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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2025 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    I had gastric bypass almost 6 years ago & I lost over 60 pounds! This past December my best friends both got me tshirts. The shirts were very thoughtful, I was touched by both of the shirts they got me & how meaningful they would be to me, BUT I just realized that both of the tshirts are a size 2xl! They still have body dysphoria of me 6 years later!!!! It’s hard enough for me to deal with but it’s a whole other ballgame when your best friends don’t see it!!!! Sorry, I just had to rant & I don’t have anyone else to rant about this too since my best friends obviously don’t see me for the size I am now!
  2. 1 point
    La Crisha

    So Scared Now, Please HELP!

    Hi there! I am getting ready to have surgery on Tuesday. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. I did a lot of preparing for this surgery. Three weeks ago, I did the liquid diet that you are supposed to do post op. I just wanted to get a feel of how it would be so I can prepare for what's to come. I started implementing the things that my dietitian and providers told me that I need to do to be successful post op. I stopped drinking all pop and carbonated beverages. I was buying all the things that was zero sugar added and sugar free. I have been drinking my protein shakes and clear protein drinks. I have been keeping up with my water intake and getting in as much exercise as I can. When I decided to go ahead a do the surgery I was weighing at 291 lbs. My task goal weight loss for surgery was set a 5lbs. I actually lost way more than that, I surpassed what they wanted me to lose. I am now 254lbs. I will probably have lost a little more by Tuesday. Starting tomorrow I have to be on clear liquids to prep for Tuesday. Just want to let you know you got this and you will do great. Just stay focus and motivated. I was the same way on edge and excited. Make sure you have a good support team too! This will help and make things feel so much better. It is good that you are nervous and excited! Way to go!!!!
  3. 1 point


    I think you need to send photo's of you wearing them with a WTF look on your face.
  4. 1 point

    I did it!

    Well after months of classes and clearances I finally had my surgery yesterday (March 20). I am actually doing great! No pain only pressure from the gas and soreness. I’m very pleased so far. The nurse that called to check on me asked if I was sure I had surgery because no one does this well after surgery. LOL.
  5. 1 point

    I did it!

    Congratulations on doing so well. Could I add a polite word of warning, Don't do too much too soon just because you feel so well at the moment. Its big surgery and the biggest part of it is inside you and you can't see it healing.
  6. 1 point

    Food Fatigue?

    I do think there's an element of "meh" going on with me as well. I'm not entirely sure if that's all due to things tasting a bit off, feeling tired (I've been really upping my workouts lately), or if I'm just losing some of the joy from eating. I'm sort of in the opposite boat in terms of food prep. I do almost all the food planning and shopping, as well as 90%+ of the cooking around my house. This is mostly because I'm retired and my wife is still working. When we were both still working, it was closer to 50/50. I do think if I didn't feel obliged to make food for her, I probably wouldn't bother for myself.
  7. 1 point
    2013 graduate school vs 2023 dirty bar 🤣 2015 Son vs 2024 Son
  8. 1 point
    I was going through my album, and while trying to lose weight I had favourited a few of my pictures for inspiration to get back to what I was. I was in the best shape after having my first child, see below photos from (2016/2017). My highest weight at 90 kgs/198 lbs (a few days before my VSG in December 2023) My post-op journey has all been about restriction and not being able to eat enough. It took me time to slowly build my stamina and muscle tone back. I have definition in my abs and my legs and arms are toned. I am 13 kilos/29 lbs lighter than my “before” fit (but it doesn't much show because muscles ha!), I am at an all time low in terms of weight but I feel absolutely fantastic. Hopefully can build kore muscle once I stabilize. My “fit” after:
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Tara A

    Before and After Pics

    355 to 150 at 4.5 years post surgery. I've lost another 10 lbs since this pic too!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
