Rosie O’Donnell Makes Hurtful Comments About the Lap-Band on “The View”

Ms. O’Donnell herself is a gastric sleeve patient who had struggled with her weight throughout her professional life. She got the procedure done in July of 2013, and has since lost about 50 pounds.
Upsetting Effects of Ms. O’Donnell’s Words
Ms. O’Donnell not only insulted Governor Christie, but also every lap-band patient. She stated outright that the lap-band has a 50 percent rate of removal, and is an inefficient way to lose weight. She strongly implied that anyone who gets the lap-band chooses to do so because they haven’t done enough research.
This kind of divisiveness between weight loss surgery patients is harmful to everyone who is affected by obesity. Weight loss surgery can literally save lives and give people back their quality of life. It can be the only way to lose weight for many people. The only way to improve weight loss surgery outcomes and acceptance is to provide a unified front. When someone like Ms. O’Donnell bashes lap-band surgery, it only adds to the public’s general misconception of weight loss surgery as a foolish choice.
The Lap-Band Is a Good Choice for Many
The gastric sleeve is the right choice for some weight loss surgery patients, and it may have been the right choice for Ms. O’Donnell. For other patients, the lap-band is the right choice – and, in contrast to Ms. O’Donnell’s accusations, they can arrive at that decision after careful research. They may be hesitant to permanently remove most of the stomach, as in the gastric sleeve, and may value the ability to adjust their bands.
There’s no shortage of evidence that the lap-band can work. In fact, it may even be working for Governor Christie! He will not publicly discuss specific numbers, but he’s clearly lost weight since getting the lap-band in February of 2013. Rumor has it he’s down 85 pounds, but he hasn’t confirmed this amount.
A Better Choice of Words
Ms. O’Donnell is certainly entitled to her opinion, but it doesn’t seem necessary for an influential celebrity to insult all lap-band patients in front of millions of viewers on national television.
- She could easily have praised the gastric sleeve and all that it has done for her without bashing the lap-band.
- She could have discussed why she chose the sleeve over the lap-band and gastric bypass.
- She could have praised Governor Christie for his weight loss without insulting his choice of weight loss surgery.
How Can “The View” Make Amends?
“The View” could have handled the situation a little differently. The show could have done something as simple as asking Ms. O’Donnell for evidence for her claims. For example, where did she learn that half of all lap-bands are removed? That flies in the face of what patients learn from their surgeons, who spend years studying the lap-band and other types of weight loss surgery.
There’s still time to make amends and show weight loss surgery patients some respect. “The View” could dedicate a segment of a future show to discussing weight loss surgery more accurately. Any number of bariatric surgeons and allied health professionals could serve as credible guests in an informative interview.
Make Your Voice Heard!
What you think matters to Hollywood celebrities and TV shows. Their success depends on your approval and continued support. If you want to weigh in on how you feel about Ms. O’Donnell’s insensitive comment about the lap-band, why not tell her and “The View” what you’re thinking? You can tweet them at @Rosie and @theviewTV to explain how hurtful her words were. They’re on Facebook at and
Ms. O’Donnell may benefit from learning that the lap-band is a good choice for some weight loss surgery patients, and “The View” may learn that the show needs to take responsibility for presenting a more accurate picture of this – and any other – sensitive topic.
Rosie is known for her outrageous comments! Of course she is going to criticize other surgeries because she did not choose that one. Does not make her view on the View right. Somewhere out people will start to realize that all weight loss surgeries are the tool for those of us that are at that point in our lives where we need help. Like she did!
That is what she should be focusing on not the procedures themselves. I don't watch the view either. Too jumbled with a lot of tension.
well all i will say is what i thought when i read alex's post.
any WLS can work and any WLS cannot work
sometimes it could be due to a patients incompliance or it could
be an issue with the surgery or maybe a little of both...
BUT for any WLS to work, (with or w/o WLS), we must eat less calories than we can burn off
(and this is the truth and its reality to face and deal with head ON and accept.
at one time the lap band was the bomb...then along comes a new gadget
and all the naysayers jump on board and it will happen with the sleeve too (as it
is now happening with the other WLS that are not as (popular)..esp if new and improved WLS
are created..
