Beliefs Stopping You From Maintaining Weight Loss

1. They believe that a particular diet plan, fitness expert, book, doctor, medication, or personal trainer holds the magic formula that will forever end their weight woes. They see the answer to their weight issues as lying outside of them and set themselves up to assume a victim status. You cannot turn your power over to someone or something external and expect to live an empowered healthy life. You must learn to connect with your inner wisdom and act on its guidance. In terms of your body and weight, you must get clear about your intention to treat your body with love and respect. When you do that and check in with your internal guidance, you know what you must do to have a healthy and strong body. You will be intuitively drawn to any external support you need like nutrition or fitness experts, books, or support groups. You follow what feels right and let go of anything that conflicts with your inner wisdom. You lose weight from the inside out, which really is the only way to make lifestyle changes necessary for you to be at peace with your body and food.
2. Inherent in the diet mentality is the core belief that being overweight is bad, which translates into “I am bad or weak if I am overweight,” and that the solitary act of losing weight is the key to happiness and self-acceptance. It promotes the thinking that “When I lose weight I will really love and accept myself and then I can be happy.” Actually, the opposite is true. Once you love and accept yourself just as you are, and give yourself permission to be happy, you will release your excess weight. Permanent healthy weight loss is a consequence of self-love and respect, not the cause of it.
3. The majority of their thoughts are focused on how much they do not like their body, and how much they don’t like being overweight. This way of thinking leads to feelings of anger, frustration, and depression, which attract to them more life experiences that leave them feeling angry, frustrated, and depressed about their weight and their body. Your life is a physical manifestation of your predominant thoughts and feelings. If you want to lose weight you must stop thinking and focusing on how much you don’t like your body and weight the way it is now. You must start to imagine and feel what it will be like to be at your ideal healthy weight, to be at peace with your body, to truly love and nurture yourself. You must look for ways and reasons to feel good regardless of your current weight!
Think about it.....
Live in Love!
I would like to add that a substantial number of people are just not willing to give up the foods that contributed to their obesity in the first place.
How many times do we read "I didn't get this done so I could be on a diet for the rest of my life!" and people who are basically waiting out their weight loss (or sabotaging it) so they can reindulge in their staple comfort foods.
The holiday poats are already streaming in: "Can I eat (insert off plan food here) at Christmas? It won't be Christmas unless I have Grandma's (insert confectionery items here). Everyone else will be enjoying (insert junk food here) and I just CAN'T resist!"
The biggest issue I'm seeing is people actually denying their weight is a problem. "Weight is just a number, it doesn't determine true health" or "I don't trust BMI, it says I'm obese and I don't believe that." So many people think they just need to hit the gym and eat "super" foods, and I want to shake them and say QUINOA will not help you, no matter how much you exercise, you can't train away a bad diet, and for the love of god, BMI isn't accurate, but unless you're a special athlete whose physician has done alternate means of testing to determine your bodyfat ratio, being obese probably isn't a good sign.
I would like to add that a substantial number of people are just not willing to give up the foods that contributed to their obesity in the first place.
How many times do we read "I didn't get this done so I could be on a diet for the rest of my life!" and people who are basically waiting out their weight loss (or sabotaging it) so they can reindulge in their staple comfort foods.
The holiday poats are already streaming in: "Can I eat (insert off plan food here) at Christmas? It won't be Christmas unless I have Grandma's (insert confectionery items here). Everyone else will be enjoying (insert junk food here) and I just CAN'T resist!"
So True.. Until one can stop seeing "not eating certain foods" as deprivation and value the freedom that comes from "not eating them" or eating differently i.e. the freedom to move easier, to breathe easier to have more energy, etc... they struggle with disappointment and maintain that diet mentality. If one believes they can't resist that will be true for them. Though that doesn't mean that once in a while one can't have some of Grandma's Cookies... Its important to plan ahead for the Holidays.... that's a whole other article . Thank you for your response...
Love this and btw I'm a mix of 2 and 3. It is so true, even after losing 94lbs Im still not happy like I thought I would be if I lost the weight. I've had years of therapy and I grown to love myself more and not blame myself for what happened to me but I realize i still have boust of self doubt and guilt for things I had no control over. My action were for survival but I'm not there yet and going backwards.
Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
Continue to be kind and gentle with you. If you notice you are slipping back into old behaviors reach out for the support you need. Think about reclaiming your power of your past and not allowing those persons/situations to still control you/your actions. If you feel yourself going backwards Im sure that's a sign you are in need of some self nurture so do something truly nurturing for your soul: journal, get a massage, take a bubble bath, go for a walk, spend some time in nature, color... whatever it is that will get you through those uncomfortable feelings without being self-destructive... Sending lots of good vibes and angel blessings your way!
The biggest issue I'm seeing is people actually denying their weight is a problem. "Weight is just a number, it doesn't determine true health" or "I don't trust BMI, it says I'm obese and I don't believe that." So many people think they just need to hit the gym and eat "super" foods, and I want to shake them and say QUINOA will not help you, no matter how much you exercise, you can't train away a bad diet, and for the love of god, BMI isn't accurate, but unless you're a special athlete whose physician has done alternate means of testing to determine your bodyfat ratio, being obese probably isn't a good sign.
Im sure that's true in some cases but unless and until one is willing to see things differently and/or make lifestyle changes that will support long term weight loss there is not much that anyone else can do for them. If they are comfortable with their life there is no motivation to live different. The greatest gift you can give to someone is to live a happy joy-filled life.. People will be attracted to your joy and energy which often spurs a curiosity as to how you are always so happy and healthy!! Then they start to ask questions and may be more willing to look at their own behaviors and perhaps see ways they can change. Thank you for your response! Have a beautiful day!
ladyslim2015 74
Love this and btw I'm a mix of 2 and 3. It is so true, even after losing 94lbs Im still not happy like I thought I would be if I lost the weight. I've had years of therapy and I grown to love myself more and not blame myself for what happened to me but I realize i still have boust of self doubt and guilt for things I had no control over. My action were for survival but I'm not there yet and going backwards.
Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
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