5 Ways to “Project Manage” Weight Loss for Less Stress and Better Results

In other words, they’ve re-organized their lives in order to make nutrition, exercise and other healthy lifestyle endeavors gain equal ground with the other aspects of daily life.
It’s extraordinarily difficult to prep healthy food, squeeze in a trip to the gym (between work, home and kids) and get to bed by 11 every night if you don’t have an organized schedule to fit it all in. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged before you even begin trying to get your life more organized.
If this subject is resonating with you, here are five small steps you can take to better organize your day while regaining control of your health.
5 Steps to Organize and Manage Your Weight Loss
With these five steps, essentially, you’ll be organizing and managing your weight loss in the same way you might manage a project at work or school.
1. Sit down and think hard about what’s not working.
It’s hard to concentrate on cultivating healthy habits when your brain is constantly on overload. Successful weight loss requires time, planning and focus. If you’re also listening to a harsh inner voice filled with criticism, pessimism and negative messages, your chances of success will be diminished.
As much as you need to organize your time and environment, you will also need to organize your mindset.
2. Organize your surroundings.
Without a doubt, living or working in a chaotic environment is stressful.
When you can’t find the keys, you’ll be late for appointments. Likewise, if the kitchen is a mess, there is no food in the house and you can never find your favorite sneakers, you’re putting yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage.
Start with the most disorganized space and tame it. (This can usually be accomplished in less time than you think and the results will make you feel five pounds lighter).
3. Schedule your workouts the same way you schedule a meeting.
Pick a specific time each week to review your calendar for the days ahead and schedule your workouts accordingly. Treat them as you would an important meeting or appointment. And then get there — no matter what.
4. Plan meals, grocery shopping and cooking once a week.
Reviewing your schedule for the week will help figure out where and when you’ll be eating meals, what foods you’ll need, and how much time you’ll need to cook. Look at the weekly grocery store circular and buy the healthy items which are on sale and stock up for the future. Planning ahead saves money.
5. Go to bed (no excuses).
Sleep deprivation interferes with weight loss by confusing hormones that signal hunger and fullness levels.
Research shows that people who stay up late consume more calories than those who go to sleep at about the same time each night. When you’re tired, your willpower wanes. Even as an adult, you still need to aim for eight hours of quality sleep per night.
Where do I start?
Which areas of your life could see the biggest improvement if they were just a little more organized? Start there.
In just a few short weeks, you’re going to see the positive impact that “project managing” your weight loss has on your life — and your waistline.
Need more help? Give us a call or shoot us an email and we'll be happy to offer advise or direction.
We ARE in this TOGETHER!
Photo Courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.
Thank you so much VSGMary. It was terrific to read your comment and I admire your motivation. Wishing you continued success and good health! Dr. Seun.
It does take planning and consideration to organize and support the Lifestyle changes that make surgery successful. I think that was hard for me to get at first. The tool of having a smaller stomach is just part of success. The other parts are behavior modification, knowing my weaknesses and staying committed to my program 7 days a week 24 /7.
I don't feel I can ever go back to eating the way I was before, grazing, not exercising. Instead, I now have to consider everything in my environment( things I can control) and how it affects my weight. It takes dedication and support to make such a huge change. I appreciate the community here and draw inspiration from all of those who made the bold decision to have WLS.
Thanks for your question, Glenda, and congratulations on your road to better health!
It is very difficult for many post weight loss surgery patients get in enough fluids and Protein.
As far as Protein, most people need between 60-80 grams protein each day.
Always eat a form of protein at each meal and eat protein-rich foods first. Protein-rich foods are soft, moist beef, poultry, fish, low fat cheeses, Beans, lentils, soy foods, low fat or fat free yogurt (preferably Greek style), milk (non fat (skim) or 1%) and eggs. In addition, you may use good quality protein powders and/or Protein drinks to supplement your diet.
Look for protein supplements made with whey protein isolate. Make sure you cut all foods into dime-sized pieces and chew each bite 20-30 times. Eat very slowly and pay attention to the signs of "fullness" you body sends you. If needed, have a protein based snack between meals, such as a low fat string cheese or a 100 calorie Greek yogurt.
As far as fluids, patients are advised to get in [/size]a minimum of 48 oz of fluids daily - [/size]ideal is to get in 64+ oz fluids daily. "Fluids" do not just mean plain Water - it means ALL calorie free, caffeine free beverages. If it is easier to drink Water with flavoring in it -then add it in! Calorie free powder and liquid flavors are available in all grocery stores and can be added to your water.
You can also add in fresh lemon, lime, ginger or mint to make water taste better and go down easier. You need to be slowly sipping fluids all day long when you are not eating. Take your fluids with you where ever you go and sip constantly.
I hope these tips help! If you have any other questions or are still struggling to get fluids or protein, definitely check in with your bariatric surgeon or practice dietitian.
Dr. Seun Sowemimo[/size]
Prime Surgicare
Freehold, NJ
I just had my sleeve done on sept 2nd. Having problems getting enough protein and water. Any suggestions? I have tried the different brands and DO NOT like any. What now?
VSGmary 418
Thank you for the excellent advice. My wardrobe, my taxes/paperwork and most importantly my pantry all got a makeover since i lost my first 100lbs and it feels just absolutely wonderful! I was one that would look at it and close that blind eye and think that it was all too hard, but what i didn't realise was that change didn't have to happen in a single day.
it took me a week to sort out my wardrobe doing a bit every day, my paperwork took me a couple of weeks as i resorted it all and started up a new filing system that would work for me and my pantry took me only a day.
With your advice i can see other areas that i can definitely improve on and that is my time management, making sure i exercise at around the same time, going to bed around the same time as well as meal planning!
Thanks again
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