4 Crucial Steps to winning the Weight Loss Journey

“Anything is possible when you shift and go inside, to ask, to be silent and to listen. This is a journey where what you once thought would be a miracle becomes a reality” –Mind over Eating
Stop and become aware of the thoughts you have attached to food and why you are eating. Your thoughts are what drive your actions to eat. Therefore, making lifestyle changes requires becoming aware of and altering how you think. We all have automatic dialogue, mind chatter or what I like to call “mind monkeys”. This mind chatter distracts us from our goals, accomplishments and success for long term weight loss. This mind chatter is what leads us to feelings of discouragement, regret, guilt and all sorts of negative feelings.
You will reinforce new habits by first training the most efficient machine in your body; your brain. Do you want to make decisions about creating healthy habits and really sticking with them? You can do this by accepting the fact we all have voices, internal dialogue in our heads. Your thoughts program you to act or react in a certain way. If you want new behaviors, you need to train your brain and recondition your thinking. Start learning to reprogram your thoughts by watching the video below.
Sending you warm wishes
Thanks for sharing.
My MIND MONKEYS had run amuck for decades. Still deal with them on a regular basis, but have retrained some of them.
My MIND MONKEYS had run amuck for decades. Still deal with them on a regular basis, but have retrained some of them.
Please share how you have retrained them. Its always great to hear what successful people are doing! Thanks so much for sharing!
Aleena 59
Thank you
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