Living an Authentic Life?

Are you Living Your Highest Good? Are you living from a place of connection to your Authentic Self? Do you really know how to show up for Yourself? If so you are living an Authentic Life. If you are living authentically your actions are a reflection of your Truth. You know and trust yourself. You are able to put insight into action. You quite naturally live your Highest Good. You are ever mindful of treating yourself with love and respect. You follow your bliss and create your own unique destiny.
At this point you might be thinking “Huh??? What does all that mumbo jumbo even mean?”
A simple example: If your body is telling you that you need to stop eating sugar and your are living authentically, you actually stop eating foods that contain sugar!! You don’t spend a lot of time making excuses or looking for reasons why you can’t do this. You cherish the good feelings and all the positive physical, emotional, and mental changes that are the result of you omitting sugar from your diet.
Change really can be that easy when you are connected to YOU!
Below I have listed Characteristics of Authentic Living
___You live your life with passion and purpose.
___You feel a profound sense of serenity deep within your heart.
___You are able to remain peaceful and centered even in the midst of chaos.
___ You know bliss.
___You are number one on your list of priorities.
___You feel really good about yourself no matter what anyone else says about you.
___You listen to your instincts.
___You trust yourself to make good decisions on your behalf.
___You are addiction free.
___You are honest.
___You are intent on living your life from a place that is grounded in love, not fear.
___You take good care of your body (eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, get a good night’s sleep).
___You are comfortable speaking up for yourself in a way that is loving and respectful to all concerned.
___You are surrounded by people who support and celebrate You.
___You live in a state of gratitude.
___You live mindfully, ever conscious of living in the NOW.
___You take time each day for sacred silence, to be still and listen to you.
Does this list describe you? Does it describe how you feel sometimes, but not very often? If you are like most people, there are times that you feel disconnected from your Authentic Self.
The good news is that you can find your way back home to You in any given moment. Look over the list of the Characteristics of Authentic Living again. On a scale of 1-10 rate how true each of the statements are about you. 1 being totally false… 10 being always true…
Then record any thoughts or feelings that surfaced while you were doing this exercise. Notice how many characteristics had a score higher than 5 or higher than 8 and how many characteristics had a score lower than 5 or lower than 3. Did you learn anything new about yourself? Can you imagine scoring a 9 or 10 on all the characteristics? Why or Why not?
Francine Latorraca 0
as soon as I get this horrible lap band removed and give up throwing up for 3 years. I will have an authentic life.. I have no idea what I was thinking for a lousy fifity lbs.. I only lost 30 besides. Imagine throwing up almost daily.. I hope and pray to God this gets taken out tomorrow!
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