The Smoothie and Protein Drink Debate

Among the bariatric community there is a raging debate going on:
Smoothies vs. No Smoothies.
Or, Protein Drinks vs No Protein Drinks.
There are many that believe that once you get past a certain point in your bariatric life, you should be able to set aside the protein drinks and focus on actual food instead. Others think that keeping in the protein drinks and smoothies are a good and healthy way to make sure we get our protein count.
Those that are the No-Drink advocates believe that protein from food sources such as meat, tofu, and dairy are more easily absorbed and digested, and that the protein count from drinks can be inaccurate because of how much our bodies actually absorb vs. how much the product contain. There is also the fact that many protein powders and drinks on the market are filled with chemicals and artificial flavors that wreck havoc on the body and the digestive system.
Something else to consider from this perspective is that many of us become intolerant of things such as lactose, soy, and other foods that most protein drinks contain. Consuming these drinks can cause digestive distress and other allergic reactions.
Despite these thoughts, there is a strong case for the benefits of continuing smoothies and protein drinks well after we begin our lives on solid foods.
First off, our bodies are actually able to absorb about 30-40 g of protein per hour. If we are drinking a 25-30g protein drink over the course of a half an hour, we’re likely to absorb the majority of that protein.
Second, when we make a smoothie using our protein drinks (adding fruits and vegetables to the mix), we are adding vital vitamins, nutrients, and fiber to our diets. For some of us, there’s no way we’d be able to eat what we need in one day, much less in one meal. Smoothies are a great way to get those things in.
Third, if you have a food intolerance to whey or soy, there are other amazing alternatives that are just as easily absorbed. There are many great vegan protein powders on the market made with flax, hemp, pea, rice, and other ingredients that contain almost as much digestible protein as whey( look for a good powder that contains a combination of brown rice and pea protein). As someone who personally cannot tolerate whey or soy, these were a godsend to find!
Lastly, there are some of us, especially those that may have a band or a sleeve, that have issues with meat and protein. For example, I’m two years out from my vertical sleeve, and often still have problems tolerating chicken and beef! When this happens, we are left with little choice for protein then to turn to drinks and smoothies.
The choice whether or not to continue with protein drinks or smoothies is a personal one. Many people tolerate meat and other high-protein foods well, while others might still have problems with them. In these cases, protein drinks and smoothies can be a viable and important dietary supplement!