Edited by ☠carolinagirl☠So right Alex. Even though I have not chosen the Lapband for myself. I can certainly understand why some people have elected to have that procedure. Even though statistically, it has shown lower weight loss results then other procedures, everyone has a right to make their own choice. There is a lot that goes into the success rate of any of the gastric procedures. For me, I know I love sugar and I need to have the bypass because of the biofeedback mechanism. You eat sugar, you get sick, you don't want to get sick, you stop eating sugar. But that's me, everyone is different. Let's examine statistics on the 50% statement. Let's say 50% of couples divorce (it is close in the US.) Does that mean people should stop getting married? Rosie herself is married. Someone should point to her, statistically speaking she made a terrible choice.
Rosie has a long history of being an imbecile. Her a$$holiness never ceases to amaze me. Sorry to resort to name-calling, but she brings out the worst in me ...
Like many in Hollywood, she's confusing her fame with being a subject matter expert.
Rosie has never been a favorite of mine. But I feel with her access to the public stating truths about the lap band VS sleeve is educational. Granted her opinion might not want to be heard by those with the band. I have many friends that have been successful with the band. I also personally know several people that have switched from the band to the sleeve. Every one of those individuals more pleased with the sleeve and very glad they made the switch. From that perspective, I agree with Rosie in that a person that chooses the band today did not do their homework. The stats also show this. My Doc rarely does bands anymore. That being said I wish the best of luck to those that have the band. I have seen proof that it is effective.
Ummmmm....can we just talk about the fact that everything she said is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!?!? As someone who HAS done my research and has lived in the WLS world for quite some time now, she's correct. Half of lapbands ARE in fact removed, and the long term success rates of lapband are much less than that of gastric sleeve or RNY. Everyone is so freaking quick to get insulted these days and I wish you would just stop it already. She spoke her opinion, which by the way was riddled with fact after fact, and you guys all get your panties in a wad? Grow UP already.
Jessi-- back that up with facts. Any elective medical procedure with the failure rate you claim would not be practiced. No doctor needs that failure rate, nor the risk of dealing will a sullied reputation. So, show us facts for lap band failure rates for procedures--excluding the archaic 4 CC band which is no longer used in the US. Surgical techniques have also improved. Your research?? I suggest it is flawed, and myopic.
I did my research, and was aware of the risks. My doctor could have done any procedure, but strongly advised the band based on my health, age and other parameters. Why would he risk my health if the band was a failure? And his practices credentials are above reproach and has a very high success rate with the band.
Edited by labwalker
You have to consider that the band has been given a bad rap by the NY Daily news in their feature on Cristie... the reporter stated that band adjustments require an operation. Who peer reviews that crap?
Same for the PhD who dissed the band on the Dr. Oz website, who claimed bands only have a 10 year life before they erode and need to be replaced. Tens of thousands of people read these sources.
Rosie has a long history of being an imbecile. Her a$$holiness never ceases to amaze me. Sorry to resort to name-calling, but she brings out the worst in me ...
Like many in Hollywood, she's confusing her fame with being a subject matter expert.
Yes, yes and.......YES! I cannot stand that woman, and every time her mouth opens, you know some crap is going to be coming out. I'm not surprised by her comments, and I just have to consider the source.
Edited by mrsto
On the subject of which surgery is better than the other? With all surgeries, the jury is out until we're in our graves. As most of us who have struggled with food addiction all our lives know, we've had long periods of maintaining weight loss, only to have it slip away at some point. That's how we ended up here.....on BP.
The surgery, whichever one we chose, is a tool. And people gain weight all the time after some point. I'm not saying that everyone does, but many do. The jury is still out on Rosie O, and she should be a bit more humble when she opens her (big) mouth. But that's who she is, and she may be "eating crow" sometime down the road. We'll see her on some show talking about revision surgery She should take note of someone like Carnie Wilson, who is very humble and open about her struggles; never pointing fingers at anyone else's choice. Beauty and grace; everything Rosie is not.
I think it boils down to choice for me. There are many ways to lose weight all the way from tapeworms and amphetamines to mindful eating and living off the land with everything in between. As long as it is not illegal, it should be okay.
People need to research the solutions and make the best decisions for themselves. At the same time, if a procedure becomes less used or advised, it does not mean your choice was the wrong one. For example, I have no doubt Gastric Bypass (my choice) in the future (not too distant) will be thought of as an obsolete surgery, akin to a butter knife surgical approach to weight loss. It won't even take much to convince me, it already sounds barbaric to me. That does not mean my choice was wrong. However, I do sense a bit of defensiveness coming from the Lapband community after reading all the posts. Perhaps it's time to ask why? I think it is important to evaluate the issue because no doubt this will come up again. As we all know a defensive approach is never well regarded.
New nana 30
I do not watch the view at all. They are all crazy and too liberal in my opinions everything is either their way or no way.
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