Weight Loss Surgery: The Easy Way Out?

Weight Loss Surgery: The Easy Way Out?
Are you frustrated with diet and exercise? Feel like it’s too much effort for little to no payoff? Is weight loss surgery something to consider? Probably not. Why? The qualifying criteria for surgery is strict; the lifestyle changes required are extreme, and after surgical healing is complete… a healthy, low calorie diet must be followed. And exercise? That doesn’t go away either. In fact, the recommendation is about an hour every day.
Weight loss or bariatric surgery has become more common in the U.S. as surgical techniques and outcomes have improved and most insurance companies are covering it.As a bariatric dietitian, I see patients before, after and many years out from surgery. Sadly, there’s a common misconception that patients who choose to have surgery are taking the easy way out. Short story: going under the knife is copping out.
I find this comment uninformed and hurtful. I have never seen a patient who hasn’t carefully considered the risks of surgery or what they will have to incorporate and eliminate from their lives afterward. Proactively choosing a surgical tool, when all other measures have failed, is a courageous example of taking personal responsibility for one’s health…not a stroll down Easy Street.
Bariatric surgery is not for those with 10, 25 or even 50 lbs. to lose. Surgeons will only operate on patients with a body mass index or BMI that is 40 or greater. If a patient has a chronic disease as well as obesity, the qualifying BMI drops to 35 since the health urgency is even greater.
When an individual meets the BMI minimum and has had no luck with a long series of diet and exercise plans-- weight loss surgery could be the tool helping them regain their health.
Ironically, there’s a lot to gain from bariatric surgery but it comes with a high price. I always ask my patients considering surgery if they are prepared to do the following….permanently.
· Never drink with meals again
· Give up smoking, carbonated drinks and severely restrict if not outright eliminate, alcohol
· Exercise an hour per day 6+ days per week
· Take a minimum of 5 vitamin/mineral supplements throughout the day
· Chew food at least twenty times per bite
And there’s little margin for error. If patients push the limits of their new stomachs, they pay for it with intense physical pain including nausea and vomiting.
The journey after weight loss surgery is exciting, scary, motivating and hard. As more weight is lost, confidence grows but new challenges appear. Relationships can be tested; self-esteem may soar or sink. It’s no surprise that support during this journey is essential. Research repeatedly shows patients receiving professional, non-judgmental support after surgery lose the most weight and keep it off. Since surgery is only step 1 in the weight management marathon, it’s clear to me, patients choosing this option aren’t slackers at all—more like superheroes.
WLS... the ONLY way out for some of us.
I don't think we truly understand why some people are more prone to obesity than others. I believe its more than lack of exercise and overeating. I think there are multiple factors involved: psychological, genetic, hormonal, environmental, etc. I've known people who live unhealthy, outrageous diets of bacon, steak, and such but they live thin, healthy lives past 100!
Speaking for myself, obsesity has been a long and difficult journey for me. Bariatric surgery was the "silver bullet" to help me achieve a healthy lifestyle. If anyone has a problem with that, they can stuff it!
I didn't tell my mother in the beginning about my decision to have the WLS. I mean, we are talking about almost 2 yrs. SHe was totally against it. she was one of those that said it was an easy way out. When I did tell her in August, she out right told me No, you are not going to get it. Okay, I am a 39 year old married woman with five children mother. I didn't say that to her though. I was like okay. The day before my surgery my brother processed to tell her that I was still having the surgery. Of course, he gave me the heads up and I sorta avoided her first 2 call, lol.
Anyway, after reading about it herself and actually watching the shows she has a different insight now. She sees how happy I am now and how well things went for me. I think educating oneself is key. SHe had no knowledge of the WLs and it caused her to have fears. It is defintely not the easy way out.
You know what they say about opinions and "exit doors"...right? Everybody's got one! Well so do I and my opinion is this...It worked for me, I have no regrets and I'm not really interested in anyone elses opinion! I know what I have invested and continue to invest in myself everyday. That ONE day was 1 year ago TODAY and I'm happier, healthier and on track for a longer better life because of it. Hooray for what ever works for you...I hope your choices will bring you as much happiness and success as mine have. Have a wonderful day.
So we get a few people who think surgery is the easy way out, so what? In a year from now when we're leaner, healthier, and we can keep up with our more athletic freinds and family, what then? Do those same people keep saying, "but you took the easy way out", it just gets old. This is a personal journey, only we know the pain of our failed attempts, only we have suffered the effects of our obesity, only we know the internal struggle to make a decision to invade our bodies and modify them in the hopes of gaining health that many people take for advantage. The easy way out? We know it isn't, but we decided to take responsibility for our health problem, unfortunately for our naysayers, there is no surgery for ignorance.
May I quote you? The last words in your post are ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!
"unfortunately for our naysayers, there is no surgery for ignorance."
Absolutely profound! It not only applies to WLS but to so many other things.
I agree with everyone here! WLS by no means is the easy way out. To each his own, it has worked for me so far. No longer taking Diabetes or High blood pressure meds. My only regret is why I didn't do it sooner. My LapBand is a tool and reminds me everyday to stay on track. We all still have to work hard at this. EASY WAY OUT MY A##.
I had was on October 9th. I am ashamed to admit, I always thought it was the easy way out. Let me tell you, this has been one of the hardest and emotional things I have ever done. The stress was enough for me to almost cancel out.
I am glad I am losing weight, but this was and is not easy for me. I love to cook, love to eat. My passions have been taking away from me. But in order to get rid of my diabetes I had to do this. I know I will be healthier in the long run.
This is not the easy way out.
Elaine Sunday, I hope and wish that a week, a month and a year from now you will see your journey in a better light. Please don't think that because you like to cook that you won't be able to cook much. I cook more now than I ever did ( a kitchen remodel and Pinterest helped alot !) ! and as far as eating, well who does' nt like eating ?? We ALL like to eat, otherwise we would'nt be having WLS !! I just cook and eat healthier, and in smaller amounts . Thats it. No huge changes other than the very rare fast food. But the 5% negative of being banded is NOTHING compared to the 95 % of being banded. Its been a win win from the beginning !! I hope you start seeing all the positives coming your way !! Good luck !!
Pink, thank you for the words of encouragement. I know I need to get off the pity party band wagon. Hopefully when I could start eating real food I will be much happier about this. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I am losing weight, just wish I didn't have to go to such extreme measures to do it, but weight watchers and other "diets" never worked for me. There was no other option left but wls.
pink dahlia 2,513
I put WLS in a similar category as teeth problems , poor eyesite or a broken bone. If you needed help fixing any of the above, such as eye surgery, dental surgery or surgery to fix a broken bone, nobody would think twice about it. But if someone thinks about WLS, well that can be a different story for some. Too bad !!! Getting help to get your body healthy and strong is more important than someone s opinion. Nobody would think those other surgerys are the "easy way out ", neither is WLS. Just sayin '.............
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