DON'T Have Band Surgery If....

No, I haven’t lost my mind. I still think the band is grand and I still wish I still had mine, but because I want everybody to succeed at weight loss, I feel duty-bound to tell you some reasons not to have adjustable gastric band surgery.
So here goes, in no particular order.
Don’t have band surgery if…
You’re phobic about needles. Right now, a needle is the only way to get fluid into the band. The fill needle is not a big, scary one, and you don’t have to look at it at all if you prefer, but it’s still a needle.
You believe that band surgery cures obesity. Obesity is an incurable, chronic disease with the very real potential for recurrence. Weight regain can happen to anyone.
You think that once you get to your goal weight, your weight loss journey stops. Nope. It’s only just begun. Next you’ll have to maintain that weight loss for the rest of your life, and that takes vigilance and hard work.
You’re a self-pay planning on having surgery in Mexico or elsewhere out of country. What are you going to do if you have a problem or complication or just need another fill or unfill? Travel back to the Mexican clinic? Try to get help locally? Finding a US-based bariatric clinic that will accept patients who had surgery overseas is not easy, and once you do find one, you’re probably going to have to pay a non-refundable program fee, from $200 to $2000.
You can’t afford the time and expense for frequent follow up visits for fills, unfills, and other medical care. Even if your insurance covers those visits, you’ll have to take time off work, arrange for child care or pet care, fill your car’s gas tank, and shell out a co-pay.
You're a self-pay and don't have money or plans for dealing with fills, unfills, and possible complications. See above.
You hope to lose weight without getting any fills. Sorry, but it probably won’t work that way. See above.
You expect to lose a pound+ a day. Average weight loss with the band is 1-2 pounds/week. That average includes people who lost weight faster as well as people who lost no weight at all. Rapid initial weight loss is usually related to fluid retention, not fat loss.
You believe that slow weight loss with the band will prevent sagging skin. According to several plastic surgeons I’ve asked about this, your age and genetics have the most influence on how your skin will respond to massive weight loss. The rate of weight loss has little or anything to do with it.
You expect to experience restriction and lose weight steadily from the moment you wake up after surgery. Most band patients need several fills to achieve optimal restriction, plus more fills and unfills (or adjustments) to maintain that restriction, and virtually no one loses weight at a steady rate. My weight loss was extremely uneven – down 1#, down .5#, up .75#, down 1.75#, down 0/up 0, down .25#, and so on.
You believe in the sweet spot or perfect restriction. Restriction is constantly changing, just like our bodies, because of dozens of quite ordinary factors (food choices, eating and drinking habits, weight loss, time of day or month, illness, medications, stress, etc.). If you think you’ll lose weight only at the mythical sweet spot, you’re going to spend energy on frustration that could be better applied to changing your eating behavior.
You’re not willing to follow pre- and post-op liquid and puree diets. No, liquid and puree diets are not fun, but they’re short-term. When I was banded, I had 36 years ahead of me, assuming that I live as long as my mother did. That’s 12,672 days. My pre- and post-op liquid diets used up a whopping 17 days. Do the math. Even if you add in post-fill liquids and purees, those liquid and puree days represent a teeny, tiny fraction of my life.
You believe you’ll never be hungry again. Maybe, maybe not. The fact that you feel hungry 5 hours after a meal doesn’t mean your band isn’t working. It just means that your body needs fuel. And part of your ongoing work as a bandster is going to be figuring out whether you’re feeling physical hunger or “head” hunger.
You think the band is going to do all the work for you. The band has no magic ingredient that triggers weight loss once it’s wrapped around your stomach. All it does is affect your hunger and appetite. The band is not going to make good food choices, practice portion control or banish the demons who make you eat when you’re stressed or bored. Nor is it going to exercise for you. Success with the band is the result of a joint effort between you, your band, your surgeon and dietitian.
Have a don't-have-band-surgery reason to add to this list? Post it in the comment section!
Excellent post and very wise advice!! I hope many others considering this surgery read this!
Jean I love ...LOVE your sits on my coffee table now....right next to my Bible.....thank you
i think some people should reconsider the surgery for all the reasons you stated.
hurts my heart to see/read people (eating food days after surgery). that is so dangerous.
to have a band is only a tool. to be successful, you have to change what you think and how you eat.
Don't get band surgery if you think you will be able to eat anything and everything you want, but in smaller portions. A few folks can, but the majority of us have to give up some types of food forever.
So true. A pre-op once asked me, "Why do I have to eat different food after surgery? Can't I lose weight by eating smaller amounts of cheeseburgers, fries, and potato chips? "
Oh your post is perfect and I love all your posts. Thanks so much.
I was one of those that thought I could eat anything just in smaller portions. My lapband quickly changed my mind about that though. I can honestly say, the only think I can't eat that I do miss is my brown rice. But I am down 50lbs since March 6th surgery, so I am doing good and following the rules, missing my
Thank you Jean for such article.....I have been getting down with not losing I read your article....the light bulb went off above my head....everything you wrote about applied to me....feeling much happier now after reading your article....and will get back on the wagon
Great Post! Do not get dependent on fills either. I love my band, but I can tell you it is only a tool. I only got 4cc in my band and was banded in May of 2009 and had to get it in my head it was a tool.I lost 108 pounds and have kept them off and yes we all have our ups and downs, but it is other things we must do to keep the weight off. I mean I changed a lot of things, but I live and die my all natural products that have helped me with my blood pressure and just many other things. Everything is not for every body, but please do not get dependent on the fills either. We all can do this. If any one wants to see my journey video email me and I will personally send it to you. Stay in the race!
And I thought I was going to Lose 150 lb in a month LOL
lalaj 108
Great post
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