The Power Of Gratitude

I am writing this blog on Thanksgiving Day (2008). Quite naturally on this day many people stop to reflect on that for which they are grateful. Have you ever stopped to notice how you feel physically and emotionally when you are thinking in terms of gratitude? I know for myself I feel like I have a smile in my heart…my body feels light and content…and warm and fuzzy!!! Any tension that I might have been holding seems to dissipate when I am in a state of gratitude. I feel happy, content, and open to receiving that which supports my highest good. I have learned that in any moment I can choose to think in terms of gratitude and immediately change my experience of that moment.
For the next month I encourage you to challenge yourself to see the positive in all your life experiences, to see the lessons and opportunities for growth that comes through life’s most difficult moments, and to make it your intention to live in a state of gratitude. If you consciously choose to see the blessings in your life they will multiply for that to which you put your attention expands. Pay attention to what works well in your life, look for the positive in every person your meet, and choose to say only kind and respectful things to and about yourself and others. Focus on what you do want in your life not what you don’t; focus on what you are in favor of, not that to which you are opposed. For example are you against war or for peace??? Though someone who is against war my be for peace, if their focus is on opposing war their experience of life will be dramatically different than if their focus is on creating peace. They will essentially be at war with war (thus creating more war) instead of looking for opportunities to create more peace. This may take some practice. Often we have some negative scripts that we have been playing in our head for many, many years. Begin to notice them and consciously choose to turn them into positives. Every time you notice yourself thinking or speaking about something you don’t like or don’t want let that be a signal to turn you attention to what you do like or do want.
In terms of weight issues keep your focus on eating for good health and energy and eating and moving in a way that will support a light and fit body. Do not focus on excess weight, what you don’t like about your body or your need to lose weight. Envision yourself at your optimum weight… What are you wearing, how are you holding your body, how do you walk down the street, how to speak to other people, what are you eating, how does your body move and exercise? Really take the time to feel this, breathe the feeling in to your every cell… then begin to live your life from this vision. Start walking, talking, moving, and eating as if you were already at your ideal weight. It has been said that where the mind goes the body will follow. So,pay attention and consciously choose where your mind goes!!!!
You may want to keep an intention and gratitude journal. I have my clients write down their intention for their life every morning ( it can be “my intention is to feel peace today, or treat my body with respect today, or organize my closet today, or live in a state of gratitude today, etc…”). So, before they say or do anything they ask themselves if those particular words or actions will support their intention for the day. If the answer is no they change it to something that will be in line with their intention. Then before they go to sleep at night they write down 3 things for which they are grateful. It only takes a few moments to do this, but this simple exercise has been the catalyst for major positive life changes for many of my clients.
If you have any thoughts or questions about this blog or suggestions for other topics, I’d love to hear from you. You can respond to this blog, or email me at You will soon be able to listen to the audio version of this blog at
Wishing you many blessings, much abundance, and peace in your heart!
Live in Love,
Inner Surfer Girl 12,015
Thanks for the repost.
I am grateful for this forum and all the people who so freely share their experience.
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