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10 points
An interesting week
LadyJGrey and 9 others reacted to MrsFitz for a post in a topic
I’m just beginning my second week of my pre op learning and it’s been a fun, interesting week (for me anyway!) I started eating a little better, getting more protein in to my daily diet and logging everything. Good news is that I’m 9lbs down in the first week so I will take that win thank you very much. I’ve also been practicing mindful eating too. My approach to eating was to hoover food up as quickly as possible but, after reading about WLS and what I need to concentrate on post-surgery, I have made sure that every meal has taken 20 mins to eat, that I eat off a plate, put my cutlery down between bites, don’t put more food in my mouth when I already have some food in there etc. Being a sceptical kind of person, I wasn’t really sold on the benefits of this but I gave it a whirl, just to see. I will definitely hold my hand up and admit that my scepticism was misplaced. My head and stomach now recognise that I have actually eaten something and it’s registered with them. I now have a feeling of fullness that I didn’t have before, which really is an eye opener. I know it probably sounds strange but I honestly cannot remember having this? Disordered eating has been such a part of my life for a very long time. I’ve also been giving different sources of protein a try, not for post-op as I’ve really taken on board people’s findings of tastes etc changing after surgery, but for the liver reduction diet and to give myself some variety now as I move towards that. I have tried protein water (a bit sweet but doable) protein yoghurts and protein puddings. Hubby recommended some PHD whey protein but I haven’t tried that yet. The bag isn’t yet open and all I can smell is overpowering vanilla 🤢 I will try it at some point this week, just to see if it tastes better than it smells! I’ve also ordered some 0%-everything flavour drops to try in Greek yoghurt etc, just waiting for those to arrive. My Bariatric plates arrived this week, plus measuring cups and spoons. I’ve been consistently taking my multivitamin, vitamin D and folic acid (because of pre-existing meds) have taken the dreaded ‘before’ photos (and managed not to cry) and generally had a positive week. I know my surgery may be a long way off but things are moving in the right direction and I’m happy about that. Onwards and downwards! -
7 points
Feeling Happy
catwoman7 and 6 others reacted to MrsFitz for a post in a topic
A new week beckons… Laid in bed this morning, just taking stock of how I’m feeling and I actually feel happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that happy feeling for no apparent reason. The first part of my WLS journey is completed and now out of my hands for now so I’ve mentally put that to one side. I’ve started back at the gym and I’M LOVING IT!! I know the gym isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I truly enjoy it. I found something that works for me and can sustain it, which is really important for anyone trying to improve their fitness. I’ve been 3 times this past week and I’m not pushing it as yet, no matter how much the little devil on my shoulder is telling me to 😈 I’m aiming to go every 3rd day at the moment but will re-visit that in a few weeks time. Granddaughters party went as well as could be expected with other little kids there! I didn’t go mad food-wise - a burger, handful of mini sausage rolls, 1 Jammie Dodger, a cupcake and a small piece of cake. I actually threw a piece of quiche away which is a first for me and left the crisps, coleslaw etc alone! I know it may seem a lot but compared to what I would shovel away previously, it’s actually quite restrained! My body shape is changing, even if the scales aren’t particularly moving right now. I went through my gym stuff and tried on a pair of leggings that are size 18/20 and they fit! That was a bit of a surprise, especially as I couldn’t get them up my thighs previously 😮 Various other items are now ether too big or now fitting whereas before they were too tight. The jeans that were fine a few weeks ago? Can now get them off without unfastening them! I actually had to buy some smaller things this week. I’m not a fan of bras, they dig in and I find them uncomfortable. So I prefer the crop-top bralette type things (I’m a C cup at most) I’d noticed that I wasn’t feeling as ‘secure’ as I had before so decided it was time to update. I got a couple of vest tops with built-in support and a 3 pack of bralettes from M&S, all in smaller sizes and all fit - yay! It’s the simple things really that can give such a boost 🙂 Hairdressers tomorrow. I’m having a bit of a crisis with my hair at the moment. When I was accepted on to the Bariatric Pathway, I decided to grow my hair (all part of the ‘New Me’ vibe) Previously I had pixi-type cut and now it’s a short bob, just about at the bottom of my ears. However it’s lacking any body and looks really thin. I know my meds can play havoc, especially as I started a new injection back on November which can cause hair thinning after a few months. My hair hasn’t come out in clumps or anything, I’m just finding lots of stray hairs on things. I know that WLS also causes Hair loss, so I’m now floundering a little. I’m going to have a chat with my hairdresser and see what she comes up with but I’m really erring on the side of ‘chop it off’…sigh…it’s not easy being a woman at times is it?? I plan to tackle more of my wardrobe this week and get that thinned out. Has anyone else gone through their clothes and thought to themselves “what were you thinking?” Yeah, I’m having a bit of that. However it’s more of a case of I’ve bought something previously and it has remained unworn. This is what happens when you’re the size of a a house - you buy something because it fits, not because you actually like it. I definitely will be a damn sight more discerning moving forward. Have a fabulously productive week everyone 😉 Onwards and Downwards! -
7 points
6 points
Almost 3 years out!
