Weight Loss Surgery Success Tip E

Eliminate Criticism, Embrace Empathy
“Consciously choose to smile, whenever it crosses your mind not to do so.”
– Dr. Duc Vuong
E tells you to Eliminate All Criticism. To find compassion, you must eliminate all criticism. And the first form of criticism you need to eliminate is self-judgment. Stop judging yourself for the decision to have surgery or for putting yourself in the situation to even need surgery in the first place. Stop criticizing yourself because of the emotions you feel following your weight loss surgery. You’re not weak or selfish, so don’t criticize yourself. Let your long-suppressed buried emotions erupt if you have to; it’s okay. Then look in the mirror and say, “I forgive you.”
E also tells you to Embrace Empathy. Next, stop criticizing others. Understanding your emotions gives you empathy for others; forgiving yourself makes it easier to forgive others. Empathy allows you to relate to others in meaningful and sincere ways; it’s the emotion we often fail to develop but the one that plays a major role in our success. In order to have empathy, you must purge all forms of criticism. Criticism is the cause of all unhappiness, so eliminate it. I will say that again: criticism is the cause of all unhappiness.
*The preceding is an excerpt from Dr. V's new book, Weight Loss Surgery Success: Dr. V's A-Z Tips for Losing Weight and Gaining Enlightenment, now available on Amazon.com