Dare to Let Go!
Letting Go doesn't mean you give up.
Letting Go doesn't mean you don't care.
Letting Go simply means you relinquish your struggle to force things to happen a certain way.
You release your struggle to make people behave the way you want them to
(even if you really believe your way is the right way,
it is only the right way for you).
Letting Go means you begin to accept people and situations as they are.
Letting Go means having the courage to give up your idea of what you thought your life was supposed to be
and embrace your life as it is.
In Letting Go you begin to look at the world through kind and compassionate eyes.
You shift from living in the energy of judgement, fear, and frustration to living in the energy of unconditional love and acceptance.
When you Let Go of trying to control things that you cannot, you free yourself to control the one thing you can: YOU.
In Letting Go you give yourself the gift of finally
being able to show up for YOU!
In releasing my need to control I set myself free!
The only thing I can control are my
thoughts, feelings, and actions...
Wow, that means I get to control how I experience my life!!
When I stop trying to control others, I actually have the time and energy to take care of me!
Live in love,
Sparklingbeauty53 202
Sometimes controlling yourself is hard enough!.
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