WLS Success Tip D: Dream Big Dreams

Dream Big Dreams
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
D tells you to Dream Big, Dream Bigger, and Dream the Biggest Dream of All. Never give up on your dreams. As children, we dream all of the time, and then life somehow manages to squash those dreams. Don’t let life kill your dreams! Ask yourself, “Once I reach my goal weight, what one new thing will I do that I have never done before?” Now ask yourself, “Why wait? Why not do it now?!”
Maintain a dogged determination to fulfill your dreams by keeping the desire burning. Desire comes from setting big dreams, because small dreams do not have the power to move your heart. Devote yourself to the fulfillment of those dreams. They are your dreams, after all, and they will never be realized unless you strive to fulfill them. Don’t die with your dreams unrealized. Today, make a plan to accomplish one of your childhood dreams.
*The preceding is an excerpt from Dr. Vuong's new book Weight Loss Surgery Success: Dr. V's A-Z Tips for Losing Weight and Gaining Enlightenment, available on Amazon. If you liked it, then purchase the entire book to read all of the great tips now!