Jamie Miles: From Behind the Scenes to Center Stage after Weight Loss Surgery

He is also a real-life story that we can all relate to. Weight loss wasn’t easy, and he isn’t able to follow his weight loss surgery diet perfectly. Here’s Jamie’s story, complete with triumphs and struggles.
You can read more about Jamie’s acting career, plus see headshots and look at his resume, by clicking here to get to his website. He’s also on Facebook and Twitter. And, don’t forget to watch for his upcoming column, “Regain-ing Control,” in BariatricPal Magazine.
Familiar Story: Big Kid to Lap-Band Patient
For many weight loss surgery patients, Jamie Miles’s story will be familiar. He was a big kid with low self-esteem, and he turned to food for comfort. Later, he tried every diet in the book, from Weight Watchers and South Beach to the grapefruit diet.
Jamie found out about the lap-band surgery when he saw an ad in a newspaper that he was reading in his break room at work. He knew his insurance covered bariatric surgery, and he did not like the idea of getting the gastric bypass like some coworkers had. So, he went for the lap-band.
Time to Chase a Dream
For years, Jamie had dreamed of becoming a commercial model, but his weight was holding him back. Once the pounds began to come off, Jamie began to think seriously about fulfilling a dream of acting. After losing 60 pounds, he landed some “extra” roles. He progressed to some speaking roles in local productions and commercials, and went to acting school.
That’s when he lost his day job in marketing and promotion. While the old Jamie might have turned to food, the new Jamie decided to use the chance to pursue acting full-time. Two days later, he signed with a local agent. His career has blossomed to include roles in commercials and local and national films.
The lap-band may seem far from acting, but Jamie says the entire experience helps him in emotional roles. He is able to apply the feelings from years of personal pain and being called names, dumped, and treated poorly.
What he’s also recognized is the effect of confidence on life. He now realizes that many actors are larger, and the reason he could not dedicate himself fully to acting is that he was not confident in himself. He was afraid others would not see his abilities, and would just judge him based on looks.
Relationship with Food: “Complicated”
Before the band, Jamie’s social life revolved around food and drink. Plus, he was an emotional eater. Since getting the lap-band, Jamie’s relationship with food can only be described as “complicated.” He started to get a bit depressed when he could no longer tolerate red meat, pork, and chicken breast – the very foods he was supposed to be eating!
Now, he tries to focus on what he can eat. He’s able to eat chicken thighs, seafood, and salad when he’s sticking to his diet. Unfortunately, he still loves fast food, and his band allows it. His solution is to avoid trigger foods like Taco Bell and chips.
The Challenges Continue
A “typical” day for Jamie might begin with some protein and green vegetables. His snacks can consist of almonds, a protein shake, or a 100-calorie Jell-0 pudding. But that’s when he’s being good.
Just like so many weight loss surgery patients, Jamie let his guard down a little. When it happened to him, soft drinks, fried foods, and other poor foods crept back into his diet. In fact, he gained back 25 pounds when “life happened.”
Jamie still has a lot on his plate, so to speak. He’s pursuing a full-time acting career and working a part-time job in a stressful position. He needs to see his bariatric doctor, and fears his band has a leak, but doesn’t have the cash on hand. And, of course, he wants to lose the extra weight for once and for all.
“Re-Gaining Control” on BariatricPal!
Jamie has learned a lot along the way.
- He needs to take care of himself.
- He needs to love himself.
- He needs to eat healthy and work out.
He wants to help other bariatric surgery patients. He did some public speaking while he was losing weight after surgery, but feels embarrassed to do so with his regain. He can’t wait for this mindset to change once he takes back control.
Jamie is planning to get to his goal weight, and he is going to share his journey on BariatricPal! His column will be called “Regain-ing Control,” and it will be a very real and personal journey complete with weigh-ins and photos. As he says, “some days will be good, some bad, and all very real.” He hopes to help readers get back on track, and for readers to inspire him to do the same. Stay tuned for the new column!
Jamie’s story begins like so many others, but Jamie has worked hard to make it unique. He is living a dream of his by using his new looks to give him confidence to be an actor. Plus, he will be helping thousands of weight loss surgery patients when he shares his journey toward “Regain-ing Control.”
He seems to me to be the real deal......Someone who knows it is a day to day struggle to keep the food addiction in check......Thank you for bringing his story to our attention Alex...I think I like this guy..He certainly is keeping it honest!
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the support!!! I'll be working on my first article very soon. Through out the year my goal is to share some great stories, some sad stories, some honest ones, etc. Also I hope to share some favorite recipes, treats, etc. Talk soon!!! Happy New Year!!!!
JustWatchMe 7,117
A real description of real life. I look forward to the column!!
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