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  1. 4 points

    Food obsession!

    Hey guys, The last few days have been super hard I just want to eat all the time I feel so empty! I know its mainly head hunger and at nearly 8 weeks out it is my mind fighting against the changes I have made. I miss eating more! I have had slight cravings for junk food lately but I will not eat it because I know it will do me absolutely no good and it will make me worse off. I haven't eaten any of it since before my surgery and have no plans to in the future. As a recovering food addict a little bite would be a massive trigger to eat way too much and I can't deal with that. I know I have been addicted to food pretty much my whole life but I honestly didn't think that my addiction was as bad as it clearly is. I don't regret having the surgery and having lost 2 stone 6lbs is amazing in such a short time, it's just so hard to get used to the huge life change. I am all in and will continue eating healthy unprocessed food because my body loves it and I feel so much better physically. It's taking my mind a long time to catch up though and I'm struggling. I have heard plenty of ideas about finding a hobby and doing things to focus my mind away from food but I need to face up to my food demons and learn to live with them. I don't want to avoid these feelings coming up, they need to be dealt with. So I journal when it gets too much and I post on here too. I'm just looking for some one who understands how I feel and who can tell me it gets better! Thanks again guys x
  2. 2 points
    Yes this is normal. Your stomach isn't producing as much ghrelin which is the hormone that tell us we are hungry. So your body is sending signals to the brain that you aren't hungry.
  3. 2 points

    Food obsession!

    Hey sweet, I think what you are experiencing is something we all go/continue to go through! Although I still don't feel hungry very often, I crave certain tastes if that makes sense! I have found with a balance of healthy and high protein foods, I can still enjoy a treat every so often, as I know one thing that used to completely derail me was not allowing myself to indulge every now and then - it is now just about changing what we indulge in! Honestly it does get easier and easier to manage as time goes on, and you are doing amazingly already! x
  4. 1 point
    Looking fabulous. I am surprised a doctor would tell you how your body will stop at a particular weight, mine just mentioned a target but said not to put pressure on myself to reach it as my body would do the work with me. Everyone's body will react differently and find its own rhythm and adjust for the changes in movement, diet etc. I went down to 61.5kg / 135lbs and panicked a bit as I felt I looked terrible, really gaunt and tired in the face, but over the last couple of months I have gone back up a few kg to bounce between 64kg and 65kg (141lb & 143lbs) and feel and look much better for it. Your body, and your mind, will find it's healthy place soon enough I am sure.
  5. 1 point

    New Member

    That's a brilliant effort so far! Congrats and keep up the good work! 😁
  6. 1 point
    Hey, I understand everybody knows their limits! Also miss the cookies right along with you! I spent a lot of time tweaking recipes to be bariatric friendly. These cashew buttercup like I can eat 2 to 4 of these a day and be fine and I cook big big batches and I don't go back for more so that's some real self restraint to be honest. Let me see I think the calorie content is. I think they are about 100 cal per cashew butter cup. People can adjust them to be lower switching out ingredients.
  7. 1 point
    The only sweets I allow myself are the Yasso bars and once in awhile a sugar free fudgcicle. I love sweets too! I'd "kill" for a fudge brownie or right out of the oven chocolate chip cookies. 🍪 🤗😍 Your Cashew cups look delicious! How many calories, fat etc?
  8. 1 point


    I was looking for an introductions forum, which was mentioned somewhere, but couldn't find it, and this seemed the most appropriate place! I just joined the site after reading - well listening to - Alec Brecher's book on the gastric bypass. I'm George, I'm 43 year olds and I currently live in Spain after a lot of moving around. I've been overweight all of my adult life, but I have rapidly gained a lot more weight in the last few years. Considering bariatric surgery was first recommended to me by my doctor a few years ago, but it was right before the pandemic and that interrupted the process I was on at the time. I am now scheduled to have (hopefully) gastric by pass on April 15th, privately, at a clinic in Latvia. I decided to pay for it myself since the wait time to do it on my government plan in my part of Spain right now is said to be about three years. Currently I am on Rybelsus to help me loose some weight before the surgery, and there's been /some/ success. I expect to be on the liver reduction diet for a month before the surgery and I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it! I look forward from learning from everyone on this forum.
  9. 1 point
    I'm currently debating proteins with my husband. LOL He's sold on bone broth protein powder, but I keep reading about whey isolate. Which is better for bariatric patients??
  10. 1 point
    First and foremost, I'm not going to preach abstinence, we are all adults and can make our own decisions. For me, apparently, I'm not an adult enough to be responsible. I've let alcohol take over, I drink daily and I've gained weight back. My spiral started around 4 years ago and has progressed steadily. Until recently, I was in control. I could drink and be ok. I would get drunk and know what happened the next day. Now however, I will get drunk and can't remember a thing. The next day I have massive brain fog, can't concentrate, can't orate correctly, I feel like crap, have the shakes etc. To be clear, I never leave my house and drive. I worry however that it could come to that. My weight is making my back problem even more painful. My clothes are tight, I'm depressed, and it's just awful. I feel like it's groundhogs day every day. I say I'm going to stop and I last a few days and then I slip back. However today I've made a decision to stop drinking entirely. I'm done. I'm not drinking ever again. I clearly can't control my self. I'm an addict with food and now alcohol. Much like food did, booze will ruin my life if I continue. I'm going to join AA and clean my life up yet again. Writing this is a first step for me. I'm not looking for pity, or to be chastised. I need to be self shamed and admit what I am. I'm an alcoholic. However, I can change this, I will change this. I will be healthier soon, it will be hard but I'm going to get there. So please, be careful with alcohol. We all spent a lot of time and money to say nothing of the physical and mental pain we've been through, don't throw it away. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using BariatricPal mobile app

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