I would reiterate what was mentioned above: find something you enjoy, and think outside the box.
Get outdoors! I know many people who use tennis and Padel for their cardio, some people swim, cycle, walk, jog, swim, hike ... etc.
Some people are consistent gym goers (like myself, except I have my home gym and rarely leave the house lol). I also love Pilates and combine it with a weight training and jogging routine, mixed with some conditioning. Through this I have achieved great fitness results and body composition. I did hours of intense cardio in the past but this combination has given me results I've not been able to attain in the past. However, I truly enjoy it and don't feel like it's a chore.
When you find something you enjoy you can always build on it and do the things you don't have a passion for but feel are necessary, or get to discover a newfound love for things you never liked before. As I said, think outside the box, and try new things, you'd be surprised!