Addicted to the Thrill of Shopping

Do you have unopened or tagged items in your closet? It is especially serious if you have forgotten you have them.
Do you frequently purchase things you don’t need or didn’t plan to buy? It’s more serious if you are compulsive in regards to buying one name brand in particular.
Do you medicate feelings of anger or frustration by going to the mall or a favorite boutique?
Do you notice you get excited or feel a thrill when you buy? This could suggest an adrenaline rush, which is addictive with feel good hormones released when you make a purchase.
After your purchase do you feel guilty or remorseful after you buy? Do you notice you rationalize your purchase to feel better?
Do you conceal or hide your purchases?
Do you feel anxious, out of sorts or empty if you don’t shop?
If you begin to notice that you are spending more at the mall than you should be or shopping online, stopping it before it becomes out of control is possible. These suggestions may help you or someone you love.
Find a new activity to substitute for shopping. Listen to music, go for a run or walk, or plan short coffee outings with your friends. Talking with friends helps develop healthy communication for managing upsetting feelings.
When you are in a situation that makes you want to shop, such as a conflict with a family member, stress at work, or feeling alone, write down your thoughts and have a person in place you can talk with.
Limit the amount of cash you carry and leave credit cards or debit cards at home.
Always carry a shopping list to the store and don’t allow yourself to get anything not on the list.
Set a dollar limit with your partner and call one another prior to spending that amount. This helps add accountability, which also helps your partner know what’s going on.
A shopping addiction can lead to financial ruin as well as failed relationships. Talking with a licensed counselor can help you discover the feelings underneath your need for shopping. If your addiction has already caused problems in your relationship, more intense treatment may be necessary. Support groups such as Debtors Anonymous are helpful to the shopper and their family. It may seem innocent to go shopping with the girls, but if you are a shopaholic, it is as destructive as gambling.
I don't think this article is applicable for many of us. You have to remember, shopping when heavy or obese is an ordeal. If you find something that fits, you buy it in every color and get the hell out of the store as fast as possible. For those who are/were heavy and obese for many years, this is the first time in a long time that shopping can be fun again. I've spent a considerable amount of money over the past year buying clothing that only fit for a few months or even weeks before going to another size.
I don't regret a moment of it except when I was still purchasing like a fat girl. One in every color. I understand now that I don't have to do that anymore. So...most of my clothes have gone to charity or to friends. I'm glad they are being used by someone else.
We also may overdo because suddenly we actually look good in clothes. That's a big change for many of us. I have to stop myself from overbuying. But it's hard when you see how nice you look now. My only consolation is that I try to buy from discount or lower end stores and I take advantage of sales as much as possible. I look good in dresses again so I just bought six of them. But they were half price so I got them all.
This could be construed as being a shopaholic but it's not. Nothing personal, but the last thing we need is to be afraid of something that is new again and pleasurable. As long as you can pay that credit card bill, there's nothing to worry about. Have fun shopping gals!!
Have to admit, I am having fun putting new looks together! If I don't love it, not going to buy it- no matter how great the price is. Even my shoes dropped a size, so everything needs to be replaced. Clearing out my old clothes was difficult, like the lady said, if you can afford it, enjoy it, and that depends on your budget.
Honestly, I love shopping. Always have. Never had an issue with being addicted to it. I'm not going to spend my rent money on clothes. A girl has to have a place to put those clothes. But I might be an anomaly since I have always loved to shop, even at 300 plus lbs. I will admit it is nicer now, to be able to go into a normal store instead of into the plus size section.
When I was 260 pounds I hated shopping. It was so difficult to find anything to fit or anything that looked decent. Shopping was a chore. Though I am not at goal weight yet, I am small enough that it is much easier to find things in regular stores and I can get things on sale at bargain prices. Now I love shopping and when I get frustrated, bored, upset... what ever... I find myself medicating by shopping. I can see it as a problem If I don't figure out how to curb the shopping. I'm out of closet space and I have way too many shoes. I have substituted one addiction for another. I hope I can get a grip on this one.
I can't wait to get rid of my fat clothes. There are a few things I found that were cute for fat girl clothes...but most remind me of grandma clothes. Old Navy used to have better clothing and items you could actually try on in store, but now it's online only for plus size gals. I may never get down to the size of my sister...who runs half marathons and works out a lot...but the thought of being able to go clothes shopping with her again totally makes me happy! And buying bras in a store would be nice lol
Like @@gowalking, I've had to replace most of my clothes and shoes recently. I've given the old ones to charity, bought a couple of nice blouses, and go to Goodwill for the rest. I'm losing pretty fast and the clothes won't fit me for long. I also moved, and that forced me to get rid of stuff I might have otherwise pushed into the back of a closet.
I hated shopping when fat. I don't really like it now either. I do like trying on something that fits. Last week I bought 9 blouses at four different Goodwill stores and paid 38 bucks for the bunch. Three of them are too small but will fit me in a month. I've never been able to do that before. They were cute and just a tad too tight. It made sense to buy them when I found them.
I can switch addictions. I'm built that way. But I agree that some shopping for us is not only normal and healthy, but required!
I have always been a shopper. I probably have more clothes, shoes and accessories than most of my friends put together. I did the same thing - if something fit and looked half way decent, I would buy it in multiple colors or patterns. (And never got rid of anything.) Now, clothes shopping has been fun! I definitely don't feel like I have to settle for something that is half way decent, it has to be spectacular or I don't buy it. It has been very satisfying going through all of my clothes and being able to fill 10 large boxes of clothes that no longer fit. (And finding some "skinny clothes" hidden away that are now too big!!)
Shopping online has been what I have been doing a lot of lately. If I am unsure about the size, I order two sizes and see what fits best, and send the rest back or plan a day to make returns to the physical store and do some in store shopping. It has worked out well so far. I can shop online any time (which is very helpful with a busy schedule) and usually online stores have a larger selection than their brick and mortar counterparts.
I agree with @gowalking if I can pay the bill, I am okay with it.
I love shopping and I answered YES to many of the questions asked. Lol
I have never spent money that shouldn't be spent or went overboard and was in a panic about how much I spent later.
I will shop at any size but it's much more fun nog to have such size restrictions and being able to shop in the non-plus size section and know things will fit.
James Marusek 5,244
After surgery and weight loss, I found that I had to completely replace my wardrobe. Since I like shopping (bargain shopping), this was fun. Well now my closets are full and I have to stop shopping for myself. Too bad, it was so much fun.
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