What Turns You on More Than Food?

To change a behavior, leading neuroscience expert Joe Dizpenza says, “You need to become greater than your conditioned or current habitual state or environment” You need to fall in love with a new thought/feeling state to experience lasting change.
It’s about making what you want in the future a reality now. We can do this by being a visionary. Surgery is a tool to support you. It is now up to you to create your own motivation for staying focused.
Watch this video for a simple technique to create daily motivation:
PS: This is my brand new YouTube station! If you found this information helpful, I would appreciate your support by liking my video and subscribing to my station.
Sending the biggest hug!
I've never had a problem with motivation. I suppose the need to be healthy and looking better never leaves my thoughts.
But, it's so common here to see so many who have fallen off the wagon and are looking for motivation to restart their journey. I understand your message in the video but it seems like that's not enough for some people? Breaking it down to something even more simple(and it's already very simple) might be in order?
What Turns You on More Than food?
the new way i emotionally feel about life
my self-confidence
being able to talk to you guys (that can be challanging )
wearing a size 6
walking anywhere from the malls to the grocery stores with my head held high
(hurt my neck sometimes )
all the meds i no longer need to take
my appearance (remember i'm cute as a button )
the joy i feel waking up each and every morning
life is good
Edited by proudgrammy
I have TOTALLY fallen in love with my new feelings... feeling my outside matches the fun, bright person I am on the inside. Feeling like my body can handle the athletic things I want to do. Feeling that I can do this and get to a healthy weight and maintain it.
Every food habit I had before has changed (in part because it had to and in part because I am DETERMINED not to go back to old habits. The conditioning I had before (picking up bites of candy, grabbing bread for a snack...) has gone out the window and I refuse to let them back in.
THIS gives me motivation to keep it up every day. I'm LOVING this!
To change a behavior, leading neuroscience expert Joe Dizpenza says, “You need to become greater than your conditioned or current habitual state or environment” You need to fall in love with a new thought/feeling state to experience lasting change.
Here's what turns me on way more than food. These are pictures from last month taken on our submarine experience excursion in the Bahamas. Two years ago, I was also in Nassau and couldn't even get off the ship because I was so heavy and in so much pain from my arthritic knees and hips. Now I can do almost anything again. There isn't a food in the whole world that tastes as good as living my life normally feels.
I'll watch the video later, but feeling light on my feet and healthy does it for me.
It was so much fun to read your posts! Thank you for the smile I love hearing about all the positive inspirational living!
Skinny jeans! Bah,ha,ha! True though.
CowgirlJane 14,260
I didn't watch the video...I am answering the title.
#1 to feel normal (ie removal of social stigma,not worry about fitting in seats etc)
#2 to be rid of medical issues related to obesity
#3 to love how I look in clothes
#4 to be able to DO fun stuff - hike, fun, jump and ride!
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