The Smoothie and Protein Drink Debate

Among the bariatric community there is a raging debate going on:
Smoothies vs. No Smoothies.
Or, Protein Drinks vs No Protein Drinks.
There are many that believe that once you get past a certain point in your bariatric life, you should be able to set aside the protein drinks and focus on actual food instead. Others think that keeping in the protein drinks and smoothies are a good and healthy way to make sure we get our protein count.
Those that are the No-Drink advocates believe that protein from food sources such as meat, tofu, and dairy are more easily absorbed and digested, and that the protein count from drinks can be inaccurate because of how much our bodies actually absorb vs. how much the product contain. There is also the fact that many protein powders and drinks on the market are filled with chemicals and artificial flavors that wreck havoc on the body and the digestive system.
Something else to consider from this perspective is that many of us become intolerant of things such as lactose, soy, and other foods that most protein drinks contain. Consuming these drinks can cause digestive distress and other allergic reactions.
Despite these thoughts, there is a strong case for the benefits of continuing smoothies and protein drinks well after we begin our lives on solid foods.
First off, our bodies are actually able to absorb about 30-40 g of protein per hour. If we are drinking a 25-30g protein drink over the course of a half an hour, we’re likely to absorb the majority of that protein.
Second, when we make a smoothie using our protein drinks (adding fruits and vegetables to the mix), we are adding vital vitamins, nutrients, and fiber to our diets. For some of us, there’s no way we’d be able to eat what we need in one day, much less in one meal. Smoothies are a great way to get those things in.
Third, if you have a food intolerance to whey or soy, there are other amazing alternatives that are just as easily absorbed. There are many great vegan protein powders on the market made with flax, hemp, pea, rice, and other ingredients that contain almost as much digestible protein as whey( look for a good powder that contains a combination of brown rice and pea protein). As someone who personally cannot tolerate whey or soy, these were a godsend to find!
Lastly, there are some of us, especially those that may have a band or a sleeve, that have issues with meat and protein. For example, I’m two years out from my vertical sleeve, and often still have problems tolerating chicken and beef! When this happens, we are left with little choice for protein then to turn to drinks and smoothies.
The choice whether or not to continue with protein drinks or smoothies is a personal one. Many people tolerate meat and other high-protein foods well, while others might still have problems with them. In these cases, protein drinks and smoothies can be a viable and important dietary supplement!
I use supplements for several reasons, not the least of which is I can keep my calories in check and get a large boost to my Protein count for the day. They allow me the flexibility in my diet to allow the occasional piece of bread or other non-protein food and I LIKE eating like a "normal" person who occasionally eats carbs. Tossing a shot of chocolate whey in my morning coffee costs me only 100 calories and gains me 23g of protein, plus, I think it makes it taste like Starbucks. COULD I get 75+g from food alone? Yes, but I don't want to live like that as I'd be eating pretty much nothing but chicken!
I use Protein drinks in the morning on my way to work (3 days a week) because I can drink it slowly in the car on my 1 hour commute. I also might throw one in late at night if I haven't gotten in enough Protein during the day.
I think it's silly to completely ban them as they are a convenient way to get some extra protein in during the day. However, I could understand a doctor being concerned if that is what you're surviving on and you haven't really learned how to choose healthy foods to eat.
As a bander, my weekday mornings consist of a fruit/vegetable/dairy smoothie, only real way I can get those things down on a regular basis, and getting solid food past my band before 9:00 am is a crap shoot.
Edited by Terry Poperszky
I will tell you honestly that I use both types of Protein. If you are working out and building muscle, the best way to quickly absorb Protein for muscle repair is through a shake or a smoothie. Sure you could go out and eat some grilled chicken or a turkey burger but after an intense work out...ugh I can't eat a thing and shakes/smoothies are life savers
On the whole I try to get my protein through whole foods, meats and soy that have to be cut and chewed so that they stimulate my band, but there is a place for shakes and smoothies as well as Protein Bars.
I am a big fan of Protein shakes. I usually start most mornings with a Protein shake that I make myself. It is a great beginning for me. I use a quality Whey Protein Isolate that adds about 30 grams of protein early in the day, which is something I like. I am usually satisfied for 3-31/2 hours afterwards. I do not usually drink Protein Shakes during the day other than if I need it after a particularly tough workout. It is a way to get additional amounts of protein into my diet. I much prefer making my own shakes and rarely use pre made shakes
I do exercise regularly, and based on my current 1200 calories a day, I don't think I could eat enough dense protein to meet the 120+ grams of protein without using a shake each day.
I like my shakes that I make myself.
I like to experiment with them by using sugar free Torani syrups and no calorie products from Walden Farms. I like Walden Farms Marshmallow Dip and also the Carmel Dip in my shakes.< /strong>
By the way Walden Farms makes lots of products that are no calorie or fat.
I can't eat to much poultry or meats so this is my way of getting my Protein in.
Hi Jen- Right now i'm only about 5 wks post op and FOR Protein shakes. I start my day off with Muscle Milk 100 cal pre-mixed, mix with about 10 oz milk and ice. it's a great way to wake my gut up without bombarding it with solid 'food' first thing. This also gets me about 25g Protein and about 20 oz liquids so also helps there.
i'm learning how to time my eating through the day and getting LOTS of protein through my food, but this shake in the AM is my guarantee that i will get it, because sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day to eat enough, plus time it around my drinks!
i've got a couple friends who are 2 yrs post op and they do smoothies now, with greek yogurt, frozen fruit and a small scoop of vanilla protein. it's the only protein 'effort' that they make in their days now, but for them it also ensures that they are getting adequate protein amounts.
Three years out from VSG and I don't do Protein drinks now unless I'm sick or traveling where it is hard to get enough Protein in a day. But I still drink a smoothie made from fruit and greek yogurt. Yum!
I'm not anti-protein drink, I just prefer food. I'm not nuts about any of the Protein Drinks, so I was glad to leave them behind.
I see no problem in continuing the Protein shakes actually for life. Sometimes it comes in handy when you are running all day and just haven't done a good job at getting your Protein in. I am 4 months out and my must haves at home are Jay Robb whey protein (chocolate), soy milk, cocoa powder, skinny girls stevia, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and babybel cheese in those rare cases when I know I didn't get my protein in for the day. Plus, instead of eating something before and after a workout, it sometimes feels good to drink a Protein shake. Cool and refreshing.
I think Protein Shakes / smoothies should be used to supplement, sometimes when your on the go a Protein Shake makes for a quick meal and prevents you from getting hungry and making bad food decisions or sometimes your craving something like ice cream and can whip up a smoothie like mike shake to satisfy that craving.
Just can't tolerate the Protein Drinks at all-I forced one down this morning and felt ill for a couple of hours
InfiniteButterfly 438
I am for smoothies and Protein drinks. Most of the time, I do get my Protein from foods, but sometimes, my tummy just doesn't want food. And a Protein Drink is an acceptable choice. My surgeon is totally okay with a protein drink or two, so long as they are instead of a meal rather than in addition to (he made the distinction when I asked if it was okay to continue Protein Drinks in the morning)
Most mornings, I have a shake rather than food because it sits better. My tummy does not like food before 10 a.m., and since I'm generally awake and on the move at 5 a.m., I need something to fuel my morning. The shake does it.
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