Weight Loss Surgery Success Tip F: Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”
– Mark Twain
F is for Forgiveness. Nelson Mandela said, “Having resentment is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die.” The only way to enlightenment is to forgive anything and everything that has happened to you in the past, however difficult this may be, for you can never have a better past. You must forgive the people and those events that you blame for your obesity.
“But how can I forgive when the pain is so much?” you ask. If you constantly think thoughts of forgiveness towards the one who has hurt you, then you will eventually feel forgiveness in your heart. Forgiveness must come from the heart, not the mind. After forgiving them, you must then send to them all of the things you wish for yourself, like love, peace, and prosperity.
Do not say “I will forgive, but I will never forget”, because that is just another way of saying “I will not forgive.” While it is impossible for you to have a better past, you can still control your future, so create a better future by forgiving the past.
*The preceding is an excerpt from Dr. Vuong's new book, Weight Loss Surgery Success:Dr. V's A-Z Tips For Losing Weight and Gaining Enlightenment, now available on Amazon.com.
HealthyNewMe 1,935
Mark Twain, Nelson Mandela, and Dr. Duc Vuong are all very insightful people. How often I have carried resentment around with me......like a weighted chain. It was definitely MY BURDEN and no one else's. I often release resentment by writing a letter to the one I have had negative feelings for. Never mailed, but released from my mind. Thanks for your ABC's of Weight Loss Surgury Success.
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