How to Lose Weight at Home Long after Weight Loss Surgery

We have two urges that unconsciously control us: the need to feel good at any cost and to avoid pain at any cost. Therefore, if we do not consistently ask the questions and check the real motivation behind our behaviors, we will react to our emotions instead of choosing options that will empower us in the long run. The beauty is, every moment is a fresh opportunity to make new choices. You are bigger than any conditioned behavior you want to change. You are always able to regain control and shape your live in the direction you desire.
The crucial first step is awareness. In order to alter any behavior you must first take the journey of self-discovery and ask the questions to get to the core of why you do what you do. Do you love yourself enough to learn what will truly full-fill you and keep you satisfied?
Watch this “how to” video to create daily mindful actions that will assist you in reconditioning your thinking and reaching and maintaining long-term weight loss.
2muchfun 8,927
Good advice. With the cold weather season coming up here in Colorado I'm always looking for ways to stay healthy and fit without leaving the house.
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