Michelangelo Saw the Beauty Within!

He could take a piece of stone, say marble, look at it, study it and see what lay inside that piece of rock. He saw beauty in it and worked until that beauty was exposed. He would chip away at the stone little by little shaping it, molding it, working every angle of the rock to make sure that what he saw inside would come to life at his hands. He stood back and looked at his progress and wondered if he was getting the results he knew was inside. He measured, considered and chipped away until the piece was perfect in his mind.
Did he expect to find the beauty within the stone in two months? Or even a year? Maybe! Most likely not as his work was calculated and loved as he proceeded to get the most out of the marble that he was working with. His love and artistry has lasted down through the centuries and has awed many of us to this day. Some who dabble in the arts would long to be a fraction of the greatness attributed to Michel Angelo. He worked at it until it was the beautiful piece that he intended it to be. Did he give up! No! Did he question his thoughts and his fortitude to complete the work? Most likely. But without his hard work and seeing his art through to a finish, he would not have been the man everyone considers to be the ultimate artist of all time.
Are we like Michelangelo's in our journey to find the beauty within the shell that we are chipping away at bit by bit. Shaping and forming and rebuilding until we have the desired results needed to say our work is complete. Or do we continue to chip and chip away at ourselves with negative talk or expectations of more then what we can find in ourselves?
Do we want to go far beyond what is possible and put ourselves in a position where we will never be content and happy about who we have become. Or who we are meant to be for that matter. Do we long to look like we did at sixteen and therefore set ourselves up for failure! What is the goal here? Is it working to get healthy and improve our lives and well being! Yes most definitely!!!
We need to see ourselves as we are meant to be. Not what society dictates as normal today. Stick thin and then some! There is so much fat shaming out there and sadly it is accepted by many! If we buy into this thinking we will believe that our body type is not 'correct'. Therefore we may never see our true wonderful selves. The sacrifices we have made to change our lives such as changed personal and family relationships, even financial sacrifices. Not to mention the courage required to even take this step. Why should we allow society to dictate to us what we should look like.
When we decided to have weight loss surgery our goals were to lose the excess weight so that we could become more active and live a better, more fulfilled life. While some of us end up ten or even twenty pounds below what was expected there is another group that have gone well beyond this. Some have traveled this journey and have not taken care to find who they are inside. They have gone beyond what was suggested by their surgeon and nutritionist. Their health has suffered because they did not see the beauty of who they were inside the outside coating. New addictions surfaced by following a rigid former failed diet along with the pressure of wanting to be like others we have seen in movies, magazines, friends or even relatives. Some of us have pushed ourselves to the brink of unhealthiness.
Some keep carving and chipping away until there is nothing left to work with and the desired finish is not met. Going beyond what was necessary, to see just how small we can be or weigh can become the central point of our existence. Would it be possible to maintain this new life style? In most cases no. Setting ourselves up to fail again is not the answer to long lasting health benefits. Being balanced in everything will bring us good health. Not to mention the ability to do all the things we listed on that piece of paper stuck to the refrigerator or the goal weight we put down here in our profiles. When deep inside we thought we would never ever get to that goal. Right!?
Learning to retrain our brains to see food as a form of nourishment, rather then a reward or a comfort for troubled times. We must learn the best way to feed our bodies so that we will reach our proper weight level resulting in sound health.
So where does it end? When will we see ourselves as successful? When will we be able to say, “I finally got here and now I can maintenance it and enjoy the fruits of my labors.” When will it be okay to say, “I am happy with myself and proud of all I have accomplished?” We deserve to say it. We deserve to live it. We need to learn to enjoy the new us and look forward to what life has to offer us. So we can grab it, run with it and live it to the limit!
When Michelangelo grew older he started to feel and see his mortality. That was when he sculpted the Rondanini Pieta. This was likely his last sculpture. It was never to be completed because Michelangelo carved it until there was not enough stone left. The legs and a detached arm remain from a previous stage of the work. As it is, the sculpture has an abstracted quality, in keeping with the 20th-century concepts of sculpture.
So, may we never over sculpt our body's, suffering the results of it going far beyond who we were meant to be. Believing that there would never be a size that is right for us. We must find a place of contentment. Most of all we must see the beauty within ourselves as we travel this life as a successful weight loss surgery patient.
Awesome article, Jane!!
you are such an inspiration. thanks for posting!
Thank you so much!
you are such an inspiration. thanks for posting!
I loved this. So true.
what a wonderful perspective!
Oh, RJ. We love you! x
You truly are an inspiration! Thank you for giving back. I am six weeks into my journey, and I plan on following all your posts. I want to focus focus everyday. Every time I here a tip I know I can use for the future I write it down.
jenngottaloseit 89
love this and yes i feel like an artist working and chipping away to reveal the beauty underneath.
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