Easter - a trap for the unwary.

Easter Egg Tips:
1. Don't buy chocolate in advance - you may find yourself having to replace them before easter.
2. If you're organising a hunt for the kids, substitute some stickers and make the eggs an occasional find.
3. Forewarn relatives and friends that lots of chocolate in the house is not something you want - suggest an easter book for the kids.
4. Consider the gift of an activity - maybe a sporting gift or game that introduces an inedible interest for the holidays or plan on decorating real eggs.
5. Dark chocolate options may have some health benefits but you may not be choosing for health on this occasion so go for a small portion of your favourite!
6. Get the portion size right. 20g / 0.7 oz equates to 1 hollow egg ( real egg sized) or 4 solid mini eggs or 2 filled mini eggs and contains 100 Cals. This is a suitable amount for a midmeal snack.
Note that only one snacktime belongs between consecutive meals and be wary of grazing.
7. Eat mindfully - enjoy every bit. Marvel at the wrapping, appreciate the markings and shape, inhale the aroma, take in the texture and savour the flavour. When you're finished get up and do something else!
8. Having chocolate in the house can be an anxiety causing condition for many. Hide it, freeze it, throw it or give it away if it arrives unplanned or causes you grief. Recognise that although chocolate can be great in small amounts, it is causing you some stress and tension and that is not helpful to you. Drop your shoulders and reassure yourself that you can feel relaxed now whether you've eaten chocolate or not and whether others are eating it or not.
How is your relationship with chocolate and is easter a problem time for you?
samuelsmom 670
We used to do an Easter egg hunt with plastic eggs and we filled the eggs with pocket change. The kids loved it and it was a lot of fun. Most eggs had pennies, a few had silver, and the "golden" egg which was well hidden a had few dollars. It was inexpensive and memorable.
I also made baskets when my kids were younger. I bought little things like yo-yos, bouncy balls, etc. and put them along with a chocolate bunny and package of peeps. When I tried to stop when they were teens they were very upset so I kept doing it until my son went into the Navy when he was 19. I still do it for my daughter and she will be 20 this year!
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