Postop and 5 others reacted to stizza216 for a post in a topic
Good Evening All! I am almost 3 years postop from my Duodenal Switch w/ Biliopancreatic Diversion. It has been a long 3 years but it has been worth all of the effort I have put into this. I recently had to have emergency surgery to fix a wall hernia/bowel obstruction and something with my mesentery. I am scheduled for my excess skin removal on July 8th 2024. I am excited and I am proud of myself for all of this hard work. Its not easy with this surgery and anyone who has gone through it or is about to, remember one day at a time and YOU CAN DO THIS!! -
5 points
Before & afters really help you see progress!!!
SleeveToBypass2023 and 4 others reacted to Dchonlee for a post in a topic
Same dress!!!! -
5 points
Just met with my doctor
GreenTealael and 4 others reacted to Dchonlee for a post in a topic
I had many questions. He told me i can work out now (yay!!!!). He said i can incorporate certain foods but mashed potatoes & sweet potatoes is a no go. So cooked veggies and chicken shall be my next go to. But i’m 181 today! Officially 36lbs down. He encouraged me that i was at the right pace because my starting weight wasnt so high — if i lost alot immediatley, he’d be concerned. On the table, i didnt realize i was 195😨. So yeah, he said im on the right track and i’d meet my goal of 160 probably in september or october. The good news? I can work out to keep active & busy -
5 points
JennyBeez and 4 others reacted to Starting b2b for a post in a topic
I will be 2yrs post op in Sept this year, I only lost 70 lbs and I have gained 15/20 of that back. I’m so uncomfortable and frustrated with my body. I’m hungry constantly, absolutely NO energy, tired all the time. Was dx with Narcolepsy on top of sleep apnea this year. I see myself falling back into my old habits and I’m absolutely terrified I’m going back to my weight gain. I need some hard truth given to me. I feel so lost and in a horrible slump that I can’t get out of. -
5 points
An Up And Down Week
JennyBeez and 4 others reacted to MrsFitz for a post in a topic
I think I’m entering my ‘stall’ period now. Having had numerous attempts at weight loss in the past, I know my body sulks between week 3 and week 7. I’m just beginning week 5 so the timing is bang on. My weight has gone up 1.5lbs from my lowest weight this week but it happens so I will just keep on keeping on. Once my body has got over its sulk the weight should start coming off once again. A couple of NSV this week. I don’t know about anyone else but my clothing sizes can be a bit all over the place. One size of clothing can have 3 meanings for me, depending on what it’s made of. So, for example, there’s the ‘I’m kidding myself’ sizing - plenty of give, elasticated, stretchy material. It may say 22 but I know it’s really a 24+. There’s then the ‘huh, it’s not too bad’ sizing - some give, not that stretchy, a definitely generous 22, and then there’s the ‘unforgiving’ sizing - no give, no stretch, no elasticated waist etc, a definite 22. For long enough I’ve been at the ‘I’m kidding myself’ stage but I went shopping in my wardrobe and found a couple of tops with no give, a definite 22. Tried both on - they fit!! And they didn’t look like sausage skin!! Very happy dance around the bedroom! I also went out of my comfort zone at the weekend and bought myself a size 22 no-stretch denim maxi skirt. I can fasten it, just, but don’t rate my chances of sitting down and/or breathing in it 😮💨 However, I’m keeping it as I know I will fit in to it comfortably at some point. We’re off to London for a few nights in 3 weeks or so, so fingers crossed it may fit a little better by then 🤞🤞 Meds have finally been sorted and delivered, had my Oximetry test last week so hopefully that’s gone well. No Bariatric appointments this week but I have my endoscopy next week plus knee X-rays for my arthritis. Food wise things are going OK. My new favourite thing is Lindhals Stracciatella Kvarg protein yoghurt - oh, I could eat barrels of the stuff! I’ve also tried the Warburtons Protein Power bread as a change to the whole meal. It’s definitely nice as a change but doesn’t want to make me eat lots and lots of it, which is a definite plus! Hope everyone has a great week… Onwards and Downwards! -
5 points
Yesterday was my 1st day back at work!!!
Arabesque and 4 others reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 for a post in a topic
Man oh MAN did I miss it!!! My body is really tired (not used to the physical activity for 8 hours a day) but it felt great being back. I missed my team and my patients!!! Not sure if I shared it, but I'm a certified clinical medical assistant. Next surgeries won't be for a couple of years, and those are just plastics. So glad to FINALLY be done with all that!!! -
5 points
Starting my Gastric bypass surgery journey
JennyBeez and 4 others reacted to MrsFitz for a post in a topic
Hi 👋 I’m just starting my journey too! My appointments are over the next couple of months but no indication of when I could expect surgery. It could be up to a year apparently but I’m hoping that everything is straightforward with the appointments and tests so there’s no delays (and therefore my surgery is sooner 🤞) Where are you based? I’m UK 😊 I’ve been reading everything I can, downloading bariatric recipe books, ordered a couple of bariatric plates (advised by dietitian for portion control) plus measuring cups and spoons to make weighing a bit simpler. I’ve started to eat a more protein-based diet and I’m learning to slow down my eating (20 mins) so I’m not overwhelmed when I have to start the liver control diet and then surgery! Good luck with your journey, hope everything goes smoothly for you.