Obesity Can Take a Serious Toll on Your Teeth

Specifically, overweight people have higher tooth decay levels, more missing teeth and fewer required dental fillings. They also visit a dentist less frequently, have more difficulty accessing dental care on a regular basis and are likely to visit a dentist only when they have a problem.
Dental issues after bariatric surgery
Keep in mind, dental issues can continue even after obesity is defeated. Once bariatric weight-loss surgery has been completed and the weight begins to fall off, there are nutrition guidelines that patients need to follow. If this protocol is not adhered to, resulting gastrointestinal issues can cause damage to the teeth and mouth.
Overeating causes stomach distension which frequently leads to regurgitation and reflux exposing the teeth to caustic gastric juices at pH levels high enough to dissolve tooth structure. This can lead to cavities, root degeneration and gum disease.
Tooth erosion is a common condition that includes hypersensitivity to eating or drinking cold or hot items. This can be compounded by sugar ingestion which produces even more acid in the mouth. The combined acid attacks invites uncontrolled enamel demineralization that defeats daily oral hygiene efforts even in someone who has never experienced dental decay issues.
Six ways to get back on the dental health track
Proactive dental hygiene and early diagnosis of any problems will contribute to your overall health and wellness strategy. Here are steps to take to get rolling in the right direction:
• Have a thorough dental cleaning and examination and take care of any problems before they become more serious.
• Rinse with mouthwash for one minute twice a day prior to brushing and flossing.
• Use one of the new toothpastes that helps to preserve and protect tooth enamel.
• Add baking soda to your toothpaste to help neutralize acid levels in the mouth.
• Drink water throughout the day to help offset the negative effects of dry mouth.
• Eat more seeds, nuts, soy, seafood and spinach—this starves decay-producing bacteria and reduces acid levels in the mouth.
The bariatric weight loss process is a way of regaining control over your health. During the journey, it is important to take care of your teeth, gums and mouth. Not only will your mouth be fresher and healthier, white teeth will serve as a terrific accessary to your new outlook and your new body.
(Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhoto.net)
KateP 359
Specifically, overweight people have higher tooth decay levels, more missing teeth and fewer required dental fillings. They also visit a dentist less frequently, have more difficulty accessing dental care on a regular basis and are likely to visit a dentist only when they have a problem.
I am not in the U.S., but here in the UK, obesity has strong links with poverty. I therefore wonder whether this statement is based on causation or correlation. People in socially deprived groups see the dentist less, are less educated in dental hygiene, they are also more likely to be obese. This does not necessarily mean obesity causes tooth problems.
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