Natural Fullness vs. Learned Fullness

Think about how full you feel after a meal. If you often feel too full or stuffed, then you’ve learned to overeat. After surgery, you don’t have room to overeat even a teaspoon too much. Finding your natural fullness requires that you take the time to slow down your eating and chew well.
Natural fullness is when you feel comfortably full and satisfied with the amount that you ate. You realize that a couple more bites would leave you feeling a little overfull. It takes about 20 minutes of eating before your brain recognizes that your stomach is full. By slowing down and chewing to applesauce, you will be able to feel fullness on less food.
Weight loss and better digestive health are benefits of practicing the skills that help you recognize your natural fullness. This skill is covered with our patients during their first appointment with the dietitian. Learning to slow down and chew well will cost you some time and frustration, but the payoff will help you stay safe with your eating after surgery.
Thank you, Kate for sharing your experience. You're on the right step towards a healthier life and making those important changes! Best of luck, Rene.
Thanks for that share. I was a normal weight child before I started school. My first grade teacher would not let me leave the lunchroom until I finished my food. She would leave me alone sometimes until the bell rang to go home. I didn't know how to tell my mother and started gaining weight to not get left in the lunchroom. I gained 30 pounds that year and that is a lot for a little kid.
I remained the biggest kid in the class until after the sixth grade. I got my beloved horse and she helped me slim down. It was after my dad died in 1992 that my weight problems started again. I was the apple of his eye and it devastated me.
In August 2011 I had gastric sleeve surgery. I started at 269 and had lost to 185 in August 2012. I was out of work from January 2012 to August. I think going back to work that August contributed to my current weight of 220. I have been out of work again since the end of December and can't get this weight off no matter what I do. I am starting back to work this Monday July 13 and I am terrified this is going to cause more weight gain. I have done nothing but Protein and a couple of cantaloupe slices this week and lost 3 pounds. My injuries from a car accident and chronic anemia (it is genetic, not Iron low) prevents me exercising enough to help add muscle and burn some fat. Sorry I got off topic but I needed to rant.
Thank you, FloraBama for sharing your experience. Keep on trying and working on your health. We are all works in progress and if you can resume a relationship with your bariatric program to see what other things you can work on to achieve a healthier weight would be wonderful. -Rene
You Know, no matter how many times I think I have learned this truth. I find I need to hear it again.
Thanks for the post. I think we need to learn and relearn and relearn again!
_Kate_ 2,224
I was often told to finish my plate, at home and especially at school. I can vividly remember school puddings, the custard would have skin on it and if you were the unlucky one you'd get it. I was told to sit there once, missing out on playtime until I had finished all the custard. I gagged and gagged until I was sick but still had to finish it. I will never ever forget that bully of a woman, the school cook. I detested her.
I know my portions have always been on the large side and would think it was okay, if it was a healthy meal. However I was still living as that kid at the school dinner table. Quite often my hubby would finish his meal as he was full but I couldn't stand seeing left over food, so I would finish his too.
I know I have far to go and only on the first step of my journey. I need to 'unlearn' the learnt. I will do it though!!
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