The Key To Your WLS Success Is Found in Tip B: Be Better

Be Better
– Thomas Jefferson
B is for Be Better. Don’t try to “do your best” every time. That does not leave room for improvement, and it lulls you into a false sense of security. “I did my best, so what more could I possibly do?” gives you comfort that if you didn’t achieve your goal, it’s okay because at least you tried your best. But there is really no way to know whether or not we actually did our “best.”
Rather than simply trying your best, decide to be better. Be better this time than last; be better today than you were yesterday. If yesterday was five diet sodas, you can be better today by drinking only four diet sodas, and then three tomorrow. You don’t need to go straight from five to zero in a day, as long as every day you’re getting better and better. You will be making progress in the right direction and will ultimately reach your weight loss goals if you simply resolve to be better today than yesterday.
But understand that Be Better also applies to every area of your life, not just weight loss. Be a better mother, spouse, or daughter. Be a better employee, coworker, or friend. Be a better gardener, cook, or runner this year than last year. To be better, you must learn new skills. The tricks that worked 10 years ago, no longer work today. Do not react to situations in the same way you did when you were 16. You must grow. You must evolve. Do not stay the same. Do not become complacent.
The great philosopher Carl Jung said, “Our problems cannot be solved. They must be outgrown.” This means you have to be better.
*The preceding is an excerpt from Dr. Vuong's new book, "Weight Loss Surgery Success: Dr. V's A-Z Tips for Losing Weight and Gaining Enlightenment" that is now available on
Sparklingbeauty53 202
Well said, welcome advice to me who is learning to let go of perfectionism! I like that Be Better! Thanks!
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