Just Keep Chipping Away
I love the imagery of this photo. It's so important to just keep chipping away, take our time, and be methodical yet gentle with ourselves as we transform.
I love it that she's not in a hurry and she isn't frantic. She actually looks relaxed and content, like she knows she's transforming, knows she is beautiful and is content and comfortable within the process of change. She isn't desperate and she isn't racing to be different. She isn't busting off huge chunks of rock which could actually damage the final product of her labor of love.....her labor of self-love.
And while she is relaxed and chipping away do you notice that she is half-way done? With no struggle, no war against herself? She is half way there and the bits of rock all around her on the ground are a testament to her gentle, persistent drive toward transformation.
I think all of us who sometimes struggle to change faster choose ways that aren't always gentle or kind to speed things up. We can forget, me included, at times that the transformation is in the daily process of chipping, rather than a destination we arrive at when a certain number is achieved. This is an image worth studying periodically on our WLS journey. Are we as comfortable in the present moment of our journey as she is?
This piece says so much... It could be the imagery for our process.
I've GOT to get a copy of that picture to put on my frig and EVERYWHERE...it is so inspirational...it does "say it all" LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
@Alex Brecher, maybe, someday you can convince the artist to make "desk top" statues of it...it would be great to sell off this website...I think ALL of us would find it an inspirational piece...
Edited by BigGirlPanties
This is such a reminder that WLS is not a fast process, we did not put on all this excessive weight overnight. For some the body gets to a point where it starts fighting our process. I think it is a visual reminder that if we get into a rough patch(band giving us difficulty, family, emotional, speritual,) to take time and deal with it. Weight loss is a whole body process including our family and sperit.
For me it's been a long process and I only have around sixty more pounds to loose and my body is fighting me tooth and nail where the first 78 pounds just seemed to "slide off" like a pair of to big jeans. Sometimes our physiological process can be hiding underlying disorders. Talk to your surgon if you are struggling. They had to go thru medical school and they should be somewhat knowledgeable if other bodysystems start to go hay-wire.
Keep chizzling away there is something unique under the obesity, a healthier you.
---C. Coffey
Alex Brecher 10,515
I love this sculpture. So much so that when I initially noticed it online I tracked down the actual artist that created it. It's a 3D rendering he made for a client that's planning on using it in their advertisement. One day I'd LOVE to have a sculptor re-create this piece or art or something close to it. It's near to my heart and to every that's struggled with weight gain and loss.
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