!!! I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems also. Have a great day!!
Thank you for this thread,
And if i read it right thank for this site, it sounds like it is your baby.
I am post op 8 days from a gsv revision from Lap Band, and I have to say I would like to advocate for people who struggle with their band to revise. I struggled and never really succeeded with the band. It made me feel at best like the biggest failure going. I have some strong positive energy that comes out of my mind so I just dealt with it.
And although I am so hopeful that this sleeve will give me the results I want and make me that healthy gal who can live her life without fear shame and embarrassment, I know I have to step up my game. food addiction is so stealthy a disease and I am sure my lab band failure was in small part due to my lack of vigilance. I am hoping to really follow every thing the doctors prescribe this time.
I am so glad you have had a great run with your band. And I am so glad you and I recognized that it is time for a change.
Best of Luck and thanks again for a great website.
sincere regards,
Dawn Marie
Best of luck with your bypass. i've had tons of success with mine and have a lot of regret about my lap band.
Alex, 4 years after VSG I too am fighting a serious persistent GERD. I actually was diagnosed with Barrett's about 5 years ago which was one of the precipitating factors for my initial surgery. My surgeon really felt that with my weight loss the GERD would resolve. It did some, but returned with a vengeance. Of course I struggled with some regain but have pretty much lost all of that and the GERD remains.
So I too face a revision, to RNY. I am a bit nervous but at the same time I'm excited to return to acute bariatric patient status in the hopes that my GERD will disappear. Good luck!
That was a very nice tribute to your old friend. The band.
I also liked that your goodbye was not peppered with “wrath of my band” add -ons.
It was fun through Lapband talk.. and BariatricPal.
I’m still happily going along the band trail. December mark 12 years, and I always listened to your great advice. I guess it is true that nothing lasts forever.
Thank you for your devotion to this WLS community.
Julie Norton
I am in a similar situation. I had my band placed in July 2012 and it slipped at some point and was repaired Nov 2013. By the time of the repair I had lost 100lbs. Since then I have gained 80lbs, developed a hiatal hernia and a host of other physical complications from the weight gain. To say I am frustrated is an understatement. My last two visits my Dr has removed Fluid from my band because I am experiencing shortness of breath. Contrast and endoscopy confirmed band placement was fine. I am having mixed feelings about the band since the hernia developed after placement.
I have been seriously considering a revision and having the gastric sleeve. I don't know what to expect since the placement is fine but there's the shortness of breath and now he's removed 5ccs from the band, I feel my appetite increasing. Trying not to get completely discouraged and remain positive but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.
On 2/26/2018 at 6:12 PM, Alex Brecher said:Dear Lap-Band,
I did not expect to be saying this, but the time has come to part ways. At the end of 15 years of partnership, I am thrilled with what you have given me, but our time together is nearly over. You are going to leave me, and I am going to get RNY Gastric bypass surgery.
Love at First Sight
I was enthusiastic about the promise of the lap-band from the moment I first heard about you. Could you be the tool that could end my struggles with weight? Could it be possible that there could be an end to my unhealthy relationship with food? Could I say goodbye to the liquid diets, the low-carb diets, the fat-free diets, and all the other fad diets I had tried?
You had worked for my friend; could you work magic for me, too? I dared to hope. I got surgery in July of 2003.
Honeymoon and Beyond
Surgery went as expected, and you lived up to your promise. I lost weight – nearly 100 lbs. – and hit a healthy BMI. I felt better than I ever had. Sure, you made me work hard for every pound, but each victory was so sweet that there was no question that I would not follow your guidance.
In so many ways, the honeymoon period did not seem to end. Life has gotten better and better as I have gained confidence that I can maintain goal weight and prevent regain. Not once did I look back with regret.
A Helping Hand for a New Lease on Life
With the lap-band, I was able to gain control of myself and my life. I enjoy life’s events for themselves, and not for the food that comes with or after them. I am able to keep up with my children, who are my greatest joys. I have energy and confidence.
You have made my relationship with food better, and that is liberating. I eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I give in to my cravings and become satisfied with only a reasonable amount of the food I craved. There have been bumps along the way, but you have been my dependable gauge and silent cheerleader throughout.
My Life and My Livelihood
Along with my health, you also gave me my career. Out of necessity, I started as soon as I came home from the hospital after surgery because I needed the help of other patients. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that impromptu discussion forum would become my career.
To LapBandTalk, I added other boards for the other weight loss surgery types, and they eventually became BariatricPal to recognize that we are all in this together. I am now honored and grateful to be able to call my life’s work my true passion – helping people through weight loss surgery. Nearly 15 years after I started a discussion board to help myself, BariatricPal now includes the forums, the store with Protein products and bariatric Vitamins, and even a full-service program for weight loss surgery in Mexico – at BariatricPal’s own hospital. I have gotten to meet and work with all kinds of wonderful patients, surgeons, and others in the weight loss surgery community.
Time to Part Ways
It is on a bittersweet note that I bid you, my lap-band, farewell. I have no real choice; multiple medical professionals agree that the safest decision is for us to part ways. I have been struggling with acid reflux (GERD) for a few years, and symptoms are getting worse, especially after my Lap-Band slipped. I also have been diagnosed with pre-Barrett’s esophagus and severe erosive gastritis, most likely caused by my lap-band. I will get my lap-band removed and opt for gastric bypass to help me maintain my goal weight.
The lap-band may not last forever, as it was meant to. I know the I will succeed with the Gastric Bypass because I already have the skills I need to eat right. Of course, I am a little worried. How could I not be, after having been so successful with you as my partner for 15 years?
But as is necessary with anything in life, I will do my best. I will take what I have gained from you, my lap-band, and carry it forward. Thank you, and farewell.
time has come to part ways
oh no, oh no, oh no - say it isn't true!!
please don't leave us!! (that's what i thought you were saying)
phew, i read the rest of post - sigh of relief!! - you are staying our leader!!
thanx for starting this group,
BP has helped me so much these past 6+ years
Cindysmom (Ilene) 130
Omg, I am shocked to read this, in a way, it sounded like how I feel. Because of a slippage, I too will have my band removed.
This is not about me, it’s about you Alex. I hope that the mini gastric bypass works out for you. I hope the removal of the band will be easy.
People do not know this but in the first book you wrote about the Lapband, I was Ilene From Ny. Having that experience to share my feelings and then seeing it in print was the most amazing thing in my life. I just want to say thank you!
I cant wait to read about how you are doing with your new friend. I am not sure which pal that I will change to.
Happy holidays Alex, enjoy everything in your life! You deserve only the best.
With Love, Ilene Falley-Harrell aka Cindys Mom!